New Onkyos rated @ 6ohm -- Good or Bad?


Active Member
May 9, 2007

Have noticed that the new lineup of HTiBs from Onkyo like 3200 or 5205 are now rated at 6ohm where as the previous models 5105 or 5100 were rated at 8ohms. Does that make a difference if yes where???

Please provide suggestions on which model is a good buy ---

1. 3200 @ 25k
2. 5105 @ 25k
3. 5100 @ 30k
4. 5205 --- price not clear to me.

Thanks in advance!

PS - Looking to buy this in next week ... as a new year gift to myself n family :)

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Yes. Onkyo now shifted from 8 to 6 Ohms . The reason I feel ,please excuse if I am wrong ,a) is to reduce the load on the Amps. which heats up more than any other branded makes. b) Many speaker brands are of 6 Ohms or less. c) Amps with less than 6 ohms are generally supports high frequencies - music supportive.

This is very common & earlier AVR were rated for 6ohms only.(say 503/504)
My Htib 580 is rated @ 8ohm & next yr model @6ohm.
What you shld see is rating with 8 ohm.With 8 ohm THD is usually lower than 6ohm.So if you find AVR with 6ohm has good THD,then chances are that it will perform well with 8ohms.
Always look for rigorous FTC rating by the products, it is best to compare the ratings @ 8Ohm load @ all channel driven, or 2 channel driven.

For example a 150 watts @ 6ohms may supply only around 80 to 100 watts @ 8ohms. Some brands like Harman Kardon have a rating of only 50watts / channel but they can easily eat up onkyo's. This doesnt means, that Onkyo's are bad they are infact very much used in the market, and since you are looking @ HTIB's you dont have to worry about the ratings, You need to worry only if you plan to change the speakers that are provided with your HTIB.

This rating also depends on / affected by

Speaker sensitivity (eg 89db, 90db) the more the sensitivity, more easily the speakers can be driven by a low power amp.

Frequency Response of speakers: if you are going for full size floor standers with big woofers, then you will need lot of power for the low end.

Power Requirements of speaker: if a speakers rating is 20w to 200 watts, it can be driven by a amp with bare minimum of 20watts, but this doesnt means that it will sound good with 20watts at a very loud volume.

Confused:rolleyes:dont worry onkyo HTIB's have enough power to for a good home theatre. Just check in the features, if you want Dolby True HD, which supports blue ray and HD formats then go for costlier models, else if you are fine with general dvd's with DTS 5.1/Dolby digital then go for low end models.

Confused:rolleyes:dont worry onkyo HTIB's have enough power to for a good home theatre. Just check in the features, if you want Dolby True HD, which supports blue ray and HD formats then go for costlier models, else if you are fine with general dvd's with DTS 5.1/Dolby digital then go for low end models.


So wats a better buy... new model or old one?

pls suggest from listed 4... Thanks.

Have noticed that the new lineup of HTiBs from Onkyo like 3200 or 5205 are now rated at 6ohm where as the previous models 5105 or 5100 were rated at 8ohms. Does that make a difference if yes where???

Please provide suggestions on which model is a good buy ---

1. 3200 @ 25k
2. 5105 @ 25k
3. 5100 @ 30k
4. 5205 --- price not clear to me.

Thanks in advance!

PS - Looking to buy this in next week ... as a new year gift to myself n family :)


Hi Vishu,
Can't comment on the 6 ohm issue... BTW I think the price for #3200 and #5105 can't be the same @25k. #5105 has an Active Subwoofer instead of passive of #3200. Hence the #5105 should cost higher (I bought it for 32k in jun-09)

Can you check the prices and reply, for benefit of other buyer's?

Hi Vishu,
Can't comment on the 6 ohm issue... BTW I think the price for #3200 and #5105 can't be the same @25k. #5105 has an Active Subwoofer instead of passive of #3200. Hence the #5105 should cost higher (I bought it for 32k in jun-09)

Can you check the prices and reply, for benefit of other buyer's?


Well they are as recent as Saturday 19th Dec.... 5105 has dropped from 31-32 level to 24999 in reliance digital.

