Quest for music-only amp & speakers


New Member
Nov 20, 2009
Hi guys;

I've been trying to decide on a well-matched stereo amp and speakers, purely for music. My room is L15'x W10'x H12', cluttered. I like jazz (all kinds: vocal to acoustic to big band/dixieland), classic rock. I don't like to go very loud, but I'd really like components that can competently handle everything from, say, Sarah McLachlan to Weather Report. Or Andres Segovia to AC/DC! Clearly image a violin/piano/bass trio and still not be overwhelmed by complex instrumental arrangements. In short, the holy grail of home audio, on a budget :)

I figure I can go about 80K (nudgeable)... <muffled laughter in background>

My sources right now are a Pioneer DV-373, my self-assembled PC (Asus Xonar DX), and my ancient Garrard 401/SME Series II/Shure M75E turntable.

My first impulse was SS integrated + floorstanders (but: don't need very high SPL, so probably wouldn't drive FSes adequately, anyway?)

2nd thought was SS integrated + standmounts (but: would standmounts go low enough? would I need a sub too?)

3rd thought was SS pre+power instead of SS integrated (but: pricey?)

4th thought was tube pre+power instead of SS, but that would just shred the budget, right?

...any opinions?

2nd thought was SS integrated + standmounts (but: would standmounts go low enough? would I need a sub too?)


You are spot-on with your second thought for a room of that size, and yes if the LF duties that your BS does is not up to your taste, a sub in the mix is a great way to enjoy your music.

Your queries are too generic, sqvare. Do share as to what equipment you have already auditioned and your take on those and the members here will certainly share their thoughts on further course of action to take.
Thanks for the input, guys!

From the posts here, I gather my initial strategy should be:
1. Compare various FS to BS and decide on FS, BS, or BS+SW
2. Compare SS int against SS pre+power using selected or similar speakers
3. Peek warily at the price tags on tube equipment

@the vortex: I haven't started auditioning yet. Was trying to get experienced opinions on which combination of components to focus on, based on my room size, musical preferences and budget. So that I could eliminate options that were clearly impractical/out-of-budget, and optimize my auditioning mileage :)

Any recommendations on brands would be welcome!

On another note, instead of lugging a bunch of CDs to auditions, I was thinking of ripping selected tracks to WAV, then burning just a couple of redbook CDs. Has anyone noticed that this results in significant (or any) loss of quality? I guess that theoretically it shouldn't since it'd be a bit-to-bit copy op, but still...
Hi guys;

2nd thought was SS integrated + standmounts (but: would standmounts go low enough? would I need a sub too?)

Hi Chris - IMHO if your room is adequately acoustically treated (bass traps)even a speaker with 6" woofer (i.e most large book shelves) will be able to reproduce sub 40 hz frequencies with adequate SPL, provided their designs allow for it. So unless you are a die hard bass fan who wants tactile presence of low frequencies you would be fine without a sub. Of-course depending on the speaker you will need an adequate amp. to drive it.
At a comparable price, say below Rs. 100,000 - approximately under $1500 to $2000 - bookshelves may perform better than their floorstanding cousins. Again this is down to how much you value imaging, musicality and the illusion of disappearance over overall bass performance and presence. If the latter characteristics are your preference, then floorstanders will take the cake.

For music I dont really think a subwoofer is necessary especially with your room size. Why dont you check out stores/showrooms such as Lakozy which are reasonably well stocked in terms of brands and then see what you like.

Check out the PSB Image series of speakers and see if you like them. They are a good solution in the entry to mid range speakers category.
I agree with audio engr & would look at speakers first & bookshelf's only as at the bugget you are looking at most floor standers imo will sound boxy. If you need more bass better add a sub at a latter stage.
Your budget for the spk should be arnd 50k at which you have a nos of choices.
Some ones already suggested PSB but which models Ive no clue.
You should also look at Dynaudio(i've no idea as to how the new xcite series sounds), The amphion ion L or the helium 510 ( arnd 70K) could also be contenders but they will push your budget, Quad 12L etc
You will get more names as the thread progresses.

You can start your auditioning at Lakozy at chowpatty, Boom a rang at juhu, Alliance at link road andheri. Listen to a few setups & post you impressions.

I prefer original cds over re recorded but you should stick to what you usually hear or may be take along a mix of both.
All the best.
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@ thevortex:
What I'd like is a clearly resolved and articulated soundstage, without colouration. I don't really care about kick-in-the-belly bass for its own sake, but I wouldn't want the lower notes from, say, a double-bass to sound thin.

