Ideal budget amplifier for me?


New Member
Dec 29, 2008

I'm planning on setting up a budget system comprising of:
1. Pair of my favorite Wharfedale 9.1
2. For now I've shortlisted Denon DCD 500 AE or Marantz CD 5001 CD player
3. A stereo amplifier ????

Can anyone suggest a good stereo amp which will match my requirement?

I listen primarily to stuff like Dire Straits, Alan Parson Project, sometimes Akon - GnR and Megadeth.

My budget for the amp probably maxes out at 20,000 - 25,000.

Thanks a lot!
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The Marantz PM 7001 should be great. IMO better than the Nads in the price.

I'm planning on setting up a budget system comprising of:
1. Pair of my favorite Wharfedale 9.1
2. For now I've shortlisted Denon DCD 500 AE or Marantz CD 5001 CD player
3. A stereo amplifier ????

Can anyone suggest a good stereo amp which will match my requirement?

I listen primarily to stuff like Dire Straits, Alan Parson Project, sometimes Akon - GnR and Megadeth.

My budget for the amp probably maxes out at 20,000 - 25,000.

Thanks a lot!


There you have it, two votes already for PM7001, and a third vote from me also:D. I have CA 640A V2, but feel PM7001 is superior. If possible, audition both these amps, both under your budget. Having said that, a combo of CD5001+PM7001+Diamond 9.1 is nothing but musical and attack.:)
Hi Siddharth,
I think the current lot of Marantz gear is great VFM.
For the CDP instead of the ageing 5001 ask ur dealer about the new 5003. Saw the reviews in europe and it looks good. Dunno Indian availability or price but its the new entry level offering which is good. Its built similar to their reference Sa cd players and looked great in the pics in the review. I tried to have a peek but the local stores there said they were to arrive in Dec 08 which was a few days away.
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I just called Lakozy, Mumbai and got the following prices for Marantz (with 1 yr. warranty) :

PM7001 : 27.3 K
PM6002 : 26.x K

hi ,do chk out the Yamaha AX497 ,i thnk at abt 19k they are real value,and also they have plenty of power
Check the Jolida 1701 hybrid amp. Has one of the best ratings and I read in the last day or two that someone auditioned this in the Delhi area. It retails for USD 500 or so in states.

One thing it does not have sub woofer out but for your listening style, a sub will hardly make much difference except Akon.
Check the Jolida 1701 hybrid amp. Has one of the best ratings and I read in the last day or two that someone auditioned this in the Delhi area. It retails for USD 500 or so in states.

One thing it does not have sub woofer out but for your listening style, a sub will hardly make much difference except Akon.

hi,marsilians, any dealers for this in banglore,or any place to listen to them here in blr ?
hi,marsilians, any dealers for this in banglore,or any place to listen to them here in blr ?

Hi Subhash,

My friend in Nashik got it from the official dealer for India for Jolida. The address is:

Oceanic Sound and Vision

(020) 26342658

Worthwhile giving them a call to see if there is one for Bangalore.
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