Whats your feedback on the system .. I have heard very positive feedback for 5100 (7.1) and wont mind spending extra 5k for it.

By quoting their specs @ 6 ohms, Onkyo can get away by quoting a higher wattage for the same amplifier @ 8 ohms. This is nothing more than a cheap and misleading way to quote specs. As a rule, always look for amplifier specifications quoted @ 8 ohms. By the way, impedence, which is measured in 'ohms', is not the rating of an amplifier, but rather of a speaker. Impedence is the resistence, measured in 'ohms', that a speaker has. Speakers with lower impedence, will draw more power from the amplifier, which increases the probability of burn out in an amplifier. But, most good quality power amplifiers can handle impedence levels from 4 ohms to 8 ohms (some can handle as low as 2 ohms and as high as 16 ohms). Also, the top level amplifiers will double their power output at half the impedence. Thus an amplifier rated for 100 watts @ 8 ohms, will output 200 watts @ 4 ohms. Most good speakers have an impedence rating between 4 ohms & 8 ohms, with higher end models generally leaning more towards 4 ohms. Hope this helps.
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Speakers with lower impedence, will draw more power from the amplifier, which increases the probability of burn out in an amplifier. But, most good quality power amplifiers can handle impedence levels from 4 ohms to 8 ohms (some even upto 16 ohms).
Most good speakers will have an impedence between 4 ohms & 8 ohms, with higher end models, generally leaning more towards 4 ohms. Hope this helps.

Have a query if lower impedance draws more power then why is the burning amp issue more common in 5100/5105?

Also can you suggest which is better buy... I am looking for monster sound which i guess 290w powered sub of 5100 can give... 5105 amp shakes when run at high volume!
Its an entry level setup and dont expect to get a building shaking effect from that. Driving at that volumes can damage the speakers and the amp, most important your ear drum..:)

He says amp shakes,now imagine,dancing amp. :yahoo:

Have noticed that the new lineup of HTiBs from Onkyo like 3200 or 5205 are now rated at 6ohm where as the previous models 5105 or 5100 were rated at 8ohms. Does that make a difference if yes where???

Please provide suggestions on which model is a good buy ---

1. 3200 @ 25k
2. 5105 @ 25k
3. 5100 @ 30k
4. 5205 --- price not clear to me.

Thanks in advance!

PS - Looking to buy this in next week ... as a new year gift to myself n family :)


It is not only @ 6 ohms
It is taken on i frequency ( 1 KHZ)
and @ 1% THD

Now I cannot interpret these figures well but I know for shure that all good amps are rated @ 20 hz to 20 KHZ range and have less than 0.05% distortion

Onkyo and many elex comapanies gone into dirty war (SONY and Yamaha esp) of pumping their specs by using weird parameters

Experts what wattage it really has .I think a good 25 W Rms 2 channel amp ( 20 hz-20KHZ,8 ohm,@ 0.05% THD) will be louder than this right??

Have noticed that the new lineup of HTiBs from Onkyo like 3200 or 5205 are now rated at 6ohm where as the previous models 5105 or 5100 were rated at 8ohms. Does that make a difference if yes where???

Please provide suggestions on which model is a good buy ---

1. 3200 @ 25k
2. 5105 @ 25k
3. 5100 @ 30k
4. 5205 --- price not clear to me.

Thanks in advance!

PS - Looking to buy this in next week ... as a new year gift to myself n family :)


