HD Networked Media Tank (NMT)

Are you sure? Normally the heat sinks touches the top lid to disperse heat. There does not seem to be any space also. It could be fan w/o heatsink?
The white 4 point terminal maybe be used by service centre to flash firmware.

Exactly, thats why I was confused. My WD is hot when I watch DTS 720p movies. Thats why was thinking of mounting a USB fan which would be directed at the top portion of WD making heat removal easier.
Exactly, thats why I was confused. My WD is hot when I watch DTS 720p movies. Thats why was thinking of mounting a USB fan which would be directed at the top portion of WD making heat removal easier.

so did you look at my setup photo?
yes, how did you connect the coolers to power? U bought a converter which powers USB and USB you connected to the coolers? :o

As you know, laptop coolers are powered by the Laptop USB port.
So either you buy powered USB hub or buy hub (with option for plugging adapter) & adapter separate. I already mentioned that I connected a Sony 5V 2A adpater to my 4 point USB hub. (500ma/ hub).
yes, how did you connect the coolers to power? U bought a converter which powers USB and USB you connected to the coolers? :o

Eh :rolleyes: ! How hot are we talking here ? Hot as in Hot or did you mean warm ? Since you are in Chennai did you have the A/C on ?
Yeah it is effective. It stays just cool-warm now. Never hot anymore. 2.5" HDD inside has also helped. My AVR also used to really get boiling hot with high levels of rock music. Now it stays just warmer than "warm".

You can have look at the picture/ installation here:

Now I have added one more fan to the right of AVR. So total 4 coolers.

I bought these Chinese Titan laptop coolers:
TITAN fan pad
@ Rs. 450/ piece.
Purchased a 4 port USB "blues" Chinese hub for Rs. 250.00 added a Sony 5V 2A adapter @ Rs. 250.00 and connected to mains to supply power to these fans.

Do you use your AVR for a long period of time resulting in the AVR getting that hot that you need separate coolers for the AVR ?
Do you use your AVR for a long period of time resulting in the AVR getting that hot that you need separate coolers for the AVR ?

Yes, I use for long durations. Say 1-2 hours at a stretch of fairly high volume music. But it attains high temperatures within 15 minutes of high volume music.
This is normal. There is also limited ventilation. Hence coolers disperse heat effectively and prolong life of equipment.
Yes, I use for long durations. Say 2-3 hours at a stretch of fairly high volume music. But it attains high temperatures within 15 minutes of high volume music.
This is normal. There is also limited ventilation. Hence coolers disperse heat effectively and prolong life of equipment.

Hmmm I need turn the volume knob 11 0 clock only when watching DVD - rips. For some reason the DVD rips have very low sound volumes !! However I never bothered to check out the heat ! I surely will do it the next time when I watch a movie !
Hmmm I need turn the volume knob 11 0 clock only when watching DVD - rips. For some reason the DVD rips have very low sound volumes !! However I never bothered to check out the heat ! I surely will do it the next time when I watch a movie !

Try with music.
But how do I close it if I mount it? I am confused here.. :o

You have to get Heatsink with in built fan like Graphiccard.

Some people(DIY) can use the board & assemble it with HD in one encloser,there you can use current heatsink & mount fan on top separately.
The thing is Popcorn Hour will have more stringent quality checks and I am sure the product will be better even if it comes from the same factory. Moser Baer used to make CDs for HP and make their own CDs too, but the quality of CDs they manufactured for HP was way better than the quality of CDs they turned out in their own brand name. I am sure this applies to Popcorn Hour too. The people in U.S. are so "sue happy" they will sue for just about anything. I'm sure if a Popcorn Hour goes bad and takes any other electronic equipment with it, the company would get sued for everything and end up paying damages as well as replacing the Popcorn Hour for free. Such things don't exist in India much less in China. Don't even take risk with Chinese stuff no matter if they cost half the price, come from the same factory or even the same conveyor belt. Customer service is a different ballgame as many other threads on this very forum will attest to and we Indians and our neighbors the Chinese are not very good with customer service or support. Just try calling Tata Indicom or Airtel to lodge a complaint. You'll be speaking to the AVR for 10-15 min even before getting to a person and most times will be just cut off and have to start all over again. That's the level of customer service/support we get in India and China. No way will such things be tolerated in the U.S. The company will be deluged with a litany of lawsuits for such bad customer service.

As I have mentioned earlier, Elektron - China, has outstanding support & service. I have had some bad luck with their product, but the customer service is worth a mention. The lady there, Ms. Cathy Wang, is always prompt in replying emails or via chat through Skype. Honestly, I have not come across such support anywhere else!
As I have mentioned earlier, Elektron - China, has outstanding support & service. I have had some bad luck with their product, but the customer service is worth a mention. The lady there, Ms. Cathy Wang, is always prompt in replying emails or via chat through Skype. Honestly, I have not come across such support anywhere else!

