old amplifier customs duty

My last experience with India Postal Service - Cables shipped from US - I was living in Pune at that time - Got stuck in Mumbai customs for 1.5 months - I wrote 2 letters, a few phonecalls, then I got my cousin from Indian Postal Service involved and then after 2 months the cables were delivered. I paid Rs4000 in duty (cables were $400). The cables were all dusty as the box must have sat in some dingy warehouse and they opened the box but did not close it well.
Anyways after that experience I am never going to use postal service anymore. My case may have been isolated and YMMV but be careful.
BUT sir IMPORTING used electronics like stereo amp or speakers is not allowed until its a refurbished item is that what "ShopUSA" guy told me, when i contacted him about importing a amp on Audiogon which was listed on very good price, if you know a way around please let me know bcoz i m getting some good deals on used product and new product.
Leave the equipment out for some time without dusting it. Make sure the male end of the power cord plug has insert in/out marks on it. That's what they check. They don't have the bandwidth to research the worth of a product unless they hold it back in which case it's different. Be reasonable with its worth, don't be ridiculous with its price. Your stand should be that you bought it a long time ago and you've been using it there.
Don't worry about the "importing" used electronics not being allowed stuff. They're your personal effects - you CAN get it into the country.
And don't overthink this - it's easier than you think. You'll be fine. You're smarter than them. All the best!
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