Of all the models that you've mentioned except 5100 all share the same(or similar) receiver. The 3200 has passive subwoofer and the rest have active subwoofer and more hdmi ports.
Also 5100 has 2way front speakers(better) and others have full range fronts, pls correct me if I'm wrong, and the subwoofer is better too in 5100.
Technically the 5100:licklips: is much better among others listed even though it's an older model.You may ask why?
Because it's receiver is similar to SR-505 which was a very good budget receiver and can comfortable power floor standing speaker to good levels.
Also the 5100 has Ipod Dock which I think others don't have,again correct me if I'm wrong.
The 5100 can be compared to the now available 6200 for HT performance.
Have a good audition of all the models you've chosen and decide,Let your ears be your judge:)
6ohms or 8ohms doesn't mean anything unless you want to upgrade the speakers provided along with the Htib.
Theoretically power output doubles as the impedance(resistance) is halved.
Brands like Harman/kardon, Marantz,Nad,CA usually quote real world power output.The HTib's offered by most manufacturers have impossible power output ratings.
I should not confuse:confused: you a lot. Just remember Onkyo HTib's are true value for money package.It is very difficult to build a HT system for that money.The onkyo htib's prime moto is to provide good HT sound and it does delivers and more.
Nothing better than a Home Theatre as a gift:ohyeah:.
Merry Christmas,
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I think I have made up my mind for 5100 unless you feel that HK-JBL combo is superior than 5100....

Thanks again!
I am also leaning towards Onkyo 5100. Can u please tell where I can get it for 30 K because chennai onkyo dealer itself giving it for 40 k..

I would like to know whether HK - JBL combination is more powerful than Onkyo 5100

If yes, let me know in wat way...

I would like to know why onkyo speakers have less sensitivity..

They never cross 85 DB..

Yamaha on the other hand never put speakers below 80 DB..

Even onkyo's floor standing speakers HT728 does not have enough power even though they have 6 hms but very less DB of 79.5
I am also leaning towards Onkyo 5100. Can u please tell where I can get it for 30 K because chennai onkyo dealer itself giving it for 40 k..

I would like to know whether HK - JBL combination is more powerful than Onkyo 5100

If yes, let me know in wat way...

I would like to know why onkyo speakers have less sensitivity..

They never cross 85 DB..

Yamaha on the other hand never put speakers below 80 DB..

Even onkyo's floor standing speakers HT728 does not have enough power even though they have 6 hms but very less DB of 79.5


I would like to purchase Onkyo HTIB. But, i heared Onkyo 7.1 channal is a failure module.. pls correct if am wrong.
I had a plan to go for Onkyo 3200 for 23k in chennai. If iam getting 5100 for 30k then i wish to purchase.
Where can i get 5100 in chennai for 30k.
What about HK - JBL combination? Is it good for music? and how much it cost?, where can i get HK-JBL in chennai. Pls guide me.
I am using Onkyo TXSR 576 which is 7.1 with wharfedale combo. The receiver is excellent both on movies and music. I did not see any failure or defect with this piece which is with European specifications. The only problem is that we have few movies recorded on 7.1 tracks and difficult to get them.

It is not only @ 6 ohms
It is taken on i frequency ( 1 KHZ)
and @ 1% THD

Now I cannot interpret these figures well but I know for shure that all good amps are rated @ 20 hz to 20 KHZ range and have less than 0.05% distortion

Onkyo and many elex comapanies gone into dirty war (SONY and Yamaha esp) of pumping their specs by using weird parameters

Experts what wattage it really has .I think a good 25 W Rms 2 channel amp ( 20 hz-20KHZ,8 ohm,@ 0.05% THD) will be louder than this right??

Rating amp at 1kHz, this usually means that power at full bandwidth measurement will be about 10-15% lower.

For example:- The RX-V665 would only output around 70wpc compared to the 95wpc rating of RX-V663.

Weight reduction of RX-V665 and considering both receivers use linear A/B amplification, means the RX-V665 doesnt have the power reserves to drive multiple channels with as much poise and finesse as the RX-V663.

SOURCE:Trading Amplifier Quality for Features A New Trend with A/V Receivers? — Reviews and News from Audioholics
Rating amp at 1kHz, this usually means that power at full bandwidth measurement will be about 10-15% lower.

For example:- The RX-V665 would only output around 70wpc compared to the 95wpc rating of RX-V663.

Weight reduction of RX-V665 and considering both receivers use linear A/B amplification, means the RX-V665 doesnt have the power reserves to drive multiple channels with as much poise and finesse as the RX-V663.

SOURCE:Trading Amplifier Quality for Features A New Trend with A/V Receivers? — Reviews and News from Audioholics

15% - I can safely claim that Harmon-Kardon with Half the rating will sound powerful than Yamaha and Onkyo!
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Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.