my setup

George, Panditji and Suri, here's another pic of bruno upto his favourite antic - very fond of being carried around in 'godhi" like a small baby !!!


Ah! nice one mate! :)
I am too an avid dog lover and had dogs in our home since my childhood. An alsatian, a Doberman, a Aapsu and loads of "Local Indian dogs" :eek:hyeah: were in the list. It was a sad moment of my life when the dogs died their natural deaths :sad:
My mom used to say that all the dogs loves me (except for my fiancee's dog:mad:)

is it a coincidence that majority of music lovers / fans are also pet lovers or visa versa ? if a link prevails what could possibily be the reason behind think a new thread can be posted. what say mates ? :)

hi venu,
thanks, I had actually zeroed on to Monitor RS6 / RX 6 and had fixed up an appointment with the dealer in south mumbai for an audition. It was during the audition that when i expressed my dissapointment at monitors bass delivery / punch that i was introduced / offered AAD.

I intially auditioned the Vi 630, but when i was offered Vi860 i knewthis is what i was looking for. The towers convey extremly powerful sound at low volumes. It reproduces detail and clarity with pefect tonal balance. They are designed for rooms which are => 400 sqft size

Rear port firing ,two 8' inch woofers in thick baffle reproduce very deep bass notes delivering precise articulate sound for any listening choice. The composite designed tweeter accurately reproduces beyond 30khz without fatigue.

The Vi860 towers actually cost 90k, but i got an excellent deal from the distributor as one of the towers had a small dent on its rear wood panel during its transit. It cost me 60k all incl with delivery in kolkata

Specs : 3Way/sensitivity 91dB/impedence 6 ohm/power 20 - 300w/ weight 43 kg/Drivers -1 dome tweeter, mid 1x6.5inch kevlar and carbon fiber transmission-loaded midrange and 2x8 inch composite cone woofer

thanks and regards
My mom used to say that all the dogs loves me (except for my fiancee's dog:mad:)


this is an old joke....
a poor man fell in love with a rich man's daughter. grudgingly the rich man invited the bloke over for a meal.
there was the rich old man, the poor young man, the daughter and the rich man's dog(ROVER) lying on the rug, just between the young man and his hypothetical father in law.
they were having dinner.
conversation was minimal, almost muted.
the poor man was so tense that he wanted to break wind.
he let go off one, controlled, incremental, passive yet in the realms of audibility, not to mention olfactorilly offensive.
the old man looked up from his plate, eyed his mutt disapprovingly and muttered ROVER.
the young man was relieved that the blame had been deflected.
he let go off another one, more indiscreet than the last.
the old man looked at the dog yet again and let off another menacing ROVER.
it was when the young man had unleashed the third installment of the indigestion when the old man made his intent clear.

as old John Lee Carre used to say...
the dog slept on the mat is sentence..the dog slept on the cat's mat is a story.
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hehehe!! -

moktan - you tell me - would you suffer a life-time of abuse for a moment of carnal pleasure with a stepney?

regds suri hehehe!

oh! and moktan - if you are wondering about the word "stepney" -

Does the word "Stepney" exist?

though i have not had the good fortune of those proustian madeleine recollections with the stepney circumlocutions...

here are a few words that should exist but they don't at least for now...

elbonics n. The action of two people maneuvering for one armrest in a movie theater.
peppier n. The waiter at a fancy restaurant whose sole purpose seems to be walking around asking diners if they want ground pepper.
furbling v. Having to wonder through a maze of ropes at an airport or even a bank even when you're the only person in line.
phonesia n. The affliction of dialing a phone number and forgetting whom you were calling just as they answer.

hextable n. The record you find in someone else's collection which instantly tells you you could never go out with them.

sarchasm n. The gulf between the authors sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.
hipatitis n. terminal coolness
Dopeler effect n. The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
Beelzebug n. Satan in the form of the mosquito that gets into your room at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.

and the one i like the best....

shoeburyness n. The vague uncomfortable feeling you get when sitting on a seat which is still warm from someone's bottom.

all courtesy Steven Pinker's Stuff of Thought ....
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hi mukesh bahri,

here a picture of my swamy and i-:)


By witchesofsound at 2010-05-22
i too love dogs...but have always found it convenient to own indian mongrels..yes those ubiquitous canines that populate the length and breath of our great nation... besides being relatively strong genetically speaking- perhaps through generations of rampant crossbreeding -they also seem to be as this report suggests smarter too...
well have owned cats too but with felines as one quote suggests...
you own dogs, with cats its the other way round..

another enlightening place as far as the pariahs are concerned..
Are you a Pariah Dog fan?

At the risk of derailing this thread even further, thanks for pointing me to the blog. Like you, I quite like the Indian "street" dog for its intelligence, hardiness, and adaptability. Thanks to the blog, I now know that the Indian pariah dog or INdog is actually a separate breed. I have a pariah (or more likely mongrel) puppy as well. We call him Tingu, and he no longer represents his name!
Local mutts are wise in the ways of us humans. I think in many ways these pooches are more intelligent than some of their pedigreed cousins. My father's family were dog lovers, so as far as I can remember we have had dogs of different shapes and sizes in the family. They arent called man's best friend for nothing. I have an outstanding documentary in HD, on dogs, from PBS..
I have seen these pics in this forum before...
lovely names - appu, swamy & kunji.... my hugs to all three....
I always wanted to have company of dogs (at home), but since my father had a transferable job, we could not keep it and mom doesn't like dogs at home... after marriage my my wife is not agreeing to keep one....she says we will have after retirement :(

They arent called man's best friend for nothing. I have an outstanding documentary in HD, on dogs, from PBS..
What's the name of that programme/documentary?
At the risk of derailing this thread even further....

Hey Suri. Where is appu ? sorry guys for the detour....just eager to see suri's soft setups - the puppy setup...

Not all folks, having a great time keep posting pics of man's best friend. We had a Labrador Retriever until a year ago. Unfortunately, we had to give him away to a friend on birth of my son - my wife was too paranoid about a pet entering the home etc. Also, the lab requires some amount of exercise and it was also getting difficult for my dad to take him for walks in my absence. I love dogs and hope to have them again. Someday!!

Btw Mukesh, feel free to post pictures of your AV setup on this thread:).
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!