A sign of things to come

From the currency symbol to pride of culture and pessimism about the future: one hell of a digression.
BTW, from what I remember from my school history books, before the Brits came, there was no country called India (or whatever it was called at that time). IIRC, only Mauryas and Mughals briefly ruled most of what is known as India today. So, where is the question of thousands of years of Indian culture? What we have today is an amalgamation of various cultures that came together by accident. I also hesitate to buy this story about how this country was such a heaven on earth a few centuries ago till the westeners came and corrupted our minds. The human minds have been capable of most despicable behavior for ever. It was not the exclusive domain of the white man. That is the reason why all religions started talking about moral values thousands of years ago. India was probably in better economic shape before the Brits came. But who knows how the culture was. Only the excellence stand the test of time. So, we see the huge monuments, and best literature from those days. That does not mean that there was no mediocrity or evil in medieval India.
For me it is more important to worry about the culture of today than be proud of culture that probably existed centuries ago. The culture today is quite complex from the most idiotic driving habits/poor hygiene/corruption to some wonderful advancement in spite of the surrounding filth. I am sure some of what we see today is the legacy of the mentality from pre-Brit India. Though I don't expect India to join the first world nations in human development anytime soon, I am more optimistic about the future of this society than what I read in this thread.

Well said.

However, currency symbol to pride of culture is not that much of a digression. The underlying sentiment was that India has progressively become a vainglorious and moralistic country that is primarily focused on creating fancy symbols, renaming cities, erecting statues, and lecturing developed countries on morality (Nehru-vian principles).

Think about it, currencies with symbols like the US dollar, Euro, and Yen trade in trillions of dollars. China is in this league, but hasn't bothered yet. Our share of global trade and global finance on the other hand is in fractional and single digit percentages.
I'm sorry, but what I see in "gobble's" post is nothing but a whole lot of whining about grave injustices in the past. If people were so advanced when these foreigners came along how come they allowed them to take control? I mean according to you they were so smart at that time right? WTF is the use of all that intelligence if you can't protect what you (supposedly) have? And Japan was nuked in the near past and where are they now? I, for one am not impressed by a long post spewing a whole lot of history that has no significance to the present or to the reality of the situation that faces us. Our future is extremely bleak, and this country becomes more unlivable every day. Our personal successes or worth will be irrelevant when we live our lives in a screwed up country.

PS: The reason why graduates are crap is simply because the teachers don't know shit themselves, are underpaid, schools suck balls and so do the textbooks. It has nothing to do with English (as you mentioned), more to do with uselessness. You blaming English is just stupidly mindless and it appears you just have a grudge against it. The most powerful country in the world uses English only and I don't see them having any problems with it.

Some people just don't get the message:rolleyes:

Your misunderstanding, your inability to grasp the gist of what was being said only betrays your lack of grasp over the English language - precisely the final message in what I have been talking about.

The post was not about history - it was about distortion of history and propaganda and how it is being used to influence Indian youth to abandon values rather than build upon it.

There may be the odd scientist who will contribute to modern science and shine, but a true contribution on a much larger scale will only come when the potential of millions of Indians is harnessed. And India's future contribution to world civilizations can only be genuine and authentic if it adds something truly its own into the mix of world knowledge.

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Your inability to grasp a concept called 'reality' is equally appalling. btw, thanks a lot for trying to insult my intelligence, but it did not work. Goodbye and have a nice life.
I'm sorry, but what I see in "gobble's" post is nothing but a whole lot of whining about grave injustices in the past. If people were so advanced when these foreigners came along how come they allowed them to take control? I mean according to you they were so smart at that time right? WTF is the use of all that intelligence if you can't protect what you (supposedly) have? And Japan was nuked in the near past and where are they now? I, for one am not impressed by a long post spewing a whole lot of history that has no significance to the present or to the reality of the situation that faces us. Our future is extremely bleak, and this country becomes more unlivable every day. Our personal successes or worth will be irrelevant when we live our lives in a screwed up country.

