Hey I am sorry for making newcomers fun!
Anyway the molastation I was referring to Ajinkya's post
Guidelines for New Members --
Please do not give titles that have no relation to your question. Putting subjects like 'Avr/LCD/newbie ' gives us absolutely no clue about the query (nor any incentive to open your post). Also, Please don't put titles like "Heeelp meeee, yaaaah!" as your subject line.
We assume (and sincerely hope) that you're not being molested as you write this post. Don't make yourself sound as if you are.
I THOUGHT IT WAS MODERATOR'S POST.And these are standard rules...
Anyway welcome. And I am not in audio DIY I am in other DIY stuff.
So all the best for your speakers!
About DIY and Music I say ( Source Meatlof = Song Rock and Roll Dreams Come True..
Theres always something magic
Theres always something new
And when you really, really need it the most
Thats when rock and roll dreams come through
The beat is yours forever
The beat is always true
And when you really, really need it the most
Thats when rock and roll dreams come through...for you...