Building my Home Theatre Room - Please guide me

Entertainment room includes gaming also......:) I played the motor storm long time back when i bought the PS3, since i m not gaming guy, i hated it and lost my patience to finish a level.

But now I tried GT5 send by teky and the graphics are amazing and good PQ which is almost lot of levels of improvement in everything. Playing the game in the PJ will lead to addiction and it will be difficult to overcome:) If we know to play:sad:.. This is for sure:lol:

HT is for movies only( exception is for audio cd):lol:
Got an iPhone?

No idea how accurate it is but looks interesting!
All the more reason to get an Iphone:yahoo:. Deciding between the HTC Hero and Iphone, will wait for a little longer.

Entertainment room includes gaming also......:)
HT is for movies only( exception is for audio cd):lol:
Srini, don't even think of going anywhere near that topic:)
I used to play only racing games and was having my doubts whether to include gaming into my entertainment room. Thanks to teky, the decision was easy and I am now a convert:). Thanks for the list Sammy, yet to get hooked in to games.

I play all kinda of Games and only I know how I extract time for my this another passion......Been playing games since I was like 17......FPS/TPS my fav genre, I'd say try venturing out with these games as well. I can hardly wait to play COD series on an 120" screen with HD projection and full 5.1 audio........... ....wowowww:D:D:D:D

Same for you Sri,
use you setup for gaming as well, but got to have a Competent RIG as well that you can connect with the PJ with wireless keyboard and mouse with wireless gamepads. That all you need to enjoy the awsome titles we have thesedays.............

NO AGE is old enough for not Gaming....!!!!:D :D
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Is this the same Santhosh who has got a lot of expensive hobbies?? I think I have run into you on other forums that we share an interest in :D

I went through the entire thread and am amazed at how deep you have got into this.. can you post some pictures of how your HT looks now? A complete 360degree view would be great!

Pavan and I will visit you sometime soon I hope and experience your setup first hand. Good going bro..:clapping:
Is this the same Santhosh who has got a lot of expensive hobbies?? I think I have run into you on other forums that we share an interest in :D

I went through the entire thread and am amazed at how deep you have got into this.. can you post some pictures of how your HT looks now? A complete 360degree view would be great!

Pavan and I will visit you sometime soon I hope and experience your setup first hand. Good going bro..:clapping:

Welcome To HFV Ganesh. Nice to see you here:). Pavan has been wanting to visit since a long time. Please do drop in anytime.

For better quality pics, I will have to wait for my photography enthusiast friends. Until then we will have to do with my photography skills:)




This is the current seating arrangement. Managing with an old sofa for now


Vinay is right about Lazboys. Nothing comes close to these in terms of comfort and "ease of use". Had been to the Lazboy showroom last week. The range starts from 40k. I really liked the one in the pic below and it costs 75k.

I did not shoot any pics of the screen, so posting an old one.

Amongst few other minor things, seating and some wiring is still pending.
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Indeed the recliner of lazy boy is a world apart, no doubt they are the world leaders for such chairs, the photo which you have shown, is the same chair i have got, the cost which i paid Rs.72,000/- is just too much. The beauty is that it is pure leather, very comfortable, it can be set in various positions right to the extent that it can go flat like a bed and if the need be, it becomes a rocking chair too, not to forget the kind of dynamic grace it gets in the enviorment.

Hi Sid,

In general there are some drawbacks with everything but if one has to pay a small price to loose something on surround and in return get a great comfort etc with recliners, then for me be it. I think the impact of surround will be minimum with 5.1, there will be rare cases where people are using 7.1, where the surround could matter more.

I have seen many home theatres on web pages, if i recollect with most of them there were with recliners. Since lazy boy are the world leaders in recliners, they would have factored the issue of surround effects.

Hi Vinay,
Just my 2 paisa - When I lived in the US - I used to independently consult at an Audio Video Installation company (Pecars) in Detroit - HVAC, room design for acoustics, sound proofing etc - I was actively involved in about 20 - 30HT installations (usually upwards of $100,000). Just like you said a lot of clients wanted the high back lazy boy type recliners (there are a whole range of HT dedicated seating in US), and we tried to convince them about the effects - some agreed and some did not - but just as you said there is some sacrifice involved - I suppose.
For me though I can easily tell when the surround effects are getting muted by a higher back regardless of 5.1 or 7.1 because the ears are resting against the fabric - where the absorption takes place - depending on the fabric. The compromise is to run the surround speakers hotter by +1 or +1.5db. Anyways just my opinion - the great thing about this hobby is that the beauty lies in the eye of the listener:lol: and everyhting else is a suggestion.
Hello Sid,

With 7.1 it could be more of a issue, as two surround speakers are behind you while with 5.1, the two speakers are opposite to your ears.

If someone listens to a lot of music then for him a recliner may be good as surround is likely not to be used or for that matter recliners would also be good for who spend long hours in the entertainment room watching movies, etc.

There is a disadvantage on recliner for which sure it seems you have a point keeping in mind that you are exposed so much to making of home theatres but then there is a advantage also with the recliners as they are so huge in size that the absorption becomes much better, am i right?

About the hobby, for what i think is that one should understand all the benefits and drawbacks, if the drawbacks are more with a particular stand, then one needs to be very careful.

Thank you very much for the writing.

Hello Sid,

If someone listens to a lot of music then for him a recliner may be good as surround is likely not to be used or for that matter recliners would also be good for who spend long hours in the entertainment room watching movies, etc.