PS: The reason why graduates are crap is simply because the teachers don't know shit themselves, are underpaid, schools suck balls and so do the textbooks. It has nothing to do with English (as you mentioned), more to do with uselessness. You blaming English is just stupidly mindless and it appears you just have a grudge against it. The most powerful country in the world uses English only and I don't see them having any problems with it.

I have been reading this thread with interest thanks to gobble and venkatcr. For the record, I fully agree with gobble and while I do not agree with some of venkatcr's viewpoints, they have kept the discussion civil. Your first post about Indian languages being useful only for talking to bus conductors smacks of ignorance and utter disregard for the culture and history of India, which if I am not wrong is also your country. And the above post of yours is yet another ignorant, useless and disrespectful post. You are a poster child of what the west wants to achieve in this planet homogenize the entire planet into their culture. If you do not see value in the thread and in someones post, why participate with such provocative posts? And no one denies the reality of what is India today. But that does not mean that we have to be ashamed of our past as the west would have you believe.

If you find the country so unlivable, why not permanently migrate to a country of your liking instead of living in an unlivable country and whine all the time about it?

The most powerful country of the past and present would love it if the entire planet gave up their native languages and spoke just English. And going by your posts, there are a lot of people who are too eager to do just that.

Every country's present and future is decided by it's history. What we are today is because of what we did or what we did not do before. What gobble and I were trying to say is that the mistakes we made in the past is costing us today. What Gobble is trying to say is that if we understand our past well and correctly, we will be able to have pride in ourselves, and at least improve the situation for our children.


Well said.
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I have been reading this thread with interest thanks to gobble and venkatcr. For the record, I fully agree with gobble and while I do not agree with some of venkatcr's viewpoints, they have kept the discussion civil. Your first post about Indian languages being useful only for talking to bus conductors smacks of ignorance and utter disregard for the culture and history of India, which if I am not wrong is also your country. And the above post of yours is yet another ignorant, useless and disrespectful post. You are a poster child of what the west wants to achieve in this planet homogenize the entire planet into their culture. If you do not see value in the thread and in someones post, why participate with such provocative posts? And no one denies the reality of what is India today. But that does not mean that we have to be ashamed of our past as the west would have you believe.

If you find the country so unlivable, why not permanently migrate to a country of your liking instead of sitting in an unlivable country and whine all the time about it?

The most powerful country of the past and present would love it if the entire planet gave up their native languages and spoke just English. And going by your posts, there are a lot of people who are too eager to do just that.

Well said.

The problem is I posted the truth nobody wants to accept or hear. I respect anything or anyone that deserves respect. I am not concerned with culture, but with progress. My contention was always that Indian languages are simply unfit as an education medium. Go back and re-read my post. People who like to think everything is right will never be the solution. IMO, we need to accept the problems and deal with them rationally. Adding content now into any regional language is a lost cause. Rationally, the regional languages cannot be used for science, for the progress of this country, hence that sentence.

We have far worse issues at hand than trying to "homogenize" culture of the west. Let's try to build proper cars, roads, aircraft (military and commercial), electronics, eradicate poverty and do all that good stuff first ok? Then, we can try to revive those languages and the culture.
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The problem is I posted the truth nobody wants to accept or hear. I respect anything or anyone that deserves respect. I am not concerned with culture, but with progress. My contention was always that Indian languages are simply unfit as an education medium. Go back and re-read my post. People who like to think everything is right will never be the solution. IMO, we need to accept the problems and deal with them rationally. Adding content now into any regional language is a lost cause. Rationally, the regional languages cannot be used for science, for the progress of this country, hence that sentence.

We have far worse issues at hand than trying to "homogenize" culture of the west. Let's try to build proper cars, roads, aircraft (military and commercial), electronics, eradicate poverty and do all that good shit first ok? Then, we can try to revive those languages and the culture.

I am afraid you dont even have a clue what the others are talking about.

There is science, there is art and then there is humanity. The latter two things are what further define and refine who we are.

Then there is blind hero-worship. In this case, nation worship or culture worship are probably better words. Every individual chooses the path they want to get into.

About proper roads, crafts etc - we need to have pride in who we are. We need to have something common to believe in, to be proud of. To call our own. If we dont, then we we will only be doing something by rote. For the sake of copying.

