Marantz 7 Tube Pre clone DIY Kit


I have a Grounded Grid from Transcendent Sound which is an excellent pre-they sell it both assembled and as a kit, well worth considering.


That is a lovely amp, heard a lot of good things about it. Maybe when I am in B'lore for the meet I can drop by your place for a listen?

B Rgds,
Very nice preamp kit in 5K
*3 tubes pre
*2tubed rectifier with
some vintage capacitors

Hi END 3pcs 12AT7 ECC81 Tubes Preamp board design by JADIS JP200-in Amplifier from Consumer Electronics on


And here is the full set

Thanks for the responses all of you. I know there are a lot of preamp kits.

The point of my thread is this. I heard a marantz 7c at a clients residence recently and was taken back to old school days where a friend of mine had a marantz 7c and music just sounded so crystal clear, effortless and beautiful. We do a combined study and spend the whole day listening to his dads music. So I started looking up to see if I can find one. Now finding one is very rare, if at all its all upwards of 5-10K USD. It is one of the sort after tube pres. This is when I chanced upon some kits for the marantz 7c and I want to know if anyone has heard any specific 7c kit and does it sound the same as the original?

B Rgds,