I'd actually dropped in to LaKozy a few weeks ago, they had one last pair of Image T45's (~49K) and the new T4's and T5's were yet to arrive. As I was in a hurry and had no CDs, they asked me to make an appointment for an audition. I think I'll check out the B6's if they have them, perhaps with the NAD 326BEE, as I understand NAD and PSB mate well.

Yeah :) I hate it when every singer sounds like they have a rasping chest cold coming on. I shall follow the consensus here, and focus more on auditioning bookshelves.

If I'm comparing speakers, maybe I should try to stick to the same amp+source as far as possible, to avoid introducing more variables. Though that warm/bright synergy might trip me up there. So maybe one "warm" amp/source & then one "bright" amp/source per speaker pair? I see stress-related hair loss ahead (vendor's, not mine; I have none) :).

sqvare - do try the PSB Image B25 (you might get deals on these as the newer Image line is coming in) and see if you like it. It is a large bookshelf speaker which does not shy away from the low notes. And as much as there is industry hype of NAD pairing up well with PSB, personally I prefer the Marantz with the PSB and find it amazing for vocals and acoustic/stringed instruments - which comprise a majority of my listening material. If at all possible try to listen to the PSB Image B25 with Marantz integrated amplification and see if you like it.

But do note - the best experiences lie at home in your own room. What sounds very nice over there could end up sounding muffled in your room or vice versa. There is no audition like a home audition. Am not sure if Lakozy obliges with home auditions.
But do note - the best experiences lie at home in your own room. What sounds very nice over there could end up sounding muffled in your room or vice versa. There is no audition like a home audition. Am not sure if Lakozy obliges with home auditions.

+1 to thevortex on this...
In my case, Mission m74i withstood quite nicely against mezzo8 with I did A/B with marantz. But at home audition, they did'nt pair that well with my Yamaha863. My BPL floorstanders sounded better with their open sound & good imaging which suits my taste... though I wish more lower dynamics in my BPLs. So nothing like home audition.....if you can get it..

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But do note - the best experiences lie at home in your own room. What sounds very nice over there could end up sounding muffled in your room or vice versa. There is no audition like a home audition. Am not sure if Lakozy obliges with home auditions.

+1 :thumbsup:
Yeah! Maybe do a few auditions in different places first, then when I narrow the field, try for a home audition.

The last (only) time I dropped by LaKozy, the guys there were trying earnestly - and vainly - to explain to some lady why their prices were higher than Vijay Sales for what appeared to her to be the same equipment. Seemed nice helpful folk; maybe they'll oblige...
Yes! it would be better to first narrow down the field and then try for a home audition. I am too looking for a good dynamic amp and a pair of bookshelves which should beat my yamaha 863 AVR for music. I do'nt know if the budget of 50-60k will be sufficient?
Yes! it would be better to first narrow down the field and then try for a home audition. I am too looking for a good dynamic amp and a pair of bookshelves which should beat my yamaha 863 AVR for music. I do'nt know if the budget of 50-60k will be sufficient?

From one quester to another: Happy hunting!

I guess the fiscally prudent strategy would be to start at the lower end first, and progress up the price ladder, hoping to encounter an amp/speaker match that pleases both ear and wallet. Starting high will probably lead to going higher, and end up ripping right through that budget ceiling! Especially for me, since I tend to have a teensy impulse-control problem... :)
From one quester to another: Happy hunting!

I guess the fiscally prudent strategy would be to start at the lower end first, and progress up the price ladder, hoping to encounter an amp/speaker match that pleases both ear and wallet. Starting high will probably lead to going higher, and end up ripping right through that budget ceiling! Especially for me, since I tend to have a teensy impulse-control problem... :)

Hi sqvare,
My suggestion for lower end to mid end upgrade plan price band (arguably not low in quality):
1. BS: Usher S520 @ 24k~ upgrd > Dynaudio 52 @ 50k~?
2. Sub: Wharfe SW150 @ 20k~ (you need this with S520) upgrd > REL sub 75k
3. Amp: Norge-1000 @ 10k upgrd > Arcam FM? @ 50k~
4. DVDP: Any generic in LG/Philips with optical out. @ 3k add > Beresford DAC @ 25k~
I am not sure of the specific model info on upgrd path, request others to help... though i have suggested the combinations based on reviews described on this forum.

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