Material conveniences or lack thereof are not the biggest problems being faced by our country. They are but an effect. If you try and address effects, you will have a shell. An empty shell. Is that what you want? And you know how easily empty shells crack....
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I am afraid you dont even have a clue what the others are talking about.

There is science, there is art and then there is humanity. The latter two things are what further define and refine who we are.

Then there is blind hero-worship. In this case, nature worship or culture worship are probably better words. Every individual chooses the path they want to get into.

About proper roads, crafts etc - we need to have pride in who we are. We need to have something common to believe in, to be proud of. To call our own. If we dont, then we we will only be doing something by rote. For the sake of copying.

Material conveniences or lack thereof are not the biggest problems being faced by our country. They are but an effect. If you try and address effects, you will have a shell. An empty shell. Is that what you want? And you know how easily empty shells crack....

Again, well said! I agree with you on the whole.
Just one problem I would like to highlight:

About proper roads, crafts etc - we need to have pride in who we are. We need to have something common to believe in, to be proud of. To call our own. If we dont, then we we will only be doing something by rote. For the sake of copying.

The only problem with India (the way I see it) is that the concept of a national "we" is very very poorly defined. Whether it is because of our multi-cultural composition and long and diverse history, I don't know.

Group-ism based on caste, language, state, city, religion, etc. has ensured that what you probably think of "we" is completely different from what even your neighbor thinks of "we". Politicians and similar cretinous life-forms manipulate the definition of "we" to suit their own end goals, and that too with impunity.

As a random example, a Maharashtrian bus conductor will deliberately refuse to speak to you in any language except Marathi because his/her version of "we" is aamchi marathi and your version of "we" is mera bharat mahaan.

How can we have a collective pride of ownership of anything when all our collectives and groups are busy fighting and opposing each other?
True, arun - but maybe we can start with our roads, our communities, our cities, then broaden our consciousness to include tribe, state, and country borders.

Discipline, civic sense and governance are large subjects in themselves. And perhaps they will follow once we have pride in our country and fully understand and appreciate who we were and get shocked out of our wits when we realize who we now are.
Just to add - nation worship and culture worship are mentioned with respect to a whole lot of young Indians getting enamoured with the US and the West in general and getting totally disenchanted with anything and everything Indian - past and present.

You get on a flight to the United States. You are beset with a crowd of cooing mothers and fathers who talk in well cultured English (or sometimes not so well cultured) to their 3 month olds and 6 month olds. Where do we go from here??!

Your lack of faith in the Indian medium is misplaced. Or shall I say your faith in the supremacy of everything western is misplaced?

I will now redefine everything I said in a single phrase "Epistemic Fascism"

What does this phrase mean? Wiki tells you -

An epistemic community may consist of those who accept one version of a story, or one version of validating a story.

So what I have been arguing against all the time is against a form of intellectual "fascism" that insists on applying only one world view and forcing it upon us. Almost always a Euro-Centric one. Your kind of view-points are the result of being subject to this form of fascism - every time single time you watch TV, visit a Crossword bookstore or see something on the Internet. The self-delusion is however such that one believes one is very modern and progressive, because one has so much access to information!! Earlier I chose and mentioned in metaphorical cynical and satirical terms a slang for a victim of this kind delusion - The English Speaking Idiot! I will approach this Idiot once again after I introduce a new question. So far I have made an attempt to be original in describing the problem in my own words, in order to develop my very own mode of arguments (I owe it to myself, do I not? :)) Now let us look at a small but crucial work of others.

There are some very good essays that deal with the following topics -

Is there an Indian way of doing science?

Is there an Indian way of thinking?

Here is an extract from one such good essay, please read it (the whole essay linked) to the last word:

In any scientific discourse, it is essential to achieve precision and rigour. In the
western tradition, the geometry of Euclid is considered the paradigm of an ideal
theory, and various other branches of knowledge tried to emulate Euclid by setting
out their knowledge on the basis of a formal axiomatic system. In contrast, in Indian
tradition, an attempt was made to use natural language and to refine and sharpen its
potential by technical operations so that precise discourse was possible even in natural
language. This is so, particularly in Sanskrit, where we find that even the most
abstract and metaphysical discussions regarding grammar, mathematics or logic are
still written in natural language. In Indian knowledge systems, it is the science of
linguistics that occupies the central place that, in the west, is occupied by mathematics.
Hence, traditional sciences have a different approach to achieving rigour.

