Speakers to match tube amps?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2008
New Delhi, India
Since I am scratching the surface of tubes based system, inputs from experts would be valuable.
I have read on this forum that lyrita tube amp + lyrita single driver speakers are very good.

Can ppl suggest more speakers that would work well with lyrita amp/ pre-amp?

Should they necessarily be single drivers?
How would you rate "Anthony Gallo Acoustics Adiva Ti" in this context, and in general?

Since I am scratching the surface of tubes based system, inputs from experts would be valuable.
I have read on this forum that lyrita tube amp + lyrita single driver speakers are very good.

Can ppl suggest more speakers that would work well with lyrita amp/ pre-amp?

Should they necessarily be single drivers?
How would you rate "Anthony Gallo Acoustics Adiva Ti" in this context, and in general?


If it was me, I'd do the following:

1. Fix my budget
2. Make a list of all speakers that fall in my budget (DIY, branded, full range, OB...)
3. Try and audition as many as possible in the list
4. Based on the speaker I select, decide on the amp to drive them

Since you're considering Lyrita amp and speakers, you should probably audition them first which also should be easier for you since Lyrita is based out of Delhi. This I believe would give you a point of reference against which you can compare the others...
Speaking from first hand experience, you should be speaking to Mr. Viren Bakshi of Lyrita Audio (Lyrita Audio). Firstly, he is a gentleman. Second, we always come away with something, knowledge wise. Third, if you are in or around Delhi, whenever, take an audition. Other than the sound, Viren serves a mean cup of coffee, since he runs the setup from home.

He has an excellent TT setup, with tons of software. Ditto for digital.

All you need is to sit back and listen and let the rest take its course.

I have a couple of Lyrita built pieces (phonostage and rack) and am not complaining.

As to the single driver vs anything else, again, let your ears decide. Depends on your preferences and this IS an individual thing.

You can carry your own software if you so please, to compare.
budget around 30-50k. It would be great if there are some suggestions for speakers that would match that gear, so that I can reduce the legwork needed for audition. Pls suggest even if the cost is slightly more.

...so that I can reduce the legwork needed for audition...

I'm sorry but that's a really wrong mindset to have when you're investing a lot of money to buy a product that would be used to enjoy something you're passionate about. :) Unless you hear the speakers (or amp) yourself, you run the risk of buying something that you may not like. My 2 cents? Audition as many as possible...
anm,in my opinion, you shld settle on the speakers first,based on your choice of music & your budget.
IMHO, the tone of the speakers is the most impt thing,based on your choice of music, so that is the component you shld settle on first.
Once you like the tone of a particular set of speakers, you shld then look for the best amp, given your budget, to drive them.
If your chosen set of speakers is of a high efficiency-90db+-you can choose from a range of tube amps-SET/push pull.
But if the spkrs have a lower effy + if you like rock/metal/music with a lot of slambang & enjoy the physical sensation of bass in your gut, then you wld prob need to look for solid state amps.
IMHO, these are the very basic moves that you shld make, & plz ,as someone has suggested, be prepared to spend time & effort on auditions, using your fav & much loved/heard music-auditions towards acquiring a music system are an enjoyable process, yaar!
So ,first of all for starters, as has been suggested by many, pick up the phone, fix an appt with Viren, go across with your fav music & listen to how it sounds on his system; & then listen to other systems too, to help you finalize the sound that gives you the most pleasure.Whatever you settle on ,after lots of auditions,will give you the satisfaction of having made a considered vs an impulsive decision.
Happy hunting!
Once you've auditioned Lyrita & posted your impressions, this discussion can continue.....
I understand that everyone is recommending lyrita strongly here and I would audition their amps and speakers.
But is lyrita the ONLY option for tube amps and speakers? Even if it is the best, would it not make sense to audition more? At least I would be able to appreciate lyrita more if they are all junk.

If your chosen set of speakers is of a high efficiency-90db+-you can choose from a range of tube amps-SET/push pull.
Hi anm,

Sorry, but you do have to do your legwork, because only you can decide what appeals to you! And that has to be done with your ears!

You are most welcome to audition the Lyrita range anytime. Only when you have heard the quality of music reproduced, can you ascribe a value to it.

I encourage you to consider your hifi as a system. It is difficult to isolate components. Listen to how the system plays back your selection of music - your involvement and your enjoyment of it. That it the only criterion.

With valve electronics, since it is invariably lower power, better matching occurs with higher sensitivity speakers, of 93 dB or higher. Of course, the entire system has to be of high calibre, to reproduce music well. Listen, and judge for yourself.

But is lyrita the ONLY option for tube amps and speakers? Even if it is the best, would it not make sense to audition more? At least I would be able to appreciate lyrita more if they are all junk.

Lyrita is an option that is easily available in India and at reasonable prices. Companies such as Cadence and Audire also deal with tube based systems, but these are extremely high end and run into lakhs of rupees. Audire deals with the Wavac range (Welcome to WAVAC Audio Lab.) while Cadence make their own.

There are a number Chinese brands, but I am not sure where you can audition them in India.

Most tube based system will be good. I doubt if you will find any 'junk'. The reason is simple. Tube based systems are made by people who have a passion for music and for what they do. I am sure they will be very careful to ensure their systems are never considered 'junk'.

A good option will be to go to the houses of a few members and audiophiles in your city and audition tube based systems. Yes locating them would be an issue.

