My new music PC


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2007
With the expertise of our FM rud3dawg and his generous expenditure of time, right from selecting the motherboard to buying the case, fans etc., I was able to complete this long pending project. Sound quality of this device is superb, I feel it is better than the Sony Vaio laptop that it replaced. Running Jriver MC 18, I am really enjoying FLAC's. Will post pictures shortly in my equipment thread.

Yes, please do post pictures and configuration details. An approximate breakup of the cost would also be nice.

How does the music PC compare to your previous Ayon CD player?

With the expertise of our FM rud3dawg and his generous expenditure of time, right from selecting the motherboard to buying the case, fans etc., I was able to complete this long pending project. Sound quality of this device is superb, I feel it is better than the Sony Vaio laptop that it replaced. Running Jriver MC 18, I am really enjoying FLAC's. Will post pictures shortly in my equipment thread.

Congrats! Pictures, pictures, pictures!!! Now that's more inspiring me to get into Music PC sooner. Breakup of components would help further.
Can you share the complete configuration details?

Not an expert - Rud3dawg if you are reading correct me if I provide any wrong info:
1. Mother board - Gigabyte GA-H77N (apprx. 8500 flipkart)
2. Fan - Antec (800 IT Depot)
Rest are from local dealer:
3. Cooler Master Cab (2800)
4. CPU Intel i5 (11095)
5. RAM 8gb DDR (4900), not sure of model
6. SMPS Server 550W Silent Pro Cooler Master (5880)
7. HDD 2Tb Sata (5850), not sure of model
Total after taxes apprx. 40k. I added a 19" monitor and wireless keyboard for another 9k so grand total about 49k.
I bugged Rud3dawg to make sure that the pc was as silent as could be and I will say that, thanks to him, we are about 90% there. So far it is as silent as my Vaio laptop but Rud3dawg feels he can change one more fan to make it even more quieter. At my listening position 8' away, I can barely hear any noise, that is if I strain and concentrate hard.
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How does the music PC compare to your previous Ayon CD player?


Actually after I added my Skylla DAC and m2tech clock (with the psu and usb-spdif converter) the vaio laptop playing back FLAC's was sounding superior to the Ayon cd2s playing back CD's. Now with the custom music PC I think I have gone one step higher, definitely hear better bass extension and overall resolution seems to be better.
Congrats sid
rud3dawg helped me too to build my PC.

Do you consider it as Music PC because its primarily used for music playback (like calling it a HTPC when used as source for movies)? Because I see it just as a regular desktop which is fairly loaded. My PC also has a fan which runs maximum at 19db. Just curious to know what differentiates a music PC from a PC.
Congrats sid
rud3dawg helped me too to build my PC.

Do you consider it as Music PC because its primarily used for music playback (like calling it a HTPC when used as source for movies)? Because I see it just as a regular desktop which is fairly loaded. My PC also has a fan which runs maximum at 19db. Just curious to know what differentiates a music PC from a PC.

Thanks Santy - Rud3dawg has a wealth of knowledge on PC's and it is our luck he turned to the dark side (Audio/hifi) from an even darker side (gaming):lol:.
Ok interesting question you have posed - Music Pc. Reason I term mine as a music PC is because in consultation with rud3dawg, I wanted my PC optimised for playing music only - nothing else. So no separate graphics card. Not bothered about HDMI out (other than connection to monitor), wouldn't care if the motherboard didn't have one (incidentally mine has 2 hdmi outs I think). Also we gave a bit of thought to self noise reduction - in fact that was my main agenda - and also to the form factor of the cabinet as I wanted it to fit in my rack. We also oversized the SMPS (550w) keeping the loading % vs fan noise in view. Also we didn't choose the latest and greatest processor because music playback is not all that taxing and would help reduce heat generation. So yes you are right basically all it is a decently loaded desktop, but without any software other than OS, Jriver MC18 - very minimal fan noise when compared to a desktop and lastly what IMO is a unique cabinet shape and dimension.
Finally I have mounted the cabinet on vibrapods and am using a custom power cord as a nod to the audiophile requirements of this PC.
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I think for a music-pc being a silent PC makes lots of sense rather than a high end PC (just my opinion). You could have tried a fanless barebones/mini-pc like mine (Foxconn mini-pc). I got a deal last year from for $149 with a 4gb RAM and a 64gb SSD. I run Win 7 64bit and just Foobar on it with the ODAC as the DAC. I have a 1TB external portable HDD with music connected using USB 3.0. Its 99% fanless (1% as it has a miniature fan for the processor). It runs on a power adapter which is external. I cannot hear a slightest sound/noise from the PC even when I transfer some big files. I use its ethernet port rather than a built-in wireless card as there is slight problem with the intel wireless drivers for this model.
Totally satisfied.
Hi Sid