From http://www.compasnet.org/afbeeldingen/Books/Traditional Knowledge India/balasubramanian.pdf

Now you see how absurd the claim as made by that "respectable" looking scholar is? That India lacked an unambiguous representation of knowledge? How is it that a postgraduate in Indian History can be so ignorant of India's linguistic heritage to be able to make such patently false claims?!! Or is there a vested interest in portraying a particular picture of India to gullible Indians themselves?

I'm sorry, but what I see in "gobble's" post is nothing but a whole lot of whining about grave injustices in the past.

Now in order to treat disease, the doctor needs to understand the medical history of the patient. A closer examination of any history will expose patterns and trends that help define the problem statement. In fact it can also help identify a problem where one believes that none exists. Or it can alter the problem statement made in the current context taking into account what we know historically.

I mentioned the stone by stone destruction of Vijayanagara - you called it whining about the past. Perhaps in my earlier original post as well you may be able to pick out a few statements that appear to be accusatory.

Now consider the situation that in many schools across India, Sanskrit is being edged out to be replaced by Urdu, or the original problem we started with - of English being the primary medium of education in India - almost by compulsion, if you want to succeed. Are you now able to rephrase the problem as one of continuation of the Cultural Imperialism and examine the depth and scope of the problem in better light? Can you relate the stone-by-stone destruction of Vijayangara with the imposition of Urdu in many schools in India? One might argue that the Urdu community in India has been here long enough to warrant their inclusion. But at the expense of Sanskrit without which the original Indian Civilization loses everything it has?!! The word Impose is very crucial here, because it is not a matter choice - a student is not free to choose in many a school, either of Sanskrit or Urdu as a second language. He is compelled to learn it regardless of if he wants it or not.

Now why is it being imposed and why is there no freedom of choice? Because the vested interests want to impose it of course!! Why do they want to impose it and not provide choice? Because they "hate" the other. Why do they "hate" the other? Because they have been taught to "hate" the other. Who has taught them to "hate" the other? Todays history books and Media of course!! See - when the more than 1001 instances throughout our history where the primary culture of this land has provided land grants and facilities for the secondary cultures to establish their place of worship and practice their foreign faith - when all these instances are suppressed and buried, the people of secondary cultures forget any gratitude they might have for the primary mother culture that gave them space in the first place (in their own good faith). Instead if all that you hear repeatedly is that the primary culture is a threat to all it secondary sub-cultures, an intellectual hostility is created. Instead of praising and remembering the accommodating pluralism of Mother India, all you hear is how ugly it really is, repeated again and again. Over time this results in an attitude where one wants to dominate and impose rather than share the same space. That same intellectual hostility also translates into an emotional response on the ground with civil unrest, one that makes our society an unsafe one for all our children and for the growth and welfare of our Nation!!

Can you see how this epistemic fascism in all the English literature and books leads to a socially disruptive situation on the ground? Or how some amount of "Glory Singing" where the deeds of the past are good can be useful towards spreading social harmony and building a better future? You may well believe you are reading a progressive modern book and enlightening yourself, but in reality the views in the book are meant to reinforce certain negative stereotypes and split the loyalties of the nation that reads it, into multiple hostile camps.

PS: The reason why graduates are crap is simply because the teachers don't know shit themselves, are underpaid, schools suck balls and so do the textbooks. It has nothing to do with English (as you mentioned), more to do with uselessness.

I truly believe - The reason teaching is uninspiring in modern India today is because a crucial motivation has been robbed from the majority of them - an inability to relate to a form of knowledge that is alien to them, to which they have no cultural roots in the sub-conscious and unconscious. Robbed as they are of their cultural moorings in learning - they have been compelled to mug up and spit out a body of knowledge foreign in origin and approach, hence unable to inspire and motivate their students. The trend continues down the generations. Hence you and me suffered and our children will.

