how to eliminate boomy bass...


New Member
Aug 28, 2008
in my house..,
hey bros. as u know i have polk rti series floorstanders my problem is they always sounded boomy i mean not the left speaker but right one u can hear boomy bass from right side of the room

tonite i added 1 pillow each in both corner n i reduce gud amount of boominess but not 100% so should i add more pillows like from floor to ceiling ,it will be hidden behind my screen curtain from both sides..
so pls help is it cheapest way to eliminate boominess or do u have any other solution ..
You can use spikes to reduce boomy bass a lot. If spikes are not an option, you can stuff socks or towels into the bass ports.
Stuffing socks and towels into the bass port "chokes" the speakers, robbing them of their vitality.

Use a lean sounding source or amplifier or both, and the boom will probably disappear.

Are there any FS which come without spikes? Personally I would never use an FS which did not have spikes or an isolation platform, or a BS without stands.
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Is your room symmetrical? If one speaker is sounding different than the other, then usually its the room which is causing that. Or damaged speaker. Try swapping the left speaker with right one. If that also sounds boomy on right, then its the room which is causing it. Your left side wall/corner may be different than right side wall/corner. A picture of the room can also help.
Since pillows seem to help, my guess is that you may be requiring bass traps. Go in for properly bass traps, pillows won't suffice..... especially for a bass-o-holic like you:)
Stuffing socks and towels into the bass port "chokes" the speakers, robbing them of their vitality.

Use a lean sounding source or amplifier or both, and the boom will probably disappear.

Are there any FS which come without spikes? Personally I would never use an FS which did not have spikes or an isolation platform, or a BS without stands.

A pair of towels are much cheaper than a lean sounding source/amp. The OP wants the cheapest solution which is what I gave him.

My Odyssey Syrens originally came without spikes. I ordered some from Ali and they made a huge difference.
A pair of towels are much cheaper than a lean sounding source/amp. The OP wants the cheapest solution which is what I gave him.

My Odyssey Syrens originally came without spikes. I ordered some from Ali and they made a huge difference.


Many people recommend stuffing the bass ports. I tried it in my set up and did not like it. It did cure the boom to a large extent but it also did something to the midrange, which made the overall SQ dull sounding. I am sure many people find it effective and use it in their set up. It is certainly cost effective. :) But aesthetically it is also a bit of an eye sore.

Many people recommend stuffing the bass ports. I tried it in my set up and did not like it. It did cure the boom to a large extent but it also did something to the midrange, which made the overall SQ dull sounding.

It kills other parts of the sound spectrum. The cure causes too much harm to be usable as a solution.

Many people recommend stuffing the bass ports. I tried it in my set up and did not like it. It did cure the boom to a large extent but it also did something to the midrange, which made the overall SQ dull sounding. I am sure many people find it effective and use it in their set up. It is certainly cost effective. :) But aesthetically it is also a bit of an eye sore.

I agree. I had massive boom from my speakers and had no option but to use old t-shirts till Ali fabricated spikes for me. The SQ did indeed suffer. However, the Syrens produce almost a ridiculous amount of bass for such a small single driver speaker. So much so that I could not listen to them even with 3ft of separation from the back walls. With spikes, they sound clean and tight even in a small and cramped room.

For the OP, we need a solution which is better than stuffing bass ports but cheaper than an electronics upgrade. I think some DIY bass traps?
Is your room symmetrical? If one speaker is sounding different than the other, then usually its the room which is causing that. Or damaged speaker. Try swapping the left speaker with right one. If that also sounds boomy on right, then its the room which is causing it. Your left side wall/corner may be different than right side wall/corner. A picture of the room can also help.

my room is i guess not fully symmetrical,i also swap speakers but same thing its from right side of the room i have spikes that comes with rti a5 speakers lemme try these
Is your room symmetrical? If one speaker is sounding different than the other, then usually its the room which is causing that. Or damaged speaker. Try swapping the left speaker with right one. If that also sounds boomy on right, then its the room which is causing it. Your left side wall/corner may be different than right side wall/corner. A picture of the room can also help.

my room is i guess not fully symmetrical,i also swap speakers but same thing its from right side of the room i have spikes that comes with rti a5 speakers lemme try these but speakers also have prefeets.....
Stuffing socks and towels into the bass port "chokes" the speakers, robbing them of their vitality.

Use a lean sounding source or amplifier or both, and the boom will probably disappear.

Are there any FS which come without spikes? Personally I would never use an FS which did not have spikes or an isolation platform, or a BS without stands.

u right i have tried towel n it sucks
Since pillows seem to help, my guess is that you may be requiring bass traps. Go in for properly bass traps, pillows won't suffice..... especially for a bass-o-holic like you:)

hey santosh bhai how r u,yaar pillows help but how to properly bass trap need serious advice coz of this boominess i set my hsu uls-15 vey low n didn't like the overall quality so pleeeeeeease
A pair of towels are much cheaper than a lean sounding source/amp. The OP wants the cheapest solution which is what I gave him.

My Odyssey Syrens originally came without spikes. I ordered some from Ali and they made a huge difference.

lemme try spikes bhai if it helps then it'll be great...fingers crossed :sad:
i guess a professional installer will cost sky high i right guys ,i have also found absolute sound in facebook from surat i'll contact him n will see .....
thanks sir
they are very close like only 9inches space n not an option for me to place inward in the room ...

Is your speaker rear firing port type? If yes, then 9 inch is way too less. Increasing that 2 feet should produce wonders. Please experiment. Even for non-rear firing, it's still good to keep sufficient space behind (and to the sides of the speakers).
easiest way is to introduce a dual channel graphic equaliser and reduce the bass curve on the channel producing boomy sound.....or else go for proper acousic treatment or relocation of your speaker system.....8-))
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