Onkyo HT-S9100 price difference


New Member
Aug 24, 2009

I came accross the new Onkyo HT-S9100 system. which has very good user reviews. When I checked in US stores, the least Quote I got was $ 785.
While searching for better price I saw alibaba.com where the price starts from $ 365 for same product. I am confused with the difference. I confirmed the weight(around 70KGs), dimention and specifications match perfectly same as US model.
Not sure where the difference is. Can anyone throw some light on it.

Can you post the link that show the price as $365. Earlier to this model there was Onkyo HT-S990THX which had similar features but lacked HDMI connections. I am not saying you might have confused HT-S9100 with HT-S990 but HT-S990 was selling for less. Most of the websites show the price tag for HT-S9100 between $994.00 - $999.00. I wish HT-S9100 was available for $365 :licklips:... I will definitely buy it... anyday!!! :) .
I know HT-S990 is lower model compare to HT-S9100 and the price is less. The model I enquired is HT-S9100 and here is the link where you get $ 375 quote. you can chat online with Vendors from HongKong,Malaysia, and Japan.

receiver onkyo, receiver onkyo Manufacturers & Suppliers

They say they give two years internationaal warranty and 90 days return policy. The specification what they have provided is exactly same as HT-S9100.
I checked with DHL for shipping the product. They are quoting 68k (Door to Door) as the shippment weight is around 70Kgs :sad: anybody has any experience with shipping music system from abroad. Appreciate if you can share your inputs.
Vinay... if you put the price of shipping and the cost of the unit together.. I think you are better off buying it here in India.... when I enquired about this with the Onkyo dealer couple of months ago he told me this model should be available in SEP.... but looks like it is yet to launched.....
Thanks for the reply. I feel the same but can't wait till it is launched in India. Thinking of going to HongKong and getting it. The flight charges will be 12k. even if I go with one more person the total will come to around 25k:clapping:
What do you say?
he he...always finding new ways ... looks like you are hellbent on buying this model...I had been to Onkyo showroom today and I did ask him about this model. He told me it will take another 2-3 months. The older model ( 990 ) was selling for I guess 65K and I think this would priced around 75-80K or more. Even I am very much interested ....its selling for $990 in USA but see the expected price in India almost twice....I think for that price you can buy separates ( just a thought ).
hi friends purchased Onkyo-9100-Thx from Dubai costed me 5300 riyals the same will be delivered to me in last week of of Sept when my friend comes back from Dubai he is a NRI and guess he can carry a container load of stuff from there,will post pics & Review once i receive my system..cant wait for my friend to come back...regards:yahoo:
Hey, good to know that you are getting the system. AFAIK even for NRI the weight limit is applied. but from Dubai the weight allowed is 30Kg (economy) so if more than two members coming then they can get it easily.
Please let us know your experience with Onkyo HTS 9100:)
Dont buy anything from Alibaba.com. All the fake suppliers upload their profile there on the website. One of such fake supplier i have come across is hotkue.com. They were selling HT-S9100 for around $460 with Shipping. Yes, shipping charges r also incl in it. Trust me guys they r fake and i can tell u from many things. Check their order no? It will be combination of Date+Time.. lolz. They dont accept payment via paypal.. only wire transfer or western union by which you cannot trace the party. Check their website, anyone can make it. I can make better site then theirs. Check for their contact number, they will never give u their contact info. They will always hide their identity.

And finally what will you do when they r located in china? Even if u make a local complain u cannot do anything coz police wont go to china and catch those frauds as china is behind india in corruption ;)

To make u aware was my duty, to listen to it is ur choice :D
Read This
Alibaba Gold Member Scam - The Wholesale Forums
I have just been scammed out of $1100 on Alibaba Manufacturer Directory - Suppliers, Manufacturers, Exporters & Importers by a Gold Member. I have dealt and still deal with 2 genuine Alibaba sellers, so I do know that there are decent guys out there in China.

The details of the name of the scam person I sent money to was Deyou Chen in Putian City, Fujian, China. The fradulent company was Xiamen Zhongpin Technology and they are no longer registered on Alibaba, but I am sure that they are still on there using some other name.

Anyway, I have greatly analysed myself to see the signs that I could have picked up to indicate that I was dealing with a scammer/fraudster.

1. These sellers list many items in many different product categories, normally the highly desirable items such as Laptops, Ipods, top or the range mobile phones, PDAs, GPS Navigation systems, Nike trainers/sneakers, bikinis, jewellery, watches, handbags.... This is a big clue that they are out to scam you. Also, some of them state that they are a clothing company yet they are listing products for electrical goods....

