stereo system under 30k


New Member
Oct 25, 2009
Please guide me for buying a stereo system consisting of an Amplifier, Speakers,and a Cd Player my Budget is 30K including taxes. I want to use this sytem in my living room 12*16feet. I listen to rock music and Hindi music ( R.D. Burman). I have shortlisted Norge 2060 Amplifier and Torvin Euphinious Speakers or New Millenium Speakers(Norge). CD Player I have no clue! Any Information on them Please guide as I am Located in Shimla where there are no options for such equipment.
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This is difficult. The cheapest CD player will start at Rs. 14000 for a Cambridge or Yamaha. I suggest a Philips/LG DVD player or Sony Discman for the time being.
Cambridge Audio DV89 + Audioengine A5 powered speakers. Instead of the DV89 you can go for the DV99 and get USB functionality and 1080p upscaling. I've heard of A5s going for around 18k, and the DV89 used to be 10k and the DV99 14k, both these are very good budget CD players as we've ascertained from our audio source shootout where they performed admirably in the company of an old Marantz CD63SE and an Oppo 983.
hi sanjiv,+1 to psychotropics suggestion.on the other hand,the norge amp/millenium speakers with a cdp like the marantz cd5001 would make another compelling case for a pure 2ch setup.of course YMMV.cheers
Are you decided on new systems or open to the idea of used systems? If you have the patience you can pick some very good used ones for that price. The key word is patience though!!!
Are you decided on new systems or open to the idea of used systems? If you have the patience you can pick some very good used ones for that price. The key word is patience though!!!

Are you decided on new systems or open to the idea of used systems? If you have the patience you can pick some very good used ones for that price. The key word is patience though!!!

Thomson and Thompson ? :)
Go for Cambridge Audio if you need to invest a little more its worth it. They are selling there product at a very sensible price in India.Its good.
Hi sanjiv,

Marantz CD5001 plus The audioengine A5 may be an excellent choice for your budget.Maybe 2 or 3 k plus. You can save on an amp.

Hi Sanjiv Vaid,
I recently auditioned following combinations:
Option-1: LG entry level CDP (3k~) + Norge 2060 amp (7K~) + Wharfedale 9.2 "used/matured" spkr (14k~) = 24K

Option-2: Same LG entry level CDP (3k~) + Denon PMA 1500?? (17k~) + Quad 11L "Fresh" spkr (28k~) = 48k

I was surprised to find that, both options sounded equally good (your impression may vary). Wharfe 9.2 was definately better in bass dept. Both spkrs did well in mids and high, though I found the Quad vocals were strained when Neil Diamond's rich baritone vocals hit strong peaks, whereas 9.2 handled them without fuss.

My suggestion to you: More money doesn't ensure more performance. Do audition the option-1 above before auditioning big budget options.

Apart from the Norge combo I would also look at getting used gear as advised above. You can get a pair of decent speakers well under 10K if you go the used gear way. Wharfedale Diamond, Tannoy Mercury F2 etc. In your situation personally I would not consider A5.
oh ya, used is a good option. I put together a basic but decent system for around 40k including a Marantz CD63SE (around 10 years old), an NAD C320BEE (around 5 years old) and a pair of Usher S520 speakers.......but like Ram said, if you're buying used, patience is the key.
Are you decided on new systems or open to the idea of used systems? If you have the patience you can pick some very good used ones for that price. The key word is patience though!!!

No I can not as In case of any brek down I will be stuck in Shimla I Hate to travel with heavy stuff.
Apart from the Norge combo I would also look at getting used gear as advised above. .....r A5.

Hi Ranjeetrain, Sanjiv Vaid,
I didn't mean to advise using used gear... when I wrote "Used/Matured" against Wharfe 9.2, I meant that this speaker was already "broken in" after perhaps 100 Hrs of useage, hence had potential to give better performance compared to Fresh spkr (Quad, in this case)

However I remember that even as a Fresh piece this 9.2 had better bass than the fresh Quad mentioned above. BTW I don't intend to derate Quad... just telling you frankly what I heard.

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Hai sanjiv,

Get NORGE 2060 or 2000 MOSFET REF AMP & Millineum BS Speakers and for Source add PIONEER 610(check forum thread for price), and get good speaker cables and Interconnects (Should cost you less than Rs.2000/-). You will get a rocking VFM Audio system.

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Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.