Just Ordered Denon 1612 AVR from amazon.de


I got lucky. A friend of mine bought Denon 1612 from Dubai. Just for information, u dont have to pay duty upto 25k. I selected 1612 cos it cost US$349, which works out to 18k but in dubai it cost me 20k. If u buy 1911 OR 1912 it works out to 36k but u end up paying duty. 1612 is as good but no airplay. Its a question of optimising!

Now am buying Jamo C603 to go with Denon 1612. The price in Dubai is 22k.

Net saving Denon costs 30k & Jamo costs 28k in Bangalore so u save 16k!

Lucky u.....;)
can u tell me how much Jamo S606 (5.0 system) is costing in b`lore?
i m settling for it.
somebody had quoted me 40K in mumbai, most MRP from mumbai were 49K but i may settle for this 40K one...
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Denon 1912,,, I guess all last few pieces hav been shipped to HFV members.. There is no product listing of Denon 1912 on amazon.de (As of today 7-3-2012) .. I searched for denon 1912 .... and it jus shows 1612 2312 & 3312...
Buy from India's official online dealer!