Congrats on your new music pc

I am not sure what's it's called but its something like PWM control where the fans become slow or fast according to various temps of motherboard. That way you can make it more quiet

Also the corsair ps which I have has a system in which the ps fan only starts when it goes above fifty percent load. I took a bigger ps then I need so that way no fan noise

Also you have not mentioned what had you use

You can add more ram, make a VRAM drive, load all the songs you wanna play during a music session.

Rud3dawg can confirm if all this is possible or not. I have just read about this

Forgot to add that stock cpu cooler should absolutely go because intel coolers make quiet a racket. Noctua coolers are very good
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This is my third iteration of a music pc.
1.Hp Netbook with atom processor with foobar and m2 tech hiface usb to spdif
2. Sony Vaio laptop with i3 processor with jriver mc 17 and 3 chassis m2 tech evo usb to spdif.
3. my current setup.
With each iteration, I have experienced some increase in Sq. So atleast I am on the right path. Not sure what is the next move. Am reading Bhagwans post closely as well.
Hi Sidvee,

Thanks for all the appreciation but it was just a fun project for me ; and I agree am stuck trying to walk towards the light but it aint easy ;). Glad you were content with the build and hoping to listen to your setup now.

I was just skimming through all the posts and thought I should jot down a few points that might explain what was running in my mind while choosing the configuration and the components. These points might explain some of the questions posed although I am no expert but to my knowledge this was justified.

1. The Case was for a mini itx size and also a bit of aesthetic sense without much expense.

2. The Mobo was chosen because it has good USB chip , HDMI with decent onboard graphics to render a 1080 desktop without any delay

3. SSD was not taken as Sidvee wasnt concerned about the booting speed and also app response time but once app is launched we made sure that there is no stalling amidst any song being played.

4. The dual Wifi option helps a lot(Am very much in to fidelity if its in the path taken). Not too bulky on the Mobo & leaves one less cable to see and worry about. . This is a decent chip Wifi module with no problems and am hoping we can stack the 2 Wi-Fi connections to boost the speed ;). In fact according to Sidvees experience the transfer rate/ Download rate is definitely better than his few months old Sony Viao laptop ;). (Sorry Sidvee, had to divulge ;))

5. Ram 8 GB so that this should not lag or stall under any circumstances when working on Jriver MC or any new update for it is seen in the next couple of yrs at least on Win7 Ultimate or something new(Not stripping down because the skins look good and if you can go for it why not!!).This Extra buffer of RAM plays an important part when you have a huge amount of FLACS and you are rummaging through it as most of you might ve seen.

6. Bare bone from Foxconn is a tempting prospect but looking @ $ exchange and the USB quality (As that would be a primary concern for Sidvee)/Features. This amounted a bit more but with a lot more features and future proofing.

