upgraditis --planning to upgrade to 1080p from optoma hd65


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
help me choose a 1080p projector

am planning to upgrade from my current optoma hd65 720p pj

actually the idea of upgrading is not justified here coz of the brilliant performance of the hd65 and also the usage has just been about 100hrs

but upgraditis has kicked in , so looking for a 1080p pj to get the best out of the bdp

bugget is 1500USD
will be sourcing from US ,thro bro ,as this is the season to pick up stuff from US as there is a thanks giving sale coming up

the pjs in mind are

mitsubishi HC 3800 dlp 1400USD
epson HC 8100 lcd 1400USD
sanyo -z700 lcd 1500USD
optoma hd20 dlp 1000USD
pana 4000u lcd 2500 USD

pana is sure good but lies beyond budget
among the rest mits and epson have good reviews
optoma hd20 is good @ that price

since the performance of the hd65 is very good ,wud be looking at major P/Q difference

-apart from placement flexibility any other advantages of lcd over dlp
-are black levels better in DLP ??
-higher contrast ratio does it mean better picture?

any inputs will be valuable here , and i have a long way to zero in on the pj
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have demoed the hd20 at santoshs place

its extremely good & definetly not that noisy as stated in reviews

its said to be the smallest of the 1080p pjs , man thats quiet a size ,its not that small as made out to be

performance is very good for the price , but wudnt say theres a major difference with the hd65 , so wud prefer a better upgrade, but the price of this unit is really tempting 1000USD ( 47k)
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Dear Subhash,

I can see that you are enjoying your time at HFV. Good for you.

I too, was thinking of upgrading to 1080p. But, I have defer my decision until I do head to head comparison with my projector. Ashish has a Pana 1000AE. I would be doing a head on comparison someday. If the difference is huge, only then it makes sense to upgrade.

Now, I advice to you to first compare your projector with Santhosh's projector. Either you go over to his place or vice-versa. Use the same setup and the same scene. Basically, change only one parameter- projector. Also, it will be a good idea to keep sound MUTE. This way you can concentrate better on PQ. Also,you may ask your respective wives for their opinion as well. Women have a good eye for colours. Keep them free from the technicalities of 720-1080p and I am sure you can get a true opinion.

Regarding your selection: I understand that you don't have a budget for Pana 4000 at the moment. Subhash, wait a bit but buy the Panasonic only if you feel you shall be missing out on something if you buy something else.
I am not saying that other brands are not good. But, this is about your satisfaction level. You perhaps are going to use this pjtr for next three years. Make sure you don't regret after a few months like you are now with HD65.

Also, you need to understand other things as well about pjtr before you finalize. These are >brightness required,
Current material/gain of screen,
Placement issues- ceiling height, air-conditioning duct position
Throw distance etc

So, do it once- but, do it right!!!!

had no idea to change my hd65 as its giving exellent results , its jst that my bro is coming on vacation from US in the month of feb , and he told me that a lot of sales coming up in the nxt month so i thot why not

he put me on to a person (carmen) from projector central , the above mentioned models are his recomendations , they rate the mits 3800 quiet high , as this too has an anamorphic lens like the pana 4000u , and comes 600$ cheaper

the pana is 1999$

one more issue is the size , as carrying it wud be easier if the unit is smaller,the pana is much bigger than the mits

there sure is a difference btw the 720 and 1080p pjs , which i cud make out when i chkd the hd20 @ santoshs palce

u are right , if i upgrade it shud be with me for atleast 4-5 yrs

so what do you think ? pana or the mits? lcd or dlp ?
Dear Subhash,

I can see that you are enjoying your time at HFV. Good for you.

I too, was thinking of upgrading to 1080p. But, I have defer my decision until I do head to head comparison with my projector. Ashish has a Pana 1000AE. I would be doing a head on comparison someday. If the difference is huge, only then it makes sense to upgrade.

Now, I advice to you to first compare your projector with Santhosh's projector. Either you go over to his place or vice-versa. Use the same setup and the same scene. Basically, change only one parameter- projector. Also, it will be a good idea to keep sound MUTE. This way you can concentrate better on PQ. Also,you may ask your respective wives for their opinion as well. Women have a good eye for colours. Keep them free from the technicalities of 720-1080p and I am sure you can get a true opinion.