Indeed and I believe, the reason for lack of national spirit in modern India is rooted in this alienation. Once this connection is made,the motivation will come back, the civic sense will slowly emerge, the apathy will fade ... slowly over generations. Please understand the argument and perspective of Balasubramanium about indigenous folk knowledge - the depth of enculturation that a Sanskritic culture has endowed over 6000 years cannot be wished away overnight!! It will only sap the nation for centuries (while poor Indian civilization gets the blame), and while its vast population struggles to cope with an alien mode of thinking, forever looking to an imperfect west (with all its warts and sores hidden out of view :D) as its role-model.

Japan would have been a impoverished and poor country if the US had not thrown billions of dollars in aid and given them special status for experting their good to the US. Of course, the Japanese were smart and used their special status smartly.

Very good point Venkat.

What Gobble is trying to say is that if we understand our past well and correctly, we will be able to have pride in ourselves, and at least improve the situation for our children.

Actually I neglected to mention one crucial reason why we need to understand our history better. Because we need to know exactly what to pick up from the past and build upon it, and what weaknesses to leave behind. A perusal of the linked document for example will teach us that we need not abandon our traditional indigenous modes of thinking and pursuit of knowledge, and our hope and strength may actually lie in reviving it in all village communities and building a bridge to modern science wherever feasible.

You blaming English is just stupidly mindless and it appears you just have a grudge against it. The most powerful country in the world uses English only and I don't see them having any problems with it.

My dear Everybody - But I only speak English!! :D

My knowledge of my mother tongue is Sh!t maybe 10%, and I can speak good but limited Hindi for some time ... sooner than later I run out words... :)

I too was an English Speaking Idiot :D (Read "Confessions of an English Speaking Boy" - its raunchy ;)). However early on in my twenties, I grew immensely suspicious and alarmed of everything I was reading. "Daal mein kuch kaala legaa ..." Everywhere I turned, every bookshop, news item etc, I saw inferior western mentality of triumphant proof brandishing, and un-holistic viewpoints being bandied by so called learned experts in the field!! And almost always in a moralistic sermonizing tone :D !! The refined intellectual discernment was always reserved to cover up for the perceived weakness of western society. But I could not challenge them in my own mind because I never found out books that gave an alternative POV to structure my thoughts and build my intellectual foundations. Because of, as I as I mentioned earlier - the existence of syndicated scholarship.(Mind you from an early age, I was capable of reading medical texts without breaking into a sweat, or engineering books, my only limitation being lack of rigor in mathematics and absent mindedness :)) The result was I quit reading for a whole decade and reminded myself every day to avoid the trash until my vision of what it was became more clear.

Why do I call myself an ex-Idiot? Because I did not have the intellectual capacity to create myself the necessary mental constructs to classify the (what I know now as ) propaganda I was reading and give it structure, I could only swallow the knowledge from a book - exactly what our educational system is making us into - well qualified Duds, capable of taking orders and doing somewhat complex intellectual work that robots cannot do or above the level of menial labor (Another tool of cultural Imperialism BTW).

Today after many years of struggle I have enough evidence (from the works of others) to argue that the western academia you all so much admire for its "unconditional spirit of inquiry into the Truth" is actually one where a form of intellectual "Incestuous Inbreeding" is rampant - where a closed circle of academics review and qualify each others works, gain a false pseudo-respectability in the process, acquire that important chair and funding grant and pass off as world renounced experts in the field. An academia where critical reviews of their works that point out the flaws and shoddy scholarship are never cataloged for the review of future generations of scholars, a world in which people who try and reason are attacked vociferously and have their careers sidelined.

This is particularly true in the study of History, Anthropology and "other" Religions. Not your typical view of the respectable western academic institution is it? ;) And not very far from the description of that decrypt and run down institution in India where nepotism is rampant... :) !!

