Tannoy F1 Custom for Denon 2309


Active Member
Aug 11, 2008
Hi All,

Can I use Tanny F1 custom for Denon 2309. I auditioned and liked the sound. The specs on the Tannoy website states the recommended amp power to be between 20-70 watts. 2309 is 100 Watts. Would cause speaker burn if driven on max power from the amp (as the site says recommended in 20-70). In that case shall I look towards Wharfe Diamond 9.1.

Please advice.

Hi All,

Can I use Tanny F1 custom for Denon 2309. I auditioned and liked the sound. The specs on the Tannoy website states the recommended amp power to be between 20-70 watts. 2309 is 100 Watts. Would cause speaker burn if driven on max power from the amp (as the site says recommended in 20-70). In that case shall I look towards Wharfe Diamond 9.1.

Please advice.


I own Tany F1 & paired with Onkyo AVR.
Dont worry abt power mathing issue as Denon will not damage Tannoy bcos Tany can Handle max shortterm power upto 100w.

It is better to have little more amp power rating than spk wattage.
I have the same combination, Tannoy F1 Custom & Denon 2309.
It sounds good and have played music/movie at quite high volumes, not issues yet.
I have the same combination, Tannoy F1 Custom & Denon 2309.
It sounds good and have played music/movie at quite high volumes, not issues yet.

Allow me to ask abt your combo.
i am using Tany with Onkyo.What source you use four stereo music & can you give more detail with mov & music combo?
I think Tany's true potential is not utilised with Onkyo for stereo playback,but with mov it is.
Allow me to ask abt your combo.
i am using Tany with Onkyo.What source you use four stereo music & can you give more detail with mov & music combo?
I think Tany's true potential is not utilised with Onkyo for stereo playback,but with mov it is.

For amplification I have Denon AVR2309 in Pure-Direct for Stereo.
Source Pioneer DV686. I am planning for Marantz CDP6002. Waiting for the quotes.

My usage is 70% music, 30% Movies. In Movies I watch movies like Bourne series, LOTR, etc. Music is not so heavy on heavy metal or hardrock. My wife does not like english (of which I was an ardent listening before marriage). Currently borrowed Wharfe 9.1 speakers from my friend (He has Onkyo 605) as he is currently out of India.
Allow me to ask abt your combo.
I am using Tany with Onkyo.What source you use four stereo music & can you give more detail with mov & music combo?
I think Tany's true potential is not utilised with Onkyo for stereo playback,but with mov it is.

I am using the pioneer DV610 for the source for Music (Stereo and 5.1 DTS) as of now. Music thorugh it on the Tanny sounds great, better than my ps3 which i used to use earlier. I can clearly make out the difference.

I really like the output of the tanny. It reproduces the sound in quite a detail manner. Also for the movies the Fronts and the center do a great job, in a kind of a controlled fashion, never sounding harsh, maybe this is due to the comi of both Denon 2309 and the Tanny.

How is the bass depth with the Tanny's? Is it adequate?


The bass is not great or it is kind of subdued. Now with my Velo CH10, I am starting the realize what bass is really is and i am very happy with it.
So maybe if I had answered this question before I got my Velo, I would have said the Bass is good enough!

The bass is not great or it is kind of subdued. Now with my Velo CH10, I am starting the realize what bass is really is and i am very happy with it.
So maybe if I had answered this question before I got my Velo, I would have said the Bass is good enough!


I thought so too hence went for WF 9.2 .. thanks just wanted an owners opinion.

I thought so too hence went for WF 9.2 .. thanks just wanted an owners opinion.

Can I opt for Wharfe 9.2. The spec says it is 100 W @ 6 ohms. Whereas Denon 2309 delivers 100 W @ 8 ohms. Will there be any mismatch? Help guys. Help me choose something as currently my wife is not nagging for spending on such things (I already had demonstrated to her the power of good speakers when I took her to audition Sennhieser headphone for her iPod)...Common guys waiting for your inputs.. 70% Music , 30%Movies.
Can I opt for Wharfe 9.2. The spec says it is 100 W @ 6 ohms. Whereas Denon 2309 delivers 100 W @ 8 ohms. Will there be any mismatch? Help guys. Help me choose something as currently my wife is not nagging for spending on such things (I already had demonstrated to her the power of good speakers when I took her to audition Sennhieser headphone for her iPod)...Common guys waiting for your inputs.. 70% Music , 30%Movies.