2. They are all from Putian City, Fujian Province, China. I have since discovered that this place is rife with fraud.

3. They all request payment via Western Union or T/T (Telegraphic Transfer), where they have bank transfer details it is in the name of a person not a company name. (Please note that I do send money via Western Union to a company that I have been dealing with for 2 years in China, so sending money via Western Union does not necessarily mean that someone is scamming.)

4. They claim to have been trading since before 2007 yet they have only been registered on Alibaba Manufacturer Directory - Suppliers, Manufacturers, Exporters & Importers since 2007. This is another sign of a scam.

5. You will frequently find them available to chat to on Alibab's TradeManager, Yahoo Messenger or MSN at unsociable hours in China. (i.e when most people and legitimate businesses are sleeping in China they are up trying to ensnare you and get you to wire them money. They will give you excuses like they work hard - yes this is correct because they work hard to try to scam you!)

Some of these companies will send you a non-existent tracking no. after you have made payment. The sad thing is that alot of them have been reported to Alibaba Manufacturer Directory - Suppliers, Manufacturers, Exporters & Importers for not sending anything and Alibaba has done absolutely nothing to remove these gold member scammers from their site. I feel like someone with more resources should take some legal action against Alibaba and Yahoo! for aiding and abetting rampant fraud. (Yahoo, Yahoo!, owns part of Alibaba Manufacturer Directory - Suppliers, Manufacturers, Exporters & Importers and they get a fee everytime someone registers as a gold member) The way I see it, Alibaba should require extra verification and proof of stock from people applying for Gold membership in Fujian Province, China.

So, I hope I will help prevent others from being scammed too by providing more information on the internet - information which I myself did not have before I sent my money to the female scammer.
Read This too

alibaba.com - global trade scam

China = Fake
Please read this post from ALIBABA website, one of the victim of Alibaba Manufacturer Directory - Suppliers, Manufacturers, Exporters & Importers

I've been a victim of 3 'gold suppliers' on Alibaba (I've lost over $10000), so here is what I advise all of you before purchasing ANY APPLE product from any Chinese supplier.

*First advice:
The best thing I can say is before dealing with any supplier is to do a quick check on Alibaba forums and google on their trading name. If their name, and the words 'scam' or 'fraud' are shown on the same line then don't do business with them!

*General Apple Products:
Apple manufactures their own products in China under their roof of management. Unlike most other computer brands, there is no such thing as an ODM or OEM Apple product. Only authorized distributors sell Apple products, and you normally have to buy 25+ units for a close-to-retail price. Apple only give retailers about 5% -15% profit margin, some of the lowest in the electronic device industry. They do it to prevent retailers selling below MSRP, and to cover their outrageous advertising costs. Therefore if you see a supplier sell a $2500 Macbook for $800, or even $1500, its almost definately a scam or a fake product (China is the motherland of fakes right?).

*Apple products are made in China, so they should be cheaper in China?:
Yes, and NO! Although Apple products are made in China, virtually all of them are exported, because about 99.9999995% of Chinese people can't afford them. Don't think that because a supplier is in China, he can buy them cheap there and ship it to you. Apple products in China cost almost just as much in the USA, UK, AU, JP, etc, simply to prevent people from buying it retail in China and selling overseas. In reality, a small Chinese supplier has the same chances of getting wholesale apple products than you do at your country! You must remember that Chinese factories only get about 10% of the profit from Apple products, which is why China will always remain a very poor (per capita) manufacturing country. Why do you think Apple hasn't really made many Apple Stores in China like they do in the US?

*Payment - What to NOT do:
Most suppliers will ask for Western Union, MoneyGram or T/T. Using any of these methods is basically like stashing your money under a rock (W/U transfer), and then telling your 'supplier' where the rock is (MTCN code). Once the money is taken, you can't reverse it, and almost anyone can take it, especially in China. Western Union STRESSES that you should only use their service to send money to people/companies you KNOW are reliable. The above methods are only ways to safely transport money from point A to B, but the receiver himself might not to be safe. The last thing you want to do is send money to a ching chong Chinaman that you don't know and is untraceable - Chinese people look so similar, hundreds of thousands have the same name, and MILLIONS have similar names (first and last name combined). China is really like a seperate planet on its own!

*Payment - What you should do:
Always (ALWAYS!) use a method of payment that is trackable, and reversible. Paypal is better for small purchases since you can issue a chargeback if you get scammed and don't get your money back via Paypal dispute. Note that chargebacks are normally for credit card payments (not debit card) via paypal. The BEST (by far) way to pay is via Escrow, since the seller is paid only if your satisfied. Letter of Credit (or 'Documentary of Credit' in the UK) is good, but sometimes the seller might send 'dummy' products to trigger a premature payment from your sending bank.

