Stereo Amplifier suggestion for Dynaudio Audience 72?


Sep 29, 2008
Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum and would like to take suggestions from experts like you for a stereo amplifier which would go well with Audience 72 floorstander speakers. My budget is around 1,00,000 rupees. I have searched some magazines and the web and found following amplifier brands which *might* go well with the speakers (never auditioned them though):

1. Parasound
2. Musical Fidelity
3. NAD

Please suggest which is good for Audience 72 in your opinion. Any other brand (which has authorised dealership in India) will also do. I will prefer an integrated amplifier, but a pre/power combo suggestion with in the budget is also fine. My taste in music varies from Indian Music (Ghazals, Instrumental, Old/new songs) to pop.

Right now these speakers are being driven with Marantz 5002 AV receiver which I will be shifting to my bedroom for 5.1 setup.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
hi hifijunky !
you might consider going for the CYRUS amps. they are really good ones. you will have an option of either going for monoblocks, the PSX-R or the MONO-X which of course is better, or you may go for their integrated version, the 6VS2 or the 8VS2.
Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum and would like to take suggestions from experts like you for a stereo amplifier which would go well with Audience 72 floorstander speakers. My budget is around 1,00,000 rupees. I have searched some magazines and the web and found following amplifier brands which *might* go well with the speakers (never auditioned them though):

1. Parasound
2. Musical Fidelity
3. NAD

Please suggest which is good for Audience 72 in your opinion. Any other brand (which has authorised dealership in India) will also do. I will prefer an integrated amplifier, but a pre/power combo suggestion with in the budget is also fine. My taste in music varies from Indian Music (Ghazals, Instrumental, Old/new songs) to pop.

Right now these speakers are being driven with Marantz 5002 AV receiver which I will be shifting to my bedroom for 5.1 setup.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Most Dyna perform far better with bigger amps and apart from the Nad Pre/power (C162/C272) its difficult to find a new pre/power combo for under a lakh. The MF integrated (A5.5)would be great but its way over a lakh. Have barely heard Parasound gear to really have an opinion. If opting for cyrus u will have to look beyond the integrateds as u will need more power and that too is way over a lakh.
Soundsmiths( Dyna distributor) will vouch for the Primare I 30 for these speakers. Sweet amp and should do the job as it should give about 180W @ 4 ohms and plenty of current.
Options to consider would be Nad pre/power or a Rotel Pre/power(if u like the way it sounds the power supply of these amps is robust) , The Stratos power amps( not heard myself but are supposed to be good), Quad 909 also a reliable amp and lastly used Brystons. Am not a Krell fan but that too has tremendous drive and will easily drive your Dynas.
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Have a look at Advance Acoustic amps (French design). Nice build and look (WAF!) , sweet sound (good for your music interests in Gazal and Instrumental) Their Pre-Power combo might fit in Rs 100K budget and deliver some 10o WPC and more.

AV MAX carried a review of Advance acoustic amp very recently.
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Thanks a lot guys for great responses!

I am thinking of auditioning Rotel, NAD & Parasound. The MF, Advance acoustic and Odyssey Stratos appear to be out of budget for me (assuming that dealers here will charge one and half times that of US retail price). It is not that others won't do that but it would fit the budget.

How do guys rate Rotel RA 1070 integrated amplifier? It appears to be available for about 80K (2007 december pricing). Is it a worth buy? Would it be able to drive Audience 72?

I also inquired about Parasound New Classic series. The pre/power combo (model 2125 + model 2100) is coming for around 80K again. NAD C372 integrated amplifier is around 60K.

Again, any opinions would be welcome.

Advance acoustic is certainly the most bang for the buck , VFM amp. Prices are very good. 75 WPC Integrated is around 24K , 100 WPC Integrated around 50K, Pre+Power (200 WPC) is around 75K. Check prices at their India dealer NOVA audio , Mumbai before discarding.