The core ideas from the substandard works of these western scholars then filters down into the paperbacks you buy and read from a CrossWord book store, or the documentary in History Channel or your favorite news channel. It is for this reason I do not watch TV since a decade and I almost never will in India!! However I do speed-read and survey the media almost every day, quickly ticking-off the falsehoods on the fly. Mind you till date I have not read a single book on propaganda theory even today!! :)

Anyways my intent was not to insult anybody just to point out a possibility so you can take a second look at your perceptions. :)

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Gobble - people are going to be clamouring for their favourite 'red devil'. This English professor role is not going to be popular. Although I surely believe it has served its purpose in this discussion :).

So take that 'red devil' dress kit out and bedeck yourself! :)
The problem is I posted the truth nobody wants to accept or hear. I respect anything or anyone that deserves respect. I am not concerned with culture, but with progress.

and yeah, "Progress" is not possible without Culture .. ;)
Gobble - people are going to be clamouring for their favourite 'red devil'. This English professor role is not going to be popular. Although I surely believe it has served its purpose in this discussion :).

So take that 'red devil' dress kit out and bedeck yourself! :)

Fear not :cool: For I hold a Trident in my hand!! :eek:hyeah:
and yeah, "Progress" is not possible without Culture .. ;)

Actually gobble, for server3249, progress is just better roads, airport, military equipment and easy access to KFC, Pizza Hut & McDonalds. By that scale, all countries in the gulf (UAE, Kuwait, Saudi et al) are the most progressive countries in the world:D Oh wait, you can't even carry statues or pictures of Hindu gods into Saudi let alone conduct Hindu or any other form of religious worship in Saudi'a! Now how does it matter that India allows complete freedom of religion? And how does freedom of speech & freedom to practice one's own religion matter as long as you have fabulous roads, airport and cars?!

And how about UAE, where god forbid you get into a tiff with a local, regardless of who is right, the local will always win should you decide to call the police? And this is the same country where they prohibit everyone else from eating in public during the month of Ramadan (as does most of the countries in GCC). Isn't that progress?

And ofcourse, server3249 will possibly like the fact that the original people of the Americas, the so-called Indians are still being restricted by the modern west to live in reservations because their culture has not helped progress;)

Lastly Gobble, good going mate. Though it may not go well with the evangelized,unoriginal thinking progressive kinds, who cares? I say :thumbsup: to your efforts!
suri said:
One legend has it that the sounds of the Sanskrit language arose from Shiva's drumbeats (see Shiva Sutra).

Which could be a great advantage in processing. One of the frontiers of processing is to use sounds to represent characters, symbols etc. Sound, unlike English, can also be used to represent colloquial meanings as you can have literally infinite variation in frequency to represent what you want.

Both 2001 Space Odyssey and Close Encounters of the Third Kind dwell upon this briefly. In CE3K, the alien's first message to Earth is through a series of sounds that contain a message.

Which could be a great advantage in processing. One of the frontiers of processing is to use sounds to represent characters, symbols etc. Sound, unlike English, can also be used to represent colloquial meanings as you can have literally infinite variation in frequency to represent what you want.

Both 2001 Space Odyssey and Close Encounters of the Third Kind dwell upon this briefly. In CE3K, the alien's first message to Earth is through a series of sounds that contain a message.


oh yes - venkatcr - That (CE3K) created a deep impression on my mind! - yes! that sequence of sounds - and the deciphering of the meaning!:)
regds suri
oh yes - venkatcr - That (CE3K) created a deep impression on my mind! - yes! that sequence of sounds - and the deciphering of the meaning!:)
regds suri

From the NASA report :)

Sanskrit after all is the language of mantra -- words of power that are subtly attuned to the unseen harmonies of the matrix of creation, the world as yet unformed.

The unique organization of the Sanskrit alphabet serves to focus one's attention on qualities and patterns of articulated sound in a way that occurs in no other language. By paying continuous attention to the point of location, degree of resonance and effort of breath, one's awareness becomes more and more consumed by the direct experience of articulated sound. This in itself produces and unprecedented clarity of mind and revelry in the joy of language. Every combination of sound in Sanskrit follows strict laws which essentially make possible an uninterrupted flow of the most perfect euphonic blending of letters into words and verse

Cheers :)
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.