* Alibaba, and Chinese Government Help:
Honestly, what do you think they can do to help you? If you've just sent $10K to a chinese supplier who has run away with your money then thats it! If you've sent payment by B/T, W/U, M/G, T/T, etc then technically there is NO trace of the funds, nor any deal you made! Remember that many Chinese people have the same name, and many of them look the same, so tracking them down is more like finding a sand grain in a hay stack rather than just a needle.

*Chinese business registrations, identity:
In China, things like registration numbers, licenses, zip/postcodes, ID's, etc are not like everywhere else. NOTHING is definately real or moderated. Just because a company is registered, doesn't mean its safe - in China you can get away with almost anything! Many people share the same ID's name, etc, since they look so similar and don't make enough money to have individual credit accounts. To give you an image, think of the medieval ages with Chinese people - that is pretty much how it is!

*Final Advice:
Always remember that advertisers that promote international business are the sellers, NOT the buyers. Although this may not be very PC, I must say that you have to be very careful dealing with ANY Chinese company as most of them will cut your throat to make a quick buck, and Chinese regulations are very bad! I've lost thousands, and when I get help all they do is just listen but don't actually do anything - much like the police when your house gets robbed (lol). Also, you should really visit a supplier when making big purchases, and perhaps purchase there and then.

Unfortunately on Alibaba, 19 out of 20 Apple suppliers that I've contacted are scammers. Trust me... the 'gold supplier' mark means nothing, because scammers tend to sell lots of Chinese cr@p to cover up their illegal activities. On Alibaba, selling 10000 Chinaman hats can cover up 1000 fraudulent Macbook sales. As long as Alibaba can make money of a supplier, they will give the 'gold supplier' mark knowing that the supplier is a fraud. Personally I can see a serious imminent lawsuit heading up Alibaba Group's rear end.

I've been to China and everything is so (so, so, so!) risky and fake. You even have to ask the bartenders to open the bottle in front of you so you know your drink is not fake and that he isn't diluting your drink! I was suprised when my Chinese friends in China were so serious about it. Think about it, if Chinese people are so proud of their country, then why do so many of them risk their lives to get out of it?
Where is vinay who started this thread Or he is going ahead with buying decision?
Also I was not able to locate the exact model on alibaba...
I have a whacky feeling that Vinay had agenda of promoting alibaba ,which is not sucessful.....

will real vinay please stand up and clear???

Of late I have seem many ids registered and posting on many threads about single service or product and then vanish!
Thanks for calling me out so loud.
I am not promoting Alibaba nor am a victim of them. This is to create awareness for all of usWhen I first heard about the cheap offers, I was surprised and could not believe it. I wanted to confirm with you all experts who can guide me in right path. I went through some of the review of alibaba and then kept quite.

Thanks again for all experienced comments. I am sure many of us will be saved from Alibaba fraud :clapping:
Thanks for calling me out so loud.
I am not promoting Alibaba nor am a victim of them. This is to create awareness for all of usWhen I first heard about the cheap offers, I was surprised and could not believe it. I wanted to confirm with you all experts who can guide me in right path. I went through some of the review of alibaba and then kept quite.

Thanks again for all experienced comments. I am sure many of us will be saved from Alibaba fraud :clapping:

First and formost
Apologies to you vinay ,I am EXTREAMLY sorry ,I know i heart your feelings.

Again Vinay if you just confirmed your acceptance or rejection to my view ,or even your presence my reaction would not be so harsh.
Vinay if you see past threads there are numerous instances where people become members with some malicious intent,so your keeping mum forced me to put in that catagory.

I am not saying I am right ,in fact I am partially blind in AV who is walking on shining path of AV knowledge. I just try to give information ,not knowledge.

AGAIN I AM HAPPY YOU ARE SAVED. It feels nice that even your half knowledge helps someone.

Yeas deals are available ,esp in US on Amazon and on Ebay ,but if it is too good to be true ,it is probably not.
And our forum is always there to double check. I am bad but WE are far better.

Sorry once again and happy listening and viewing...LET IT ROCK!!!
Hey Hemanth, dont feel sorry. even I did a mistake that I didn't responded with my opinion and my final decision. so it is obvious whoever see my response will have doubt in the corner.
I completely agree with your words. Before buying anything we should be carefull and should go through blogs like this.:)
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