Soundcard performance

+1 to that.

I would love to see the HDAV and Xonar STX go head to head - on paper they might be different - but in real life overall performance would love to see who comes out tops. Am yet to come across a comparision of sorts between the two. For HDAV getting >90% of the performance of the xonar stx - its still a winner.

I am caught between my next buy.

Where does my D2X stands?with HDAV-del & XT?
Where does my D2X stands?with HDAV-del & XT?

From my personal experience D2x almost is equivalent to the STX for normal stereo listening. HDAV is the joker in the pack - but from individual test results posted on the web it seems a winner.

Only good pint is STX has normal RCA outs unlike the D2x (correct me if i am wrong)

Spiro you may like to read this

PS: One thing i have noticed spiro is that with HQ studio recording - my borrowed STX is so good that it sounds weird. Let me explain it this way - instruments seem so spaced out and easily identifiable that the mind tends to pick these minute details up - initially its difficult to relate to it.
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are you seriously wanting to buy a Xonar
i am sourcing a Xonar ST and PCI Julie
if you surely want one let me know. (Cost is about 8k converted + shipping to you from mumbai )
i have to confirm though whether that 8k includes taxes or not.
are you seriously wanting to buy a Xonar
i am sourcing a Xonar ST and PCI Julie
if you surely want one let me know. (Cost is about 8k converted + shipping to you from mumbai )
i have to confirm though whether that 8k includes taxes or not.

sirjee what is the going price for the HDAV 1.3 deluxe in mumbai? I am being quoted everything from 11-13k here in Pune - not sure whether it is the deluxe or the normal version
are you seriously wanting to buy a Xonar
i am sourcing a Xonar ST and PCI Julie
if you surely want one let me know. (Cost is about 8k converted + shipping to you from mumbai )
i have to confirm though whether that 8k includes taxes or not.

I've actually placed an order with a friend who has also got a PC H/W & peripherals shop. Let me check with him. If he's not able to source one then I will let you know about sourcing one for me. Thanks for the offer.
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sirjee what is the going price for the HDAV 1.3 deluxe in mumbai? I am being quoted everything from 11-13k here in Pune - not sure whether it is the deluxe or the normal version

Delux was available for 15k on ebay earlier,now cant see that card.
Today little R&D with D2X & HD202 headphone ( only)

After 2 days,soundQ improved a bit ,still to come close to my expectations.
I played with sample rates today.
OPT- 44.1kHZ, 48, 96 & 192

96 is defalt value.I found 96 is very bright as softness of voice,treble is lost.
hence I mentioned earlier Bright out of the Box.

With 192khz sound becomes soft ,but not very different.
44.1 is lowest & it works like similar onbrd SC.

I found 48 is best for stereo listening.Sound is sweat & warm,each freq is balanced.No harshness 7 best of others.

Will keep undating....

After almost 1wk of D2x (2hr/day) & updating drivers,sound has improved a lot with 192rate more accurate,no softness but with sweatness.

Other rates are better & default 96kHz is still little bright.192 rate feels now better of all & close to analoge.So card is reaching close to my expectations ,still not the best for music.Bass is deep though,clearity improved in 1wk.

Movies are better from begining with openess & good dynamics.

After almost 1wk of D2x (2hr/day) & updating drivers,sound has improved a lot with 192rate more accurate,no softness but with sweatness.

Other rates are better & default 96kHz is still little bright.192 rate feels now better of all & close to analoge.So card is reaching close to my expectations ,still not the best for music.Bass is deep though,clearity improved in 1wk.

Movies are better from begining with openess & good dynamics.

hey spiro i have noticed one thing with the xonar stx - for certain genres of music the stereo reproduction is great actually but with certain concert files - the musical instruments get spaced out so much and are so easily identifiable that it seems weird at times - is that what you mean by not good for music yet??

BTW for my files I usually use 48kHZ for best reproduction.
is that what you mean by not good for music yet??

BTW for my files I usually use 48kHZ for best reproduction.

What I know from rev.s is generally with good analoge conversion,each instrument is precised or is noted seperately with clearity & overall sweatness.
I feel now that after 1wk sound has started to open.Many says, with good DAC of CDs,you can hear new background instumentation too.I cld find any yet.So trying to get all that .:rolleyes:
After 2wks ,D2X has opened a lot.Sound coming crisp,clean & detailed,dynamics improoved.
Still I feel its best suited for movies.The Bass in movies has THUMP & I can say I never got similar depth with my onbrd SC.Dynamics in movs are gr8.
With Music,it is not very best as mov,I cant say exactly what.It still cant get details out of music as I thought.(better insrumentals etc)

Freq response is good too.Even with game like Farcry1,I can get deep ,wonderful Bass when fired Canon.

So Conclusion : D2X is really worthy as mov.stuff,one can use his PC as better mov preamp(9/10). Music is better,may not be best(8/10).
Not to crap this thread.

I had seen the posts for ASUS card.

I have already put mine ASUS XONAR HDAV 7.1 on sale on techenclave. Thought I should touch base here too, if anyone interested.

Its for 9K in Hyderabad and plus shipping to outside Hyderabad.

Lemme know. Used for 8 months. Condition is excellent.

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From my personal experience D2x almost is equivalent to the STX for normal stereo listening.

I respectfully beg to differ with this. I have both D2X & STX installed on separate rigs & I A/Bed both of them through my marantz AVR4003.
The STX is clearly superior. It provides a bigger soundstage, better instrument separation & transients.
Its a no-contest really.
Comparing - CS494003 with BB PCM1796

CS is my Onkyo AVR DAC+surr processor combo chip &
BB is xonar D2X.

I connected AVR to music PC via both analoge & spdf connection.
Analoge to analoge in(5.1 direct) & spdf with setting direct stereo.

1st I listened ana stereo,so BB was in action.
Sound was very pleasent.Treble was full bodied,sweat too.
Bass was good enough,tight .Vocals natural.Overall sound was laid back,
soundstage was wide with vocals in middle.Each instrument was clearly audible without confusion.

Now I shifted to CS(spdf out from D2X) & something chaged.sound was musical but trebles little sharp,little edgy.Bass was good,not much difference than earlier.Vocals little low & dull than BB.Overall sound forward sounding,not typical bright.When I switched to stereo mode(not direct)due to treble raised(AVR setting)sound was harsh & bright.Soundstage was OK,but I can make out which spk was working & not like a union.

So I can say-
BB (D2X) better than CS chip in AVR.
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After listening a long,I found D2X coax out is cleanest.I compared with analoge out & found digital output sounds more musical on AVR.It can be due to cheap interconnects(MX).AVR is 3mtr away from HTPC.Dig connection with same MXcable(its AV cable)

With digital out,sound is almost noice free even with MP3(old & new too).I can here details & good seperation of instruments.
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I tried rear ch out of D2X connecting to TAPE in of AVR & now sound is very different than direct 5.1 in.I kept sub off & Bass/Treble @ zero.
I found sound was as clean as Dig connection,but soundstage was wider & vocals were better.
So does preamp makes such difference in SQ? (even though we dont use settings)