Is it time for another DIY workshop in Bangalore?


I think we might want to add a brief presentation about room treatment to the list, people will benefit from a short refresher on this subject.

Maybe Raghu or his colleagues from Anutone also participate in this demo and showcase some of their products.

Amrut Fusion is not cheap at Rs 2400/750 ml..(Just bought 2 bottles today for my bro in the US). However if we have a platinum sponsor I will be glad to join the "August " gathering!

George sir, where did you get them? I've been looking all over but they seem to have gone off the shelves :(
I think we might want to add a brief presentation about room treatment to the list, people will benefit from a short refresher on this subject.

George san, I am in Trivandrum but I will try to chip in on the date decided.
Can the room treatment presentation include the room acoustics measurements also ? ( equipment's needed, data interpretation etc )

I got mine from the liquor wholesale shop just opposite to the Cafe Coffee Day at the intersection of Vittal Mallya and Lavelle Road-it is a small lane called Andree Road. My stock broker has his office directly above this outlet and is a valued buyer of his, so I go through him! Got 2 in March and took one as a present for my son in NY.

No offense but the last time Anutone's rep gave a presentation about room treatment it went well beyond all reasonable bounds time wise, and I am sure some who were present there will concur.


To do it properly with mike and multiple speakers also requires AVR/Pre pro with built in room correction s/w, we can try and show this at some volunteer's house maybe, no guarantees.

I think we might want to add a brief presentation about room treatment to the list, people will benefit from a short refresher on this subject.

Also we need to be very clear that each presentation should be short and not exceed a specified time ( after which the moderator switches off the mike, maybe?), to allow follow up Q & As as well as more subjects/ hands on demo/visit to woodworking unit nearby?

Would be good if Anutone can give us a short presentation on room treatment. Possible Raghu? If not, I can do a shorter version from last time. Yes, room response measurement too would be good, let me check with Sunil and Antony, they have put together the required rig to do measurement.

Also, I spoke to thatguy today about the wood-working demo at his friend's home. Firstly, he requested that this be a tentative item in our agenda as it would depend on his friend's plans for that day. He and his friend would be able to demo some tools and also offer wood working tips to get more people into the hobby. Also, few things about the the room/workshop at his friend's place is that it is small and can accomodate about 5 of us keen members. Any demo of tools would have to be completed by say 6PM due to noise generated.

EDIT: Saw Raghu's post after I posted. Anutone are happy to do a preso.
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The presentation necessarily has to be a short one, and within the time specified, because we are planning multiple sessions, and chances are we will start a bit late anyway.


BTW, we weren't planning on having beer during the session!
Also, I spoke to thatguy today about the wood-working demo at his friend's home. Firstly, he requested that this be a tentative item in our agenda as it would depend on his friend's plans for that day. He and his friend would be able to demo some tools and also offer wood working tips to get more people into the hobby. Also, few things about the the room/workshop at his friend's place is that it is small and can accomodate about 5 of us keen members. Any demo of tools would have to be completed by say 6PM due to noise generated.

Thanks Santosh, for summing up my predicament. We both, my friend and I, would love to introduce as many as we can to the joy of working with our hands. However, we are working on a small budget and use a part of his house as our workshop. We do hope to move to a better space sometime in the future.

If the first group finds the visit useful, we can schedule more sessions later.
Oh guys, liquor is banned at office premises.

Hey buddy we sure understand that; You are already doing us a big favour by giving us the space for the workshop. Thanks for clarifying anyways. What I intended to say was that we can organise cocktails/dinner at any hotel nearby.
Hey buddy we sure understand that; You are already doing us a big favour by giving us the space for the workshop. Thanks for clarifying anyways. What I intended to say was that we can organise cocktails/dinner at any hotel nearby.

...or one of those oldy bar/pubs that serve good beverages and classic 'club' snacks, perhaps? :D
In fact for those who are from out of town/ those who don't know and might want to know more, there's a micro brewery right next door to Anutone( on Indiranagar 100 ft Road) for some "light refreshments".
In fact for those who are from out of town/ those who don't know and might want to know more, there's a micro brewery right next door to Anutone( on Indiranagar 100 ft Road) for some "light refreshments".

I had been there during my last visit with my ex college mate who is now settled in Bangalore. Downed a couple of beers and walked away, that place being very expensive.

BTW that micro brewery is just a show piece and not functional.
OK so July 15th Sunday is the date we can have the programme, Santhosh , Anilva and I will be there for sure. T Antony has also confirmed participation.

For our friends from Hyderabad who are driving down, please go ahead and plan your trip, we will meet on Saturday for some fellowship, details to be worked out. Others located outside Bangalore who are planning to come, there is a clear month for you to make travel arrangements.
Santhosh, let's plan to meet up with Anil and a couple of the others to try and firm up the program for the workshop-topics, speakers, duration, sequence. I am not in town this weekend but am available after that.
Santhosh, let's plan to meet up with Anil and a couple of the others to try and firm up the program for the workshop-topics, speakers, duration, sequence. I am not in town this weekend but am available after that.

Sure. We can do it next week.

Hi Folks,

I am new to the forum (just joined about a month ago) and am setting up my first stereo hifi (or should I say mid-fi). Anyway, I am very much interested in joining you all and get my feet wet in terms of critical listening skills and possibly learn how to build stuff with my hands too!! If there is a link where I should mark my interest to attend this event do let me know.

Excited about this meet...!!

Sreenath K R
Hi Folks,

I am new to the forum (just joined about a month ago) and am setting up my first stereo hifi (or should I say mid-fi). Anyway, I am very much interested in joining you all and get my feet wet in terms of critical listening skills and possibly learn how to build stuff with my hands too!! If there is a link where I should mark my interest to attend this event do let me know.

Excited about this meet...!!

Sreenath K R

Wait for the formal announcement of the date and venue, then you can indicate your interest. Meanwhile you can let Santhosh know of your interest anyway.

Santhosh, let's plan to meet up with Anil and a couple of the others to try and firm up the program for the workshop-topics, speakers, duration, sequence. I am not in town this weekend but am available after that.

Sure. We can do it next week.
Sorry George, been a bit busy at work. Let us catch up...Next weekend works well for me too.

Hi Folks,
I am new to the forum (just joined about a month ago) .....Excited about this meet...!!

Sreenath K R

Wait for the formal announcement of the date and venue, then you can indicate your interest. Meanwhile you can let Santhosh know of your interest anyway.

Sreenath, welcome to hfv :).
I have noted your name along with list of others who have expressed intererest thus far.
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