Regarding your selection: I understand that you don't have a budget for Pana 4000 at the moment. Subhash, wait a bit but buy the Panasonic only if you feel you shall be missing out on something if you buy something else.
I am not saying that other brands are not good. But, this is about your satisfaction level. You perhaps are going to use this pjtr for next three years. Make sure you don't regret after a few months like you are now with HD65.

Also, you need to understand other things as well about pjtr before you finalize. These are >brightness required,
Current material/gain of screen,
Placement issues- ceiling height, air-conditioning duct position
Throw distance etc

So, do it once- but, do it right!!!!


Hi Subhash,

Sumit quote and advice is exactly right...

Jumping from 480P to 1080P is worth.. Not from 720P to 1080P without comparing the picture difference... Sure there will be :)but why cant you make your mind to stick with 720P for little time, after comparing side by sideby shoot out with your PJ with Santhosh... Deceide,, hey why cant you take ur gadgets also with your projector including DVD Player/ streamer. So you can feel the full difference.

Most of the debate for plasma/LCD's is to go for 720P HD ready/1080P full HD, typicaly this is also same.

None are having anamorphic lens. 3800/4000 is having vertical stretch that can be used for anamorphic projection using an anamorphic lens.

he put me on to a person (carmen) from projector central , the above mentioned models are his recomendations , they rate the mits 3800 quiet high , as this too has an anamorphic lens like the pana 4000u , and comes 600$ cheaper
Hi Subhash,

Sumit quote and advice is exactly right...

Jumping from 480P to 1080P is worth.. Not from 720P to 1080P without comparing the picture difference... Sure there will be :)but why cant you make your mind to stick with 720P for little time, after comparing side by sideby shoot out with your PJ with Santhosh... Deceide,, hey why cant you take ur gadgets also with your projector including DVD Player/ streamer. So you can feel the full difference.

Most of the debate for plasma/LCD's is to go for 720P HD ready/1080P full HD, typicaly this is also same.


right.. from a 720p to 1080p the difference would be noticable only if--
1) you throw a screen more than 100", and your viewing distance is less than 8'
2) you have a dedicated room with no ambient light.
3) your source content is more than 720p - either blue ray/ or HTPC as source.
4) if you upgrade to mits 3800 or pana 4000(or 3000), as you would definately get richer colors and deeper blacks..

otherwise it doesnt make any sense to upgrade - stick to HD65 for 1-2 yrs(it is the best rated VFM 720p machine), and invest the extra money in LED based projectors later on.
If you money to spend right now.. I would suggest you to get a pair of FloorStanders (If you dont already have) to match the picture quality you get out of HD65.
HD20 is an entry level 1080p projector. A great projector and definitely VFM, but will not do justice to the high standards you have set with other equipment of yours. You definitely need something better like the Pana 4000 or the Mits. Nothing lesser will do :).

I would suggest you to get a pair of FloorStanders (If you dont already have) to match the picture quality you get out of HD65.
Checkout his thread(Trinity Supercube) in the speaker section for a picture of his equipment. He has massive Jamo Concert series Floor standers. If they look small in the picture, it is only because they are standing next to a mini-refrigerator sized sub:clapping:.
HD20 is an entry level 1080p projector. A great projector and definitely VFM, but will not do justice to the high standards you have set with other equipment of yours. You definitely need something better like the Pana 4000 or the Mits. Nothing lesser will do :).

Checkout his thread(Trinity Supercube) in the speaker section for a picture of his equipment. He has massive Jamo Concert series Floor standers. If they look small in the picture, it is only because they are standing next to a mini-refrigerator sized sub:clapping:.

Yes Santhosh,,, I saw his setup earlier.. Nice setup,,, missing is still "Recliner"..
HD20 is an entry level 1080p projector. A great projector and definitely VFM, but will not do justice to the high standards you have set with other equipment of yours. You definitely need something better like the Pana 4000 or the Mits. Nothing lesser will do :).

Checkout his thread(Trinity Supercube) in the speaker section for a picture of his equipment. He has massive Jamo Concert series Floor standers. If they look small in the picture, it is only because they are standing next to a mini-refrigerator sized sub:clapping:.

well in that case.. i have another option.. go for the second projector, also keep the HD65 and look to build a 3d home theatre using the 3D Stereoscopic Projection technique with 2 projectors..

