Need Help CA 740 A + CA 340 C + Mezzo 6


New Member
Dec 5, 2008
Hello Folks,

I yesterday took a demo for below combination. My requirement is 99 % only for Music.

Amp CA 740A - apprx 50000
CD player CA 340 C - approx 17000
Sprk Mezzo 6 - approx 75000 for a pair of tower speaker

Costs approx 1.42 Lakhs and delare says another 7-8% dicsount possible

Is this a good buy or can i get a better option in terms of music

I am basically looking for a music system. I enjoy listening to Ghazals and oldies and sometimes POP & Rock

My hall size is approx 330 sft and its a "L" shaped hall.

Pls advice if any other better options so that I can have a look.

Pls suggest Amp / CD Player and spkrs with make and model no as I really dont much abt this stuff

Budgest around 1.2 Lakh

Thanks & Cheers
Marantz CD player Cd6002 is better buy at same or lesser price.

Very nice player at that price.

thanks. what abt the CD player and the speakers.
I was told mezzo is new and i am not sure abt its reputation.
pls let me know
Hello Folks,

I yesterday took a demo for below combination. My requirement is 99 % only for Music.

Amp CA 740A - apprx 50000
CD player CA 340 C - approx 17000
Sprk Mezzo 6 - approx 75000 for a pair of tower speaker

Costs approx 1.42 Lakhs and delare says another 7-8% dicsount possible

Is this a good buy or can i get a better option in terms of music

I am basically looking for a music system. I enjoy listening to Ghazals and oldies and sometimes POP & Rock

My hall size is approx 330 sft and its a "L" shaped hall.

Pls advice if any other better options so that I can have a look.

Pls suggest Amp / CD Player and spkrs with make and model no as I really dont much abt this stuff

Budgest around 1.2 Lakh

Thanks & Cheers

Hi Kumar:

This is what I have in my living room which is about the same size you mentioned above:

1. CA 640A V2
2. CA 640C V2
3. Monitor Audio RS6

I've had these for nearly 8-9 months now, stunning for music, and i love them.

My suggestion to you would be the following:

1. CA 740A V2
2. CA 640C V2
3. MS Mezzo 6


1. Marantz PM7003
2. Marantz CD6002
3. Monitor Audio RS6
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Hello Folks,

I yesterday took a demo for below combination. My requirement is 99 % only for Music.

Amp CA 740A - apprx 50000
CD player CA 340 C - approx 17000
Sprk Mezzo 6 - approx 75000 for a pair of tower speaker


What are your listening preferences?

740a is not a big step up from 640a. So i suggest you get that. Also it is much cheaper than the quoted price. The CD player should match fine and for speakers you have tons of options at that and lower price range depending on what you listen to.
hey, it's best to spend more on the CD player than on the emplification. Therefore, i think the best compromise for you would probably be te 640C CD player and the 640A amp, i am fairly sure it'll sound better than the 340C-740A combo.
how much does 640c cost.
what abt the speakers ?
i am not sure if the prices quoted to me are correct or high?
do let me know.
Actually the price of 50K for a 740A seems too much. Somebody told me that the 840A mk 2 is available for 58,000. If so that would be a huge improvement in amplification and DAC. It is the reference standard of CA.

how much does 640c cost.
what abt the speakers ?
i am not sure if the prices quoted to me are correct or high?
do let me know.


CA 640C - 18-20k range
Ikon 6 - 75-77k range
MA RS6 - 70-75k range

I had checked up with audio people before I picked up my Evos a couple of weeks ago, was given a quote of 65k plus courier charges.

Hope this helps.

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