How to Post An Image at


Super Moderator
Jul 23, 2006
How to Post An Image at

If you would like to post images inside your posts, please use the following method:

Go to ImageShack® - Image Hosting

Click Browse

Select you image and click "Open"

Click "Host It!"

Once the image is uploaded scroll down to the bottom of the page and copy the "Direct Link to image"

Go to your post message and click on the "Insert Image" button.

Paste the link you just copied

Click "Ok"

Yes its very easy !! I do it through picasa and photobucket though !!

But one problem is you should not change or edit the image in the hosting site once you've put the link here !! otherwise the image will not be displayed here !

Very nice, easy to understand tutorial, Hifivision. This is indeed a good alternative to "attaching" images to your post which puts more strain and takes up space on this server that is hosting the Hifivision forum.
This was my question to HIFIvision yesterday. Certainly useful for my new up comming thread "Well it's about time, Show us what you got!". Thanks to HIFIvision.

Regards, Anil
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Good post HiFiVision. But I believe the ones who usually post pictures already know how to do it ;)

Thanks for making it easy for others though :)
Spot on mate, that's the primary objective for webmasters recommending this idea. Also this way no bandwidth is consumed from hosting environment.

For members this is more beinficial as they can show full sized pics embeded into posts. But imageshack is not the right choice, photobucket is recommended.

Similar way you can post videos from several repositories like youtube etc.

Latest Vbulletin comes with lot of new features including photo album, lightbox pic attachments etc.

which puts more strain and takes up space on this server that is hosting the Hifivision forum.
Imageshack has made compulsion to register & then if you upload photos,you can still link it.

Was this rule not there all the time? I had registered in 2008 and have been uploading since then. I was under the impression you cannot upload unless you register.

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I am unable to post pictures in my post lately. Has the procedure changed or would it be a temporary server error?

Thanks !
Image-shack stops free service after uploading certain images.Is it paid service now?
Any alternate website for image sharing? is indeed a paid service now. So I shifted to imgur. I think Flickr also supports but the UI has changed so much I could not figure out how to share it on a BB/Forum. Imgur works well for me.
I use No user creation is needed.

yes even I use tinypic and been using it for like ages. Initially you didnt even need to put that captcha image, making very easy to upload straight from via windows explore context menu. But with captcha that is not possible anymore, you have to log in to the site and upload.
I use photobucket. But its not really quick to upload. Lot of clicks needed before you can get the image URLs. Moreover it is compressed as with many other image sharing sites. It has lot of tools though. Flickr is uncompressed and quality is not degraded. is indeed a paid service now. So I shifted to imgur. I think Flickr also supports but the UI has changed so much I could not figure out how to share it on a BB/Forum. Imgur works well for me.
I had exactly the same problem only a few days ago --- so I opened a photobucket account.
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