I understand that everyone is recommending lyrita strongly here and I would audition their amps and speakers.
But is lyrita the ONLY option for tube amps and speakers? Even if it is the best, would it not make sense to audition more? At least I would be able to appreciate lyrita more if they are all junk.
Understand your concern,but,anm,you HAVE recd suggestions that you shld put in the legwork,audition as many systems as poss.
Lyrita is recommended as a starting point since they make hi quality systems at an affordable price AND, they are located in your city.
If you were in, say, coimbatore/chennai you wld have been advised to hop across to Audire, or to Cadence if you were in Pune/Mumbai.Unfortunately, these two brands do not have dealers in Delhi so if you wish to audition them, you would have to ask the manufacturers to help set it up with an owner in Delhi-Cadence did it for some of us in Delhi.
So, start off with Lyrita, do your rounds & then make up your mind.
All the best, & keep us posted.
Have'nt heard this one.
You could include this amp also in your audition journey-let your ears be the guide in that journey.
hi anm,

glad to see you're considering tube amps. there are two ways to go.

1. push pull amp. this amp has two tubes per channel, each one amplifying one phase of the signal.

2. a SET amp where there is one tube per channel, amplifying the entire signal whole.

push pull amps generally have more power, SET amps lower power. however do note that with the right speakers, a SET amp will generally sound more dynamic. i had an EL84 push pull amp 15 watts or so and my current 3 watt 2A3 tube SET amp is far more dynamic and sounds 'louder'. viren did tell me it was so but i was pleasantly surprised to actually hear it happen.

if you want the SET amp sound then a single driver is your best bet. however if you simply want 'tube' sound, you could look at push pull amps. having heard a few push pull amps, lyrita's and a few other brands like cayin and cadence, i would not recommend these. do consider a SET first, there's far more magic in the sound.

also viren makes a higher powered SET with the 6C33C or some such russian tube. though he himself would recommend the 2A3 tube for its intrinsic sound.

do read up on tubes online cos each tube has its own characteristic sound. a 2A3 is supposed to be like champagne, allowing details to float effortlessly to the surface. an 845 is more power than delicacy and a 300B is supposed to have a magical midrange but poorer bass handling etc...

once you listen to viren's SET and his single drivers, you'll have an idea of the sound. so go listen and i'm pretty sure you'll discover you won't have to do anymore 'legwork' :)
Any opinions about klipsch RB81 bookshelf? Regarding legwork for the same, I have talked to the onkyo/ klipsch dealer in kalkaji for an audition. Let us see when he can get it/ set it for audition.

I read about this speaker. Good reviews. Sensitivity is high and people say they are able to drive these well with their tube amps, and the harshness in the horn is mellowed by tubes.


Hey stevieboy, thanks for your inputs. I read your post after I wrote about the RB81 - so no disregard to your suggestion of single driver :-)
However, I would still like opinions on this.

Since I do not have an SPL meter, I am not sure what is the loudness (and hence sensitivity) I need in a loudspeaker, though I am using Viren's suggestion of 93db sensitivity to look around for speakers. Any suggestions on loudness levels - if I sit about 10-12 ft from the speakers?


hi anm,

glad to see you're considering tube amps. there are two ways to go.

1. push pull amp. this amp has two tubes per channel, each one amplifying one phase of the signal.

2. a SET amp where there is one tube per channel, amplifying the entire signal whole.

push pull amps generally have more power, SET amps lower power. however do note that with the right speakers, a SET amp will generally sound more dynamic. i had an EL84 push pull amp 15 watts or so and my current 3 watt 2A3 tube SET amp is far more dynamic and sounds 'louder'. viren did tell me it was so but i was pleasantly surprised to actually hear it happen.

if you want the SET amp sound then a single driver is your best bet. however if you simply want 'tube' sound, you could look at push pull amps. having heard a few push pull amps, lyrita's and a few other brands like cayin and cadence, i would not recommend these. do consider a SET first, there's far more magic in the sound.

also viren makes a higher powered SET with the 6C33C or some such russian tube. though he himself would recommend the 2A3 tube for its intrinsic sound.

do read up on tubes online cos each tube has its own characteristic sound. a 2A3 is supposed to be like champagne, allowing details to float effortlessly to the surface. an 845 is more power than delicacy and a 300B is supposed to have a magical midrange but poorer bass handling etc...

once you listen to viren's SET and his single drivers, you'll have an idea of the sound. so go listen and i'm pretty sure you'll discover you won't have to do anymore 'legwork' :)
hi anm,

if you dont blast music 90 db onwards ought to be good. my speakers are 92.5 db or so and it goes loud enough. klipsch would be ok. i've also heard tube amps with monitor audio bronze b2, dynaudio audience 42 and 52, mordaunt short ms 902i bookshelves. but these were push pull tube amps. in all cases volume was loud enough though involvement was pretty low. you could also go another route - viren's tube preamp which is very good and a power amp of your choice. this would give you more options in case you do not like the single driver sound.

My problem is that I do not have budget for a complete system change at one go. So I am trying to find options to move ahead in steps.
Spend 30-50 k this year, and another 30-50 k next year. That's the basic thought process.
What power amp would you recommend for jbl n38? I was thinking of jbl 3480 that is a stereo receiver - but has a pre-out - and power in - so maybe I can attach a pre-amp with it directly in the power. In this case, can I bypass the "pre-amp" of this receiver, and use the DAC/ tuner - feeding to lyrita pre-amp and then out of pre-amp connected to the power - in ?

The other option is getting my onkyo receiver 595 modded to get direct connection to the left/ right power section. How feasible is that?

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