IC: Mont Blanc Pens Group Buy for Delhi/NCR Members


Sep 25, 2010
New Delhi India
Hi All,

This is to check if there is any interest within this Group to go for a Mont Blanc Pens Group Buy. A MB rep has told me that for for orders of 5+ pens they will be able to offer a handsome discount over the Delhi Duty Free prices (the higher the quantity of Group buy the better the discounts rate that we may expect; for buying 2 pens they offered me 15% off on the Delhi Duty Free list price). For prices of various model you can scout for info on the Net, and I can tell you that Delhi Duty free listed prices are quite competitive (for instance Meisterstuck 149 is listed at US$ 805 and they have pens staring from about US$ 300)

Let me know if any Delhi members are interested and we can thereafter work out the details. The store has all the standard collections and some special and limited edition pens as well.


Viraj Singh
People who can afford Mont Blanc pens are not so petty as to look for discounts or group buys. It is a status symbol for upper class people, not upper middle class people. Upper class people dont behave like common people, they dont look out for sales to shop.

If you really want discount, I suggest you prioritize your money in the best possible manner. Unless you earn at least 1+ cr per month you cant afford a 1000 USD pen. And a pen isnt a hobby, it is a way to show off. You shouldnt show off what you dont have.

Speakers is a hobby. Computers is a hobby. A pen is a show off or a status symbol. If you arent from that status then it is just a show off. People who earn 1 cr per month dont waste time looking for coupons, they buy the minute they are offered something.

Those who dont earn at least 30-50 L per month should introspect and see whether they really need something to respect themselves more.
People who can afford Mont Blanc pens are not so petty as to look for discounts or group buys. It is a status symbol for upper class people, not upper middle class people. Upper class people dont behave like common people, they dont look out for sales to shop.

If you really want discount, I suggest you prioritize your money in the best possible manner. Unless you earn at least 1+ cr per month you cant afford a 1000 USD pen. And a pen isnt a hobby, it is a way to show off. You shouldnt show off what you dont have.

Speakers is a hobby. Computers is a hobby. A pen is a show off or a status symbol. If you arent from that status then it is just a show off. People who earn 1 cr per month dont waste time looking for coupons, they buy the minute they are offered something.

Those who dont earn at least 30-50 L per month should introspect and see whether they really need something to respect themselves more.

In what dreamworld you are looking for?
Rs 70 K pen for a person earning 1 Cr a month .. buddy keep ur eyes open - there are number of people who earn sat 40 - 50 L a YEAR buys such a pen

and there are always discount seekers - ALWAYS - BTW you know number of GROUP BUYS happening for luxury cars??

BTW before Rs devaluation Mont Blanc was quiet affordable - In mumbai grey market most basic Meisterstuck Ball point was available at Rs 8 K ( It was around 3-4 years back - @ Manoj Pen Mart - a respectable pen shop in Mumbai.

Pen is different world. I cannot call myself a collector but yes I may be having some 30 Odd pens. Mostly Watermans, Sheaffers, Parkers,Cross and only one Mont Blanc - BTW I bought it used - and you will quiet surprise to know there is huge market of used pens too.

Pen collection is different game. Ditto watches - and I know number of people who seeks discounts in luxury. In fact people travel to destinations loke Dubai or Singapore to take advantage of low prices of luxyry items. Least I know one gentleman who bought Rolex -visiting specially to singapore.
Can I understand on what basis you made your comments @techboy??? Your expertise in collecting pens.

@virajsingh - nice imitative . Unfortunately do not have finances - sad to let go such offer:mad::mad:
I@techboy - I don't know which world you are living in. A hobby could be anything; from growing potted plants to buying MB Pens. For me it is not a status symbol but about collecting things that I like or of late my interest has shifted to Pens. Is that offensive to you just because I do not make 1 crore plus.

Anyways I think there is no harm in trying to get a better deal on your buys. Afterall is int that how all the rich guys beacme rich; just that instead of pens they were trying to get dicounts on their inputs, companies they bought etc.

Food for thought....cheers (good single malt beckons or it could be just pain old XXX Rum?)

People who can afford Mont Blanc pens are not so petty as to look for discounts or group buys. It is a status symbol for upper class people, not upper middle class people. Upper class people dont behave like common people, they dont look out for sales to shop.

If you really want discount, I suggest you prioritize your money in the best possible manner. Unless you earn at least 1+ cr per month you cant afford a 1000 USD pen. And a pen isnt a hobby, it is a way to show off. You shouldnt show off what you dont have.

Speakers is a hobby. Computers is a hobby. A pen is a show off or a status symbol. If you arent from that status then it is just a show off. People who earn 1 cr per month dont waste time looking for coupons, they buy the minute they are offered something.

Those who dont earn at least 30-50 L per month should introspect and see whether they really need something to respect themselves more.
I am sure tech meant a YEARLY income of 1 Cr instead of the monthly thing! ;) A monthly income of 1 Cr for ME could invite a monthly buy of the likes of Audi & BMW cars, one, every month till all models are covered. :D
I wouldn't have written but for my astonishment after reading one of the posts above. I could use several adjectives for that post, but shall stick to the mildest and term it - gratuitous and ill-informed. Therefore, two points, essentially:

1. What does income have to do with taste, interest or desire? A man is free to do what he likes with his money - it's his, after all. A clerk may like a Montblanc pen, take a bank loan, and buy it. Nothing wrong with that - it's his life. Newly weds may wish to spend three times their monthly income on a week's honeymoon.

2. Why must a pen necessarily be a status symbol? There are people who like writing with fine pens, just like they enjoy drinking fine wine or listening to fine audio. Just because something is of good quality doