Updated and new Forum Rules at HiFiVision.com

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Super Moderator
Jul 23, 2006
We have updated the Forum Rules at India's Audio Video Home Theatre and Hi-Fi Discussion Forum!

I request all members to adhere and strictly follow the Forum Rules for the harmony and smooth functioning of this forum.

As HiFiVision.com is a member moderated forum, I would appreciate if all members participate in the moderation of this forum. If you find a member violating any of the Forum Rules you can immediately bring it to our attention by clicking on the "Report Post" report.gif icon visible on the top right of every post.

Have gone thru the rules and i realised that i violated the rule on posting in the English Language only very recently.

Was just pulling odysseys leg with a reply in hindi on his thread. Wont happen again.


Have gone thru the rules and i realised that i violated the rule on posting in the English Language only very recently.

Was just pulling odysseys leg with a reply in hindi on his thread. Wont happen again.


That is acceptable. However we do not want entire discussions in another language.
Some guys will never learn. (This sentence mnay be ignored as the moderator has removed the post - May 11, 2009)

Any how this is good. I too hope all members stick to the rules and work together to make HiFiVision the best in the world. I am eagerly looking forward to the day when manufacturers take us seriously and look to us for reviews and information.

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Some guys will never learn.

Any how this is good. I too hope all members stick to the rules and work together to make HiFiVision the best in the world. I am eagerly looking forward to the day when manufacturers take us seriously and look to us for reviews and information.


here here
actaully venkat ji
some dealers do read our comments.
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Dear Dinyaar,

Pls feel free to indulge in leg pulling in any language that we understand,,hindi is also fine...but if we dont laugh, then you have to pay a fine..which is payable in wine..

with lots of hic..regards


Have gone thru the rules and i realised that i violated the rule on posting in the English Language only very recently.

Was just pulling odysseys leg with a reply in hindi on his thread. Wont happen again.

Dear Dinyaar,

Pls feel free to indulge in leg pulling in any language that we understand,,hindi is also fine...but if we dont laugh, then you have to pay a fine..which is payable in wine..

with lots of hic..regards

Haha OK Boss.
Madjack i dont know about u but i am getting impatient with u not getting your amp. Whats happening? Any luck?
hes waiting for when you can sell him one of your used amps!
you should have offered him your marantz! hehe

It only costs Rs.100.00 to post a ad. I am sure we can all afford this cost to post a SELL ad!

I agree its not a huge sum paying which will make me bankrupt :lol: !! But the problem is,I Am sure others will agree on this !

First its bout the forum culture,I've N numbers forum and not one charges for the classifieds ! every single one if for free ! this is like a fundamental right :D !

Second not everyone will have the facility to pay online ! take me for example,I don't have a creditcard and don't transact online ! so how Am I supposed to pay ??

So Again I sincerely request the Mod to consider the free posting options for the regular members and continue to charge the business folks !

Also as Requested earlier please keep a tab on the sellers there so that they have some credibility and regular members are interested to visit the site and buy ! currently not many are interested as its flooded with these so called used dealers who don't provide any info of the product history or the pricing !


This is not directly related to rules as such. However, I have one suggestion regarding typographical errors in the names of the threads. I find a few typos in the names and since these are the ones appearing when opening hifivision.com, in my mind gives a bad impression to the rest of the world.

We all make typographical errors. I, for example, make many. To some extent, this is tolerable in the body of the posts. However, in the title, these typos should be corrected.
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