Check dynamic power rating of Denon,it must be higher for 6ohm spk ,so no prob with Wharf.
I am using the pioneer DV610 for the source for Music (Stereo and 5.1 DTS) as of now. Music thorugh it on the Tanny sounds great, better than my ps3 which i used to use earlier. I can clearly make out the difference.

Do you connect Pio610 ana.out to Denon(for stereo) or use Denon DAC to work it out.(coax/opt)?
Check dynamic power rating of Denon,it must be higher for 6ohm spk ,so no prob with Wharf.

Yup...it can deliver upto 135W@6ohms... so no issues here. Considering Bass tightness and production Wharfe 9.2 seems to score above Tanny F1. What are the other options availables to me in this price range (max 20K).
I am using the pioneer DV610 for the source for Music (Stereo and 5.1 DTS) as of now. Music thorugh it on the Tanny sounds great, better than my ps3 which i used to use earlier. I can clearly make out the difference.

Do you connect Pio610 ana.out to Denon(for stereo) or use Denon DAC to work it out.(coax/opt)?

I have connected via Digi-Coax. Would connecting via Analog out improve sound quality? Is DAC on Pioneer DV-676AS is better than DAC in Denon 2309?
Yup...it can deliver upto 135W@6ohms... so no issues here. Considering Bass tightness and production Wharfe 9.2 seems to score above Tanny F1. What are the other options availables to me in this price range (max 20K).

For 20k,monitor aud bronz BR2 is another one.Recommended for stereo music with tight bass.
Wharf. has Kevlar woofers,so bass is deeper than Tany.
Hello Alladin

Have you really purchased the 2309.
You are pairing a 50k reciver with speakers costing 12k-15k.
doesn't it seem irrational..

If you wanted to use Diamond 9.1 /Tannoy F1 any entry level amp costing 20k would have done..

Hello Alladin

Have you really purchased the 2309.
You are pairing a 50k reciver with speakers costing 12k-15k.
doesn't it seem irrational..

If you wanted to use Diamond 9.1 /Tannoy F1 any entry level amp costing 20k would have done..


What would you suggest then? I am actually quite short of cash and also my wife would not approve anything beyond 20K...But if anything adds value then I can give it a try.... any suggestions on speakers?

Even an entry-level Floor-stander like:

Wharfedale 9.5 costing 24k(nego)

will go a long way only if you like bass and a bigger soundstage.
And need not buy a sub now.

or if you like book-shelves a HUGE amount has been discussed in MAGMA started thread in speakers on this forum(cost 12k-25k).Monitor Audio BR2 emerged a good choice followed by WF 9.2.

In fact there are lots of good speakers floorstanders in 25-30k category.
Hello Alladin

Have you really purchased the 2309.
You are pairing a 50k reciver with speakers costing 12k-15k.
doesn't it seem irrational..

If you wanted to use Diamond 9.1 /Tannoy F1 any entry level amp costing 20k would have done..


carry your 50K AV receiver to the dealers and listen to the 15K speaker with it. If you like it no harm in buying it. the receiver cost includes video component circuitry so the price is misleading.

I am using the pioneer DV610 for the source for Music (Stereo and 5.1 DTS) as of now. Music thorugh it on the Tanny sounds great, better than my ps3 which i used to use earlier. I can clearly make out the difference.

Do you connect Pio610 ana.out to Denon(for stereo) or use Denon DAC to work it out.(coax/opt)?

Hi, I have tried various options and now fnally using HDMI to connect the pio and denon.
When I had connected the pio to denon with RCA (ana out) , i found that the bass was not good, and had to sometimes up the sub volume. But with HDMI the denon does a good bass managment, and with audyssey in "flat" settings, sounds really good.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Red Mahogany finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.