I'm not disputing that Reju. Just stating why even go through that? It's better that customer service/support is not required at all right? It is such a hassle when you have to run around to get things fixed especially if its a new product and under warranty. I'm not saying it will happen to all or that it will happen always, but Chinese products do have a bad record in this area.
I'm not disputing that Reju. Just stating why even go through that? It's better that customer service/support is not required at all right? It is such a hassle when you have to run around to get things fixed especially if its a new product and under warranty. I'm not saying it will happen to all or that it will happen always, but Chinese products do have a bad record in this area.

Yes, true Chinese company products are always questionable! I was only sharing my experience, since you had a negative general opinion about Chinese customer service.
Yes, true Chinese company products are always questionable! I was only sharing my experience, since you had a negative general opinion about Chinese customer service.

Oh not a general opinion about Chinese customer service or Chinese products. A very personal experience in fact. I've bought enough Chinese electronic goods and had them turn bad as soon as back in India. I bought USB sticks which claimed 64 GB per stick (I bought 8 of them) and not one of them worked in India, but the demo piece worked just fine in Shanghai (all 8 were sealed pieces). I can share enough such experiences with Chinese products at least electronic gadgets. Things like clothes work fine back in India.
Oh not a general opinion about Chinese customer service or Chinese products. A very personal experience in fact. I've bought enough Chinese electronic goods and had them turn bad as soon as back in India. I bought USB sticks which claimed 64 GB per stick (I bought 8 of them) and not one of them worked in India, but the demo piece worked just fine in Shanghai (all 8 were sealed pieces). I can share enough such experiences with Chinese products at least electronic gadgets. Things like clothes work fine back in India.

Lucky for you, at least the clothes are working. Otherwise when you are walking down the street, suddenly you realise that your Chinese clothes are not working....hmmm.. I mean they could have simply fallen apart!!:D
More about chinese products -
A friend of mine in US told me (the conversation was in context of the pet food issue in US but applies to electronics also) that the chinese factories makes three level of products:
Really low quality stuff which is meant for markets where consumer protection is low either due to lack of laws or lack/difficulty of enforcements. India falls here. Smuggled/grey market in US without warranty is also included here.
High quality stuff which is meant for countries where consumer laws are strong and defects/mistakes could sometimes lead to millions of $ in loss. US and EU countries fall here.
Medium quality which is actually rejects from the top quality. This floats around and often goes to Australia and others.

Sometimes people get greedy and replace the high quality with low quality stuff hoping to escape without getting caught. The pet food issue and the milk issue in China was the result of these.
Large companies which import from China and put their brand on chinese products take extreme care to whet out low quality stuff as once you get a low quality tag in the market, it takes years to clear that tag. Unbranded/fakes do not care about this.

Coming back to electronics, if you are buying a branded item and are sure it is not fake (by buying with warranty or a reputed dealer) then the chinese stuff is 'almost' as good as anything else.

More about chinese products -
A friend of mine in US told me (the conversation was in context of the pet food issue in US but applies to electronics also) that the chinese factories makes three level of products:
Really low quality stuff which is meant for markets where consumer protection is low either due to lack of laws or lack/difficulty of enforcements. India falls here. Smuggled/grey market in US without warranty is also included here.
High quality stuff which is meant for countries where consumer laws are strong and defects/mistakes could sometimes lead to millions of $ in loss. US and EU countries fall here.
Medium quality which is actually rejects from the top quality. This floats around and often goes to Australia and others.

Sometimes people get greedy and replace the high quality with low quality stuff hoping to escape without getting caught. The pet food issue and the milk issue in China was the result of these.
Large companies which import from China and put their brand on chinese products take extreme care to whet out low quality stuff as once you get a low quality tag in the market, it takes years to clear that tag. Unbranded/fakes do not care about this.

Coming back to electronics, if you are buying a branded item and are sure it is not fake (by buying with warranty or a reputed dealer) then the chinese stuff is 'almost' as good as anything else.


100% agree here. My uncle owns dee pee phones a very popular sasta brand for telecom products such as base phones cordless phones etc. He often take a trip to Taiwan and China. He himself has said that the Chinese can make the same stuff at any price you want. But there is a heaven and hell difference in the quality. Max of our stuff (electronics) that we have in India especially m,manufactured by Sony , Panasonic are made out of China. But they are ok as they are of a much higher quality. Recently I have started replacing all my batteries with rechargeable in Clocks, Remotes etc. On visiting Spencer I was surprised to see that Everyday had started marketing Rechargeable Batteries and all of them were manufactured in China. I have been using them for 3 months now and I just love them. They work beautifully and I intend to buy more.

Moserji - Woh ad dekha hai kya --- Itna mein to itna hi milega !! :D

But again it depends o your luck. If your stuff would have worked then I guess your opinion would be different I guess !
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