stereo amp for Tannoy F1 custom?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008

I have started hunting for best/budget stereo amp for Tannoy F1.
I took audition of Norge 1000 with Tany,but still feel it is not perfect match as Bass & soundstage was not as good as Norge spk.

Few members have matched Tany with Denon AVR & are happy.
I purchased Tany F1 mainly as it is good for mov & music to.It won awards from whathifi & avmax too in budget buy.

I cld not get F1 with any other amp.
I need your help to get better st amp for F1.
I read one rev of CA CDp with Rotel 05 amp in wthifi & they rated this combo as budget hifi.I have seen F1 cant go really deep(upto 70Hz only?)

1.which amp will deliver deep Bass(not heavy)with F1 ?
treble shld be sweat.

Denon D-M37(30k) is all in one & highly rated in whthifi.I can save money & space with DM37.
2.Can that match with F1?

Doing RND is fun ,but carrying spk every where is certainly not.

So thoese who own & atlest listened it anywhere can here reviews.

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deep bass is between 20and 40 hz, bass is between 40 and 80 hz and upper bass is between 80 and 160 hz. bass delivery depends on speaker specs as as al amps cover 20 to 20000hz. i donot know the freq rseponse of your speakers but a speaker which goes down only to 60hz cannot deliver deep bass.
the Denon PMA 500 or 700 matches wellwith theis speakerand so does NAD

i would think the Norge 1000 will aslo match

P.S ive heard the denon,CA,NAD,marantz with the F1
ive heard norge seperately with another speaker that ive heard NAD with so the norge F1 combo is also an educated guess
Cambridge Audio ( if looking at budget amps) goes well with F1. Have heard them with different amps. Krell,CA,Primare.. But like Neo said NAD should go well since you want more bass.
the Denon PMA 500 or 700 matches wellwith theis speakerand so does NAD

i would think the Norge 1000 will aslo match

P.S ive heard the denon,CA,NAD,marantz with the F1
ive heard norge seperately with another speaker that ive heard NAD with so the norge F1 combo is also an educated guess

Thanks everybody,

Magma- apart from Norge how do you compare denon,CA,NAD,marantz with the F1?

I have herd Norge with my F1 & found less openness & Bass.

F1- speci
TANNOY F1 Custom Apple (F1) 100 Watts Bookshelf Speakers -

I tried comparing Norge1000 with F1 & norge BS(better matches)
denon + tannoy = v good. good detail good bass. all in all a good allrounder
NAD+ tannoy = similar to the above but has that nad flavour. some like it some dont. slightly more bass than the above
denon + marantz = a bit more detail at the expense of the bass the NAD or Denon provides. i find it a bit bright for modern HINDI music
F1 + CA = too mechanical , and laid back for my tastes. lacs flavour any which way ( since i like my componetnts to have some flavour i deduced im not a CA person)

P.S i liked the norge speakers with the norge amp too
i like denon amps ( whatever people here say - i find them more musical than CA or yamaha)
if i hadnt struck a deal ( i hope i have) on a NAD i would have bought a PMA 500 or 700
ALso their prices in grey market are real juicy
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Thanks magma,

I used to enjoy Sony music system in past before knowing Ht world.
Sony sounds very musical.I got F1 with Onk330 AVR & the result is not even close to Sony(so called HiFi) I even enjoy Nokia music express than Onk-tany.

so need pure musical amp which has melody with proper freq reproduction.

From your reviews- I get Denon 37 & nad is head to head.Marantzs comes next & CA last.
I took audition of F4 with CA540,but sound was not so musical(my type)
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Hey which are the options you looked into and why did you choose Tannoy ? Please throw some light,will be of great help to ppl like me who are building their first stereo setup :)


I 1st bought Onk HTS-580 as my 1st HT.
then I found sounds from tiny spks are not doing so well.then tried some rev of spk,I took audition of mission,wharf,MS,canton.I went for mission m30i & returned it to dealor within 15days as I thought it is not doing well truely with Onk.mission is good,but I decided better.

I cldnt take audition of F1 though but beleived on rev of whthifi mag.(its grp test winner,best budget spk too)It was recommended with Onk AVRs.

So I gambled & ordered from Delhi through alliance4.

now to get good out of it ,I m searching better ,budget st amp.:licklips:

Denon Dm37 with usb wma play back too
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If you have a smallish room where listening distance from speaker is less than 9 feet then go for a laid back sounding setup.

I sit 7.5 to 8 feet away from my speakers and the sound is too much in-the-face for my comfort with the marantz<>nad combo.

keep in mind you will need one foot behind the speakers free space ( I keep 2 feet to reduce bass boom).

And remember your head needs to be a few feet away from the rear wall to avoid reflections hitting your ears first.

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If you have a smallish room where listening distance from speaker is less than 9 feet then go for a laid back sounding setup.

I sit 7.5 to 8 feet away from my speakers and the sound is too much in-the-face for my comfort with the marantz<>nad combo.

keep in mind you will need one foot behind the speakers free space ( I keep 2 feet to reduce bass boom).


Listening room 11 X 14( L shaped)
Which do you suggest?

first off before i get hanged let me say
marantz is not at all infereiror to the NAD ,instead most of its models are far superior

its only that system matching to me is most important.
some speakers go well with some amps and some dont

Another point to note is that every amp has something to offer.
of the budget amps marantz offers the most detail
Nad offers a certain flavour to the vocals and a bit more bass in the speakers at the expense of some detail compared to a marantz ive heard
other amps offer different things
likie a denon is somewhere in between PMA 500 and PMA 700
It depends what you are most interested in

Now the Tannoy is quite a forward speaker ( not as much as a MA BR2 ) but still quite detailed . Hence you can afford to pair it with a denon or a NAD.

Now about the CD player cum AMP from denonyou are talking about
i wouldnt advice it too much
YOu already have an Onkyo AVR and are not too happy with it driving the Tannoys correct
Dont expect much fromthatDenon cdocum amp
After all it looks to me more of a reciever cum DVD player quality cdp rahter than and INt amp + all out CDP

i understand you are trying to save money killing two birds with ones tone but what if you buy and you get the same output as your current onyo AVR.

Its always better you take a proper int amp .
As for CDP .
dont spend money on it just yet
Most of us are moving to DAC's driven by HDD or HTPC's thats the future
Ask yourslef " how many cds do you really have and how many mp3/flacs do you have
wouldnt a HDD based system be better?

The Denon amp cum cdp you speak about may make more sense in a small bedroom not in a living room .

whats your budget exactly
if its real tight
a denon PMA 500 int amp ( 15-16k grey mkt) would suit you well
if you wanna spend more look at the PMA 700 or a NAD

for CDP
you can actaully get one for 15k ( i htink the marantz 5001 i think)

alterantively a bereford 7510 for 8k and a WDTV + HDDfor another 8-9k

there for 30k this is a better option than that denon D-M 37 na?
Get the Wharfedale EVO 4.2 3-Way Standmount Speakers at a Special Offer Price.