Help in buying LCDs required


New Member
Nov 30, 2009
Hi, am looking to get a 32 inch LCD for the house. Budget is around Rs 30k. I have seen the sony, panasonic, samsung ones but each of them seem to stretch the image on the screen. This did not seem to happen on the Toshiba and Sharp ones?

Any one else have that problem?

Any suggestions for the TV otherwise?
Hey, i have tried both the 16:9 and 4:3. It still creates a problem. Even the guy at the store could not sort it out. I currently have a Panasonic Vierra and have not been able to correct the stretch
Hi, am looking to get a 32 inch LCD for the house. Budget is around Rs 30k. I have seen the sony, panasonic, samsung ones but each of them seem to stretch the image on the screen. This did not seem to happen on the Toshiba and Sharp ones?

Any one else have that problem?

Any suggestions for the TV otherwise?

You must read the forums - all your queries are answered at this point...seriously!
Hey, just went through the forums and understand that the DTH providers / channels provide the signals in 4:3 and not 16:9 which creates the problem. What i was wondering is how this appeared nicer in Sharp and Toshiba when compared with Sony, Samsung, Panasonic and LG? Am i missing something here - i thought it was different while watching the same channel on all models in a store in Mumbai.
Hey, just went through the forums and understand that the DTH providers / channels provide the signals in 4:3 and not 16:9 which creates the problem. What i was wondering is how this appeared nicer in Sharp and Toshiba when compared with Sony, Samsung, Panasonic and LG? Am i missing something here - i thought it was different while watching the same channel on all models in a store in Mumbai.

DTH providers do have the option to select the Aspect in 16:9, atleast tataSky has else I would have landed with a very poor stretched image on my 47" Full HD LCD. (it playes perfectly) I am not sure what stretching you are mentioning here but I never came across any brand LCD during my auditioning that had the picture played stretched......
Hey All. thanks for the updates. You see my problem was that i had set the aspect ratio to 16:9 for the TV and the cable and yet found it stretching. But the SHarp one did not. Maybe i will retry with doing this at the showroom as well.

thanks again. will update if i notice anything else.
Hey All, as promised - the sharp and toshiba does not stretch - though the ticker on CNBC tends to stretch as it reaches one end of the screen. images certainly not stretched in comparison to Pana, Sony and Sam. But the Sharp one had more clarity than Toshiba.
A further update, after having used the Sharp Aquos for some time - the images do not stretch as much as on a panasonic vierra - though overall the vierra appears to have better image sharpness and brightness (after doing some manual adjustments). However, this i suspect is a function of use - and once the tv is used a bit - i think it tends to overall appear nicer
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