There is a disadvantage on recliner for which sure it seems you have a point keeping in mind that you are exposed so much to making of home theatres but then there is a advantage also with the recliners as they are so huge in size that the absorption becomes much better, am i right?


Absolutely agree with you Vinay on the first point - Like I said earlier it becomes a personal preference at this point - and believe me I like a recliner as well
Regarding your second point - yes you are right - large furniture does contribute to good absorption - but it is better to control absorption in a more scientific manner so at to speak by treating the first reflection points lest the room becomes too dead sounding.
Anyways there is no best method - and the best method like I said before - is what sounds best to the listener and what better way to listen than lying in the comfort of a soft leather recliner:)
Cheers - Sid
Nice to know about your involvement in HT projects in the US. We now have another experienced member amongst us who will be able to guide us :). For someone like me building a DIY hometheater here in India, forums like avsforums,, knowledge and support of hifivision members etc are of indespensible and immense value.

Absolutely agree with you Vinay on the first point - Like I said earlier it becomes a personal preference at this point - and believe me I like a recliner as well
Regarding your second point - yes you are right - large furniture does contribute to good absorption - but it is better to control absorption in a more scientific manner so at to speak by treating the first reflection points lest the room becomes too dead sounding.
Anyways there is no best method - and the best method like I said before - is what sounds best to the listener and what better way to listen than lying in the comfort of a soft leather recliner:)
Cheers - Sid

Very true Sid. Furniture, Seats, Curtains and even occupants (tricky as they are variable in number) act as absorbers. These were some of the learnings/considerations when I was planning sound-treatment for my room. We need to be more scientific in our approach while implementing these things. From the online resources mentioned above, some I was able to understand, implement and control, the rest I have given myself time to learn on an ongoing trial basis. I have also tried to be as symmetric as possible for an uniform sound.

While we are on the point of recliners, there is also a recliner for around 45k. This is smaller in size (lower back), has basic leather and also no rocking. I also checked if they had a fabric version and they did. Fabric would be cheaper and better absorber over leather if thats we want depending on room (live or dead). Comfort wise, it would not be as great as Nappa Leather or other high-quality leathers. Like you guys have already agreed, we need to decide one over the other after considering our requirements and after weighing all factors.

Since last week, I am experimenting on my stereo setup. Playing around with isolation (cones, spikes, weights etc). Also, Mr.Murthy of Tools-N-Trades has given me some power cords and Interconnects(Silver and one other) to try, so trying to study the effects of changes in power cords, Interconnects etc. Very interesting, I am loving it:clapping:
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While we are on the point of recliners, there is also a recliner for around 45k. This is smaller in size (lower back), has basic leather and also no rocking. I also checked if they had a fabric version and they did. Fabric would be cheaper and better absorber over leather if thats we want depending on room (live or dead). Comfort wise, it would not be as great as Nappa Leather or other high-quality leathers. Like you guys have already agreed, we need to decide one over the other after considering our requirements and after weighing all factors.

Which recliner is this? Can you give any more details, regarding brand, specs and availability?
santhol2 - Believe me - the basics of setting up a HT room are all available on the net. So just as you mentioned using the various resources of the net one can easily develop a nice sounding HT. What a professional can provide would be probably an icing on the cake - in terms of more strategic acoustic treatments (even in construction material) which will help in a flatter frequency response, claibration of display, probably better interior dec. etc., but the fun IMHO is discovering all this yourself as you are doing now with all the tweaks:)
While we are on the point of recliners, there is also a recliner for around 45k. This is smaller in size (lower back), has basic leather and also no rocking. I also checked if they had a fabric version and they did. Fabric would be cheaper and better absorber over leather if thats we want depending on room (live or dead). Comfort wise, it would not be as great as Nappa Leather or other high-quality leathers. Like you guys have already agreed, we need to decide one over the other after considering our requirements and after weighing all factors.


In chennai Modfurn is having 25K recliner +10K for motorized and it is a decent one with 5 years warranty for mechanism. Still if you want to go down.. 20K recliners were available in various shops around chennai.. Dont comparing with Laz... But still good for the price and have good comfort.. In variou shops HT recliners are directly imported ( circular one- 3 sets / or Two Recliners combined - all with cup holders) below 50K...

Check out all the Furniture exhibition in chennai and it is common..
Which recliner is this? Can you give any more details, regarding brand, specs and availability?
Raghav, the 45k recliner that I mentioned is Lazboy. They also had the same in fabric for 39k. In India, Lazboy is marketed by Stanley. Stanley also does the leatherwork for Lazboy in India. Visit a Stanley Boutique, they have them on display. They also have the Ekornes Stressless range. They were very very confortable, take lesser space, have a low back(for surround) but are also very very expensive:). The single seater was for 2 lacs. The matching double seater was 4 lacs.

Other nice and affordable one I saw is by Ebony Gautier. Single seaters are available for ~25k each. The salesman said they are shipped from France as CBU(CBU = Completely Built Unit in automobile BTW, this price is only for a limited time though as they are running an introductory offer. Introductory offer is because Gautier had closed operations a few years ago. Now they are back as Ebony Gautier. These are well built, part leather-part faux leather and real VFM but you can't beat the "ease of use" of a Lazboy:licklips:.

Eversince, I saw these two weeks ago, I have been visualising[dreaming actually] two Gautier recliners and one Lazboy for myself as a listening chair;) in my HT Room.

Raghav: Sumit also mentioned some recliners from Home Town. I am yet to check them out.
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