Help me parse this review!


New Member
Oct 4, 2009
I recently bought the MS Aviano 8 speakers (Thanks to the help from the hifivision community!).

There were very few reviews at that time since it was relatively new. I went with what I heard and liked. Whathifi has finally reviewed the speakers. Can you all help me understand this article - having a hard time understanding words like maturity, sophistication and rough !

An extract follows:

Mature, but not rough enough
But when the going gets complex and involved, with Spiritualizeds Songs in A & E, the Aviano 8s sophistication and maturity become a hindrance as much as a help.

Theres no shortage of expression in the midrange, and high frequencies never threaten to become uncouth, but the relatively inhibited dynamic headroom and accompanying shortage of all-out excitement makes the M-Ss sound a little more pedestrian than they look.

Of course, words such as maturity and sophistication might be just what many a prospective customer wants to read.

For our part, though, we like our big, burly floorstanders to be able to rough it a bit when required.
Maybe the What HiFi guys did not get the proper treat they were looking for from the manufacturer/ dealers.I prefer to audition systems than rely on reviews often written by people with very incomplete and terrified knowledge of the subject.

If you like your speakers they are the best.
My interpretation is this

"Julian Richer has not been prompt in his advertising contributions / has reduced his advertising contributions / was not nice to us, so we'll focus on the negative aspects of his speakers."

From the description it may be gathered that the sound is a bit too polished, but I don't place any store in what What Hi Fi says......even their descriptions are often wrong. So if you like the speakers, that's all that matters.
reviewed the speakers. Can you all help me understand this article - having a hard time understanding words like maturity, sophistication and rough !

An extract follows:

hi evanoruvan,

sophisticated generally means 'smooth sounding', keeps its composure, but perhaps if you throw it a rock song that requires grit then perhaps that 'smoothness' might not be 'exciting' or visceral enough and the rock song might end up sounding 'smooth'. imagine a rocker in a suit versus a rocker in jeans and jumping around the stage.

though if you like the speakers ignore reviews. What! Hifi? has been woefully off the mark many a time.

i parse it like this.

This is a confession to management of whathifi from a frustrated employee who wanted to do a major in Philosophy and language but now is forced to review speakers just to make both ends meet.:)
Hi EO:

Don't get disheartened by WHFSV review of Aviano 8. I think those hifi words are simply 'rubbish'. Take it as a pinch of salt. Having said that, it runs in their blood, just check below of their past verdicts...

MA RS6 - *****
MA RS8 - ****

MS Mezzo 6 - *****
MS Mezzo 8 - ****

MS Aviano 6 - *****
MS Aviano 8 - ****

All the time the '8 series' speakers tend to get such nonsense terms deliberately downgrading them. You've got a long-term nice setup.

Hi EO:

Don't get disheartened by WHFSV review of Aviano 8. I think those hifi words are simply 'rubbish'. Take it as a pinch of salt. Having said that, it runs in their blood, just check below of their past verdicts...

MA RS6 - *****
MA RS8 - ****

MS Mezzo 6 - *****
MS Mezzo 8 - ****

MS Aviano 6 - *****
MS Aviano 8 - ****

All the time the '8 series' speakers tend to get such nonsense terms deliberately downgrading them. You've got a long-term nice setup.


that's bang on vinod dood! my sentiments exactly!
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