Need advice on Sub-woofers

Cenebels Bangalore says Klipsch Sub10 and 12 are discontinued. Any idea where sub10 is available? Though I have Whart 150 in my mind I also wanted to take a look into the Klipsch series before deciding. Klipsch SW350 and 450 are the current ones they say as available and 350 is 21K change. Any idea on sub10 prices in bangalore?
Cenebels Bangalore says Klipsch Sub10 and 12 are discontinued. Any idea where sub10 is available? Though I have Whart 150 in my mind I also wanted to take a look into the Klipsch series before deciding. Klipsch SW350 and 450 are the current ones they say as available and 350 is 21K change. Any idea on sub10 prices in bangalore?

Check with modernworld bangalore , they had some subs (display items) on sale.
I just spoke to them and they don't have anything left. Is cenebels and modernworld the only dealers in bangalore? For SW350 moderworld quotes a higher rate compared to cenebels - 22600/-
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!