Do audition the Parasound. They sound very good. I would also like a feedback after your audition.

Frankly nothing under a lac will beat that preowned stratos+candela combo. NAD is rubbish. I'd probably call it the most overrated amp ever.
Tarun, I have the Rotel RA 1070 Integrated and use it to drive 86 db efficient Quad 11Ls bookshelves. It drives them smoothly and at the 3 o clock position it is loud enough. However at 80K you should look at other options much better than the Rotel Integrated. I would recommend you audition the Nu-Force (within your budget) Integrated or their mono blocs which will be a little out of your budget.
The prices u mention seem to be on the higher side. 80K for the rotel integrated and 60K for the Nad seems high. Both will drive your speakers. The Rotels have a different type of tone adjustments (loud clicking thru the speakers when operated) and can get noisy when the volume is cranked while the Nad is less detailed. Hear both and take a call. The new entry level Parasound seems to get great reviews too.
If u opt for Rotel this RA 1070 is the best (albiet ancient) integrated in the line up. The series 10 is due for upgrade anytime which is also a factor to keep in mind. I had this amp then sold it and got the Pre power RC 1070/RB 1080 from UK for about 75K which IMO is far better than the integrated in every aspect.
Panditji ur amp plays loud at the 3 o clock position????????? Did u mean the 9 o clock position as by about 11 the amp gets unbearably noisy and harsh and i could never really go above 12 or would have needed to keep an ENT on standby!!
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Hahaha. Thank god for that. Believe me if u do manage to take that amp to 3 o clock ur ears will bleed. These Rotels are tweaked to sound loud at low volumes and just distort when taken even to the half way mark.
As always thanks so much for great responses!

I got hold of last month's AVMAX to see the Parasound review. I stumbled on one more amplifier brand named "Vincent". I called the distributor and got to know that Vincent SV-236 (100wpc@8Ohm) integrated amplifier is available for Rs 69K. Has anyone heard of this amplifier before? How has been the experience?

I am planning to audition Startos power amp(80K + taxes), Nu-force IA-7v2 int amp (1.05L + tax) & Rotel gear (RB1080/RC1070 - 68K +35K+taxes) since they are available for audition readily.

Will keep you guys posted. Please chime in with your opinions...


I had an opportunity to hear a Vincent at a friend's place. This was in Australia abt 2 years ago, no idea which model..

I thought it was quite a bargain and got most things right in a no-nonsense fashion. Lots of good clean power, nothing artificial.

Would say that it tended to favour the bottom half of the frequency spectrum just a wee bit more than the top half - this would go down as a minor shortcoming with some of the music I favour (e.g. small ensemble jazz) but may be good for those with different musical tastes.

In short, not bad at all - worth auditioning if it's easy to..

Of course I haven't heard the Odysseys at all, so can't help in the comparison.

Hope this helps.

Vincents OEM is Sheng Ya ( ) who market almost all the vincent products under their brand as a much lower price .

They do have a dealer in mumbai as well altough i dont know who.

I have heard Shengya Monoblocks driving a thiel floorstander with no problem at all.
Hi Tarun
what pre do you have in mind to use with the Odyssey Stratos. The Stratos is a power amp and not an integrated.


As always thanks so much for great responses!

I got hold of last month's AVMAX to see the Parasound review. I stumbled on one more amplifier brand named "Vincent". I called the distributor and got to know that Vincent SV-236 (100wpc@8Ohm) integrated amplifier is available for Rs 69K. Has anyone heard of this amplifier before? How has been the experience?

I am planning to audition Startos power amp(80K + taxes), Nu-force IA-7v2 int amp (1.05L + tax) & Rotel gear (RB1080/RC1070 - 68K +35K+taxes) since they are available for audition readily.

Will keep you guys posted. Please chime in with your opinions...

The pre-amplifier will be Etesian (I think). The dealer suggested some other name as well (missing the model name) but was way above my budget. Have you heard this combo before?

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