7. CM 550 Silent pro (Which is a bit high but worth the penny for the noise level) for the following reasons:

Active PFC (>0.95) Better for Line voltage regulation, stabilization for bulk bus voltage

80 Plus Gold making sure its more than 90% efficient even @ 80% load (which is not gonna happen any time soon) but @ 60% load the fan speed is still 1000RPMs and at that the noise level cannot effect any intense listener (Coutesy 120 mm Hydraulic Dynamic Bearing Fan)

8. Comparison of Corsair PWM controlled feature VS non PWM , I have recently picked up an HX 1050 by Corsair and believe me when the fan kicks in the noise level is definitely audible and without the FAN running continuously it does kick in every 20-30 mins for me so for a Music PC may be 40-50 mins or so.. and the sudden swoosh is not appreciable when it comes to making it quiet for Music listening.

9. We picked up an i5 for lower TDP and lesser power consumption with better cache at the best feasible price which I feel helps a lot more than
many people realize and Less TDP & Consumption means less heat dissipation in turn less cooling required and less noise again.

10. As of now the stock CPU cooler (fits in the smaller clearance) is running but as soon as there is a need it shall be replaced.

11. Once the build was complete the we tested it with one side FAN 80mm is the culprit and which when unplugged the
system was surprisingly silent. There might be a near future modification involved if Sidvee has any problem with the
noise/ Sound from the fans

The specs are as Sidvee had given with some additions of details.

  • HDD: WD Green AV Version (Good for AV transfers and storage would suffic, SSD in pipeline :D)
  • SMPS: CM Silent Pro Gold 550W
  • Ram: GSkill Ripjaws 1600 FSB ; CAS: 7-7-7-21 (better than Corsair vengeance)

I made sure that there is room for a bit of heavy duty upgrade (because an audiphile level upgrade cannot be a light one :eek:hyeah:). Just my way of being safe :rolleyes: .

@ Santy: I am not sure if what I did could be called as a help buddy ;) but I d be glad if you consider me helpful in future too :D

@ Sidvee: Hope you have a need to get another PC assembled which would be another fun build :licklips: Just for kix :p :licklips: . Thanks for considering me helpful.

@ all : Aint this a Clich closing to this post by thanking Sidvee for the nice oppertunity given !!!! ;) :beer: :cheers::cheers:
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Music PC the name itself interesting! waiting for cofiguratios !
With the expertise of our FM rud3dawg and his generous expenditure of time, right from selecting the motherboard to buying the case, fans etc., I was able to complete this long pending project. Sound quality of this device is superb, I feel it is better than the Sony Vaio laptop that it replaced. Running Jriver MC 18, I am really enjoying FLAC's. Will post pictures shortly in my equipment thread.
Very right choices made rud3dawg

I am not a pro with computer hardware but after your detailed explanation all the choices feel apt.

Which generation is the i5?
its a 3rd gen one as far as I remember :) good power with about 70W TDP :/ bst we could do at that range :p & Am not a pro either my friend.. just dabble in this world as I have to, for building my own rigs to practice the dark art of gaming ::p:eek::)
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Great news on the PC build. I too finished a new build two weeks ago but optimized for photo processing. Little higher specs but I was amazed how much more one gets in terms of component specification for so much less money than even two years ago.
But, I wanted to mention the one thing that bugs me on my music server also is the fan noise. In fact so much that I have pulled out the wire of one of the fans. If anyone in Bangalore is an expert and has a suitable alternative, I would be really appreciative if they could take a look and perhaps we could swap it out. At the moment I just have to bear with it. It is hard to hear when music is playing but it is too loud when music is not.
This is my third iteration of a music pc.
1.Hp Netbook with atom processor with foobar and m2 tech hiface usb to spdif
2. Sony Vaio laptop with i3 processor with jriver mc 17 and 3 chassis m2 tech evo usb to spdif.
3. my current setup.
With each iteration, I have experienced some increase in Sq. So atleast I am on the right path. Not sure what is the next move. Am reading Bhagwans post closely as well.

Way to go.
Perfect thing to do.
I am happy for you.

I will just enlist some part specs that were used by me - how good / bad they are - I do not know, I was asked to use these by J Play - so I made my machines with it - If rud3 could comment on them - I shall truly appreciate;

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