Dog Lovers.. please help me out

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2010
Hey Guys,

After stalling for almost 2 years, finally putting it out there, really hoping to get some valuable responses...

All my childhood I grew up in village, and out of necessity, we owned couple of German Shepards, and later a Lab cross breed (awesome nose though but a real foodie lol). Now that we are in city, we are considering adding a Canine member to our family. My wife love dogs, but kid likes felines but he will get used to it ;-) But we both agree that we want a large-ish dog and not too much fur (and intelligent, kid friendly, doesn't chew a lot of shoes etc.)

I told her that we just get a Dogo Argentino but I am not sure he will be okay in an apartment although internet says he will be fine, with enough exercise. Looks like Akita Inu do very well but too much fur to shed (and probably too aggressive in a community). I love Rotties but not sure if we can keep him under control. Already had a Lab so not really considering. What breed do you guys recommend? (We like big dogs). Do you think Boxers will be fine? I hear they just nothing but a boat-load of fun bags...

Any feedback would be much appreciated.. Thank You!!

PS: Please recommend a good Dogo Argentino breeder in Bangalore... we haven't finalized but want to check out anyways :)
I used to have breeds like Lab, Goldies, GSD, boxers and fox terrier. Boxers remains with their kiddish nature till their last breath. My choice is Boxer. But iam not sure whether Apartment suitable for Boxers. I know some of my friends have GSD in apartment.

And hope you already knows about website for genuine breeders.
I used to have breeds like Lab, Goldies, GSD, boxers and fox terrier. Boxers remains with their kiddish nature till their last breath. My choice is Boxer. But iam not sure whether Apartment suitable for Boxers. I know some of my friends have GSD in apartment.

And hope you already knows about website for genuine breeders.
You confirmed what I heard but I don't know if they are apartment dwellers though... Also is it true they love to be in pairs? My neighbouring village guy had them in pair and he unequivocally vouched for their guarding trait when in pairs... I have no idea. GSD is out, due to shedding issues. Thank you for the response!

Fox terrier was featured in as Milo in The Mask movie right? Or was it Jack Russell??
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Just make sure your doggo has enough reason to bark as apartments are closed fence like, with not too many visitors ... :p
A word of caution with regard to inbreeding and weaker immunity etc. You want a dog that lives with you for its full age span and not develop any diseases early that could be terminal. Good luck with the four legged coming into your family.
Lucky you.. My wife hates dogs but I wish to own one since my childhood. Don't know when that dream will be fulfilled. Still, I will be looking at this thread for the recommendations for my future self :p
Wish you happy days ahead..
I would also suggest you look at what is termed mongrels or should I aptly put as native breeds. I hav raised a few including breeds like GSD and boxers.
Native breeds will be easier in apartment kind of setup. They are as smart and as good as any breed, will be that much more healthy overall when compared to larger breeds constrained to apartment living.
It has been either a dog or me since marriage, and I have so far been successful in holding my place for close to 15 years. Recently a cat has though joined our life.
A word of caution with regard to inbreeding and weaker immunity etc. You want a dog that lives with you for its full age span and not develop any diseases early that could be terminal. Good luck with the four legged coming into your family.
+1. I never encourage buying canines or felines from breeders. Always adopt, don't shop. I'd highly recommend adopting our very own Indie dog (desi) also called Indian pariah of which there are plenty of rescued pups and adults available at reputed animal shelters. I would look for a pet that's been vaccinated, toilet-trained and de-wormed. The desi dog is very hardy, tailor-made for our tropical climate, very low-maintenance, extremely short fur, friendly and loyal but equally fierce as a guard dog and lives a relatively long healthy life.
I would also suggest you look at what is termed mongrels or should I aptly put as native breeds. I hav raised a few including breeds like GSD and boxers.
Native breeds will be easier in apartment kind of setup. They are as smart and as good as any breed, will be that much more healthy overall when compared to larger breeds constrained to apartment living.
It has been either a dog or me since marriage, and I have so far been successful in holding my place for close to 15 years. Recently a cat has though joined our life.

I too agree with this suggestion.

We have a golden retriever (adopted from a family who no longer wanted him) , as well a an "Indie" - a stray puppy my daughter had picked up from a metro station, which we also adopted.

The golden has a lot of allergies, needs very regular grooming and vet visits, and struggles in the Chennai heat.

The Indie has none of these problems, and is just perfect for an apartment.

My wife and kids have become active supporters of indies. They care for stray pups, get them vaccianted from vets , and find them good homes.

So my views are :

1. Consider an Indie pup or an Indian breed

2. If you are sure you want a foreign breed, consider adoption. There are plenty of families who buy an expensive puppy, and after a month realise its too much hard work. Join a dog lovers network in your city. You will find pups of really good breeds, constantly put up for adoption.