Follow this link:
Meant to be Seen - View topic - Home Theatre 3D Stereoscopic Projection + DIY Silver Screen

PS: Also add viewsonic Pro8100 and Infocus X10 to your list..
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right.. from a 720p to 1080p the difference would be noticable only if--
1) you throw a screen more than 100", and your viewing distance is less than 8'
2) you have a dedicated room with no ambient light.
3) your source content is more than 720p - either blue ray/ or HTPC as source.
4) if you upgrade to mits 3800 or pana 4000(or 3000), as you would definately get richer colors and deeper blacks..

otherwise it doesnt make any sense to upgrade - stick to HD65 for 1-2 yrs(it is the best rated VFM 720p machine), and invest the extra money in LED based projectors later on.
If you money to spend right now.. I would suggest you to get a pair of FloorStanders (If you dont already have) to match the picture quality you get out of HD65.

thanks for the suggestions man, the answers for the following
1-screen is 120" , viewing distance is abt 14feet
2-do have a dedicated room
3-source content is 1080p from pioneer BDP LX52 for reg A discs and philips BD3000 for reg C discs
4-the mits does have very good black levels, pana may have richer colors

led pjs are way too expensive , and hardly researched much in the HT segment

And i have already choosen to upgrade my main spkrs in some time from the jamo c809 (its a crime to think of upgrading from the C809) to either the emarald physics C3.2 or the legacy focus HD:yahoo:
well in that case.. i have another option.. go for the second projector, also keep the HD65 and look to build a 3d home theatre using the 3D Stereoscopic Projection technique with 2 projectors..

Follow this link:
Meant to be Seen - View topic - Home Theatre 3D Stereoscopic Projection + DIY Silver Screen

PS: Also add viewsonic Pro8100 and Infocus X10 to your list..

again thats good information here

but watching a movie with glasses does not hold good for me , may be ocassionaly its acceptable

procedure looks and sounds complicated

i wud definetly retain my hd65 , coz its hardly done about 150 hours

i wud retain it to watch SD/dvd @720p
None are having anamorphic lens. 3800/4000 is having vertical stretch that can be used for anamorphic projection using an anamorphic lens.

are you sure , the review says these 2 pjs come along with an anmorphic lens , may be wrong here will chk it out

if they have the anamorphic lens , any idea what wud be the advantages here?, apart from stretching to 2:35.1
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are you sure , the review says these 2 pjs come along with an anmorphic lens , may be wrong here will chk it out

if they have the anamorphic lens , any idea what wud be the advantages here?, apart from stretching to 2:35.1

AE4000 has an emulation feature of anamorphic lens as per the reviews i have read..
abt the 2.35:1 anamorphic features of the pana and mits models

i think for this aspect u got to have a different screen altogether and the old 16:9 which we have may not work

also on what i gathered a little info abt the anamorphic feature is although the pjs will support the 2.35:1 feature i think u need a seperate lens fitted from the outside to the pj,

chk out the following link with lots of pics to have a basic idea on the anamorphic lens which in many cases is diy


this link has some amazing set ups . and it does make our 16:9 set up look like history

so i guess if u are not going to have an anamorphic lens fitted then the anamorpic feature in the pj may not be of much use ,right?
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abt the 2.35:1 anamorphic features of the pana and mits models

i think for this aspect u got to have a different screen altogether and the old 16:9 which we have may not work

also on what i gathered a little info abt the anamorphic feature is although the pjs will support the 2.35:1 feature i think u need a seperate lens fitted from the outside to the pj,

chk out the following link with lots of pics to have a basic idea on the anamorphic lens which in many cases is diy


this link has some amazing set ups . and it does make our 16:9 set up look like history

so i guess if u are not going to have an anamorphic lens fitted then the anamorpic feature in the pj may not be of much use ,right?

Hi forget about the 2:35:1,,,, kindly deceide upon on th PJ... what is ur final decission... No doubt epson is good choice, but for the budget Mits.is really a challenge for all and you will enjoy the picture for the cost you paid.. Dont go with only blaaaaacccckkkkkk.... You will never mind once u immerse into pics... You can find lot of black scenes only in some selected horror / Period movies( also LOTR), all other movies will pop up brightly..

Wait for some more days( not months), mits will surely announce another rebate for that and will reach near to $1000.

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srini are u using a mitsu pj ?

bro is coming only by feb end , so plenty of time to research and decide

abt 2.35:1, if it needs an external anamorphic lens then no point in going in for the pana @ an extra 600 USD ,and also this wud need to change our screens too

i hope the mits hits 1000 USD @ even 1399$ it looks like a very good deal and a very good upgrade too
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