The green mountain audio EOS HD at 2650 $

Hmm, weird looking but must be sounding really good. My cousin who stays in Singapore has entry level Anthony Gallos spheres and Yamaha Amp. He came to India last week & listened to my setup when he called on me and was pretty impressed. I'll pass on the info but don't know whether he would shell out 2650 USD.

Here is a review in Audiogon
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Make sure he auditions it before he commits. The GMA sound might be a bit sterile to some. Also they look like a steaming pile of c**p. WAF is absolute zero.
Make sure he auditions it before he commits. The GMA sound might be a bit sterile to some. Also they look like a steaming pile of c**p. WAF is absolute zero.

I agree that folks have preferences but please refrain from making tasteless comments on products which you have very limited experience with.

Have you auditioned the EOS HD speakers ever ? What were the associated gear ? A friend of mine owns the GMA ( Regular EOS). We have done umpteen comparisons with different speakers in his room. To my ears or to him, never has the speaker sounded sterile ! In fact they sound free from artifacts. This is a very difficult aspect to understand but once you are used to this kind of sound, it is very difficult to go back to a regular boxy sounding speaker. There are thousands of very experienced audiophiles across the world that prefers this. Try not to pass judgment on gear with which you have very LIMITED EXPERIENCE !

The looks are a personal thing. There are folks who love the looks of green mountain. Not everyone needs or likes BOXES. There is no rule that speakers need to be a box. The GMA are designed keeping in mind form follows function. There are white papers on this and have been discussed million of times on various forums

Now, I am not saying that box speakers are bad. There are very good examples of well- done box speakers out there ! There are limitations / trade-offs to all approaches. It all depends on what is important to you !
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they sure look 'Different" but they sound good..need to get the associated equipment right
Hello all am an owner of EOS speakers from Green Mountain Audio and they pair beautifully with Acoustic portrait equipment.In facty they are a match made in heaven.I will soon write a review about this combination .Although a word of caution it definately is a combination for a true live performance listener.

I agree that folks have preferences but please refrain from making tasteless comments on products which you have very limited experience with.

Have you auditioned the EOS HD speakers ever ? What were the associated gear ? A friend of mine owns the GMA ( Regular EOS). We have done umpteen comparisons with different speakers in his room. To my ears or to him, never has the speaker sounded sterile ! In fact they sound free from artifacts. This is a very difficult aspect to understand but once you are used to this kind of sound, it is very difficult to go back to a regular boxy sounding speaker. There are thousands of very experienced audiophiles across the world that prefers this. Try not to pass judgment on gear with which you have very LIMITED EXPERIENCE !

The looks are a personal thing. There are folks who love the looks of green mountain. Not everyone needs or likes BOXES. There is no rule that speakers need to be a box. The GMA are designed keeping in mind form follows function. There are white papers on this and have been discussed million of times on various forums

Now, I am not saying that box speakers are bad. There are very good examples of well- done box speakers out there ! There are limitations / trade-offs to all approaches. It all depends on what is important to you !

As I said - it is my opinion and I don't see anything wrong in stating what my opinion is. I have not heard this particular speaker but I've heard the Callisto with pretty serious Boulder electronics. I stated what it sounded like.

Also I don't see absolutely anything aesthetically pleasing in that speaker. Even the edges seem roughly finished from that picture. I'm sure the majority of folks will accept the fact that these speakers are anything but pretty. Owners might feel otherwise.

If you really want boxless sound, get an open baffle. This is not it since its still in a box albeit made of powdered stone and not mdf.
This is not it since its still in a box albeit made of powdered stone and not mdf.

There is much more to this than a powdered stone box. You obviously need to do lot more homework on this ROC ;)

And the Callisto and EOS HD are completely different animals although they have some good things in common !
Hello all am an owner of EOS speakers from Green Mountain Audio and they pair beautifully with Acoustic portrait equipment.In facty they are a match made in heaven.I will soon write a review about this combination .
Hi pkj123, looking forward for the review.
Although a word of caution it definately is a combination for a true live performance listener.
Wonder how would that be.:rolleyes:
Wonder how would that be.:rolleyes:

One who attends live performances often. I am talking about the unamplified variety. Their ears get used to the natural tone and timbre of the music. The feeling of the performers in the room without all the artefacts in a music system. The sole aim of such people is to assemble a system which conveys the natural essence of a live performance in their room.

There are various types of audiophiles. You will be surprised if you do some research on this demographic ;)
There is much more to this than a powdered stone box. You obviously need to do lot more homework on this ROC ;)

And the Callisto and EOS HD are completely different animals although they have some good things in common !

They are from the same designer and according to the guy who owned it, the entire range has very similar sound signature. It could well be possible that the electronics were the culprit. I would love to listen to them again if given a chance and re evaluate them.

Whats more to them other than the powdered stone cabinets? They seem like a conventional sized 2 way to me.
One who attends live performances often. I am talking about the unamplified variety. Their ears get used to the natural tone and timbre of the music. The feeling of the performers in the room without all the artefacts in a music system. The sole aim of such people is to assemble a system which conveys the natural essence of a live performance in their room.
Sounds pretty exciting. I do not have much experience but for a performance of a trio's performance with two differently sized violin and a cello in Music Academy sometime ago. Wonderful time I had.

Wish I can listen to setups that are capable of achieving that sound.:sad:
There are various types of audiophiles. You will be surprised if you do some research on this demographic ;)
:thumbsup:Hope to do it with generous help from experienced and knowledgeable guys like you.;)
Hey ROC,
I honestly do not have the time to go into a very serious treatise on the principles behind the design since we are having a very busy week at the workplace.

Some pertinent points:
Low resonances and ringing, extremely low diffraction/reflection problems for the drivers in the EOS due to the shape of the bass driver enclosure and physical decoupling of the tweeters. The enclosure's shape is mathematically designed to limit cabinet reflections and improve dispersion. This is the reason why the designer chose to adhere to the form follows function principle rather than the other way around. Hence the unusual shape.

There are many ways to skin the cat but his recipe sure works for folks who value such a design.

The sound signature which you hear from a EOS is primarily dependent on the electronics/cables feeding them. Very rarely I have heard a speaker where you can discern differences between cables and such within five minutes of an A/B comparison. The speaker as such is pretty much neutral. For the first listener, since there is absence of so much of artifacts will experience a certain different sound than what he is used to and can come to many conclusions. One has to live with those speakers to understand its value.
Sounds pretty exciting. I do not have much experience but for a performance of a trio's performance with two differently sized violin and a cello in Music Academy sometime ago. Wonderful time I had.

Ah ! This is the kind of music which can be enjoyed with great realism on the GMAs.
Also wanted to add that this speaker do not have a pronounced mid-bass which lot of bookshelf speakers have. And there is no cabinet boom either due to the inert material. A lot of bookshelf speakers out there have one or both the above two problems unless you are looking at the top of the line creations from esoteric/Niche brands.
This also leads to confusion for many a listener. The two problems mentioned earlier tends to impart a certain warmth to songs which is absent on the EOS. The warmth is there in the voice of the singer but not as coloration to the entire presentation when you listen to GMAs.

The Anthony Gallo speakers are very similar in nature. One of the reasons why many folks have very mixed opinions.
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Hi all. have always been a stickler for function over form and the EOS does just that everything about its design is Audio engineering and this comes out in the reproduction .You almost can feel the artist and the instruments in the room provided it is properly set up.
Get the Wharfedale EVO 4.2 3-Way Standmount Speakers at a Special Offer Price.