3. Do not got to a breeder. Do not encourage breeders.

Apologies in advance if my comments upset anyone.
Just being honest about how my thinking has evolved over the last few years.
+1. I never encourage buying canines or felines from breeders. Always adopt, don't shop. I'd highly recommend adopting our very own Indie dog (desi) also called Indian pariah of which there are plenty of rescued pups and adults available at reputed animal shelters. I would look for a pet that's been vaccinated, toilet-trained and de-wormed. The desi dog is very hardy, tailor-made for our tropical climate, very low-maintenance, extremely short fur, friendly and loyal but equally fierce as a guard dog and lives a relatively long healthy life.
I came to this thread to say the same thing. I've had dogs almost my entire life - Indies, Poms, cross-breeds. There are so many Indies looking for their forever homes. This might be an unpopular opinion but buying breeds encourages unscrupulous breeders who keep the female dogs in inhumane conditions and kick them out to die once their purpose is served. Most of these breeders thrive because many people want dogs as a status symbol (I am not referring to the OP here but in general). I have two Indies now (one of them a cross) and they are the best one could ask for - smart, handsome, loving and totally hardy for our climate (but once they get used to the AC they always want it :)

In case you are interested the places to reach out to are the local animal shelters run by organizations like Blue Cross.
We've had dogs for the past 13 years or so. Among large dogs, my experience is with great danes and st bernards. Both are friendly, family oriented dogs. St Bernards manage better in an apartment setting - they are not running oriented while danes love running. Bernards do shed though. They also develop health problems after 4-5 years, but not as bad as other large breeds. They are some of the gentlest dogs. There are usually some up for adoption. Check with CUPA second chance in Bangalore.

Indies are the most trouble free and live the longest. Also gentle dogs, do well in an apartment setting, family friendly.
Best apartment dogs:

Jack Russel - is a no no... they need loads of exercise and can be nasty if not exercised everyday... huge fields, running etc ....

Labs/Boxers/ Goldies are excellent and very child friendly. They are mid-sized and do ok in apartment.

Beagles! Small dogs, huge fun! very playful and friendly... have their own mind and are not so attention-hungry...

I have ahd goldies, labs and currently have a Beagle companion. all have been too good...
I have two dogs. A golden retriever and a indie dog which I rescued and adopted. Please don't go to the breeder. There are plenty of dogs available for adoption. Goldens are sweet and friendly. So are the Mongrels. They are best for our climatic conditions. They are smart too. All the best :)

A few words of advice:
However much you will be able to exercise them, a large-ish dog needs space to run around freely.
This is a challenge in an apartment.

Coming to Dogo Argentino. It is a big dog and definitely needs an independent house with a compound.
These breeds are not native and demand fancy prices. Fancy breeds will be from a very small gene pool in India.
Expect health issues.

Boxers can adapt to apartment living. We used to have one. Currently we have an English Bulldog and a Boxer-Pitbull mix.
The Boxer-Pitbull needs a lot of exercise, real hyper rascal. Adopted him from CUPA. Have had a Mudhol and a Doberman earlier.

If you are intent on large-ish dogs and can provide them free running around, here are a list of Indian breeds to consider:
Indie (best bet)
The above breeds (except Indie) need a loving but firm owner, otherwise they can be quite a handful.

Please do take a look at CUPA Second Chance. There are lots of dogs in need of a caring home, especially due to Covid.
PM me if you need contacts at shelters in Bangalore.

BTW, all puppies/dogs chew up stuff (shoes and everything else).
And plan on feeding them good quality food, like a whole lot of meat :D

As a very young kid, I would always bring a stray very young puppy home but my parents would always throw it out when I was in school. They never liked having a pet dog.
Fast forward to 2005 when my wife and I saw a very young stray puppy shivering near the gate of our house and we adopted that dog. Unfortunately that dog died within 6 months and left me with tears. My wife also was not that fond of dogs so I never thought of having a pet dog.

Then in 2014, my wife saw a lady carrying a beautiful "Hutch" dog and really fell in love with it and wanted to have a pug. Bus fir kiya I somehow convinced her to get a bigger dog as I was also about to move about 250Km for higher studies.

Then we got a female Rottweiller who is still with us and her name is Bangle. Now I can proudly say that I have tamed a bitch, a real bitch. :) :p
My older son was 7 years then and now he is 14years. Bangle likes him more than me now and even my younger kid, 6years old, plays freely with her.

A bigger dog needs a lot of space to run around and I doubt apartment space is enough for them. In winters I let her run around on the terrace chasing bikers on both roads on the front and backside of our house.
Thank You everyone for all your responses!! So looks like large breed will be an issue, which is quite disappointing TBH. Will have to go back to square one then... And thanks for all the recommendations, highly appreciated!! Will go through in detail about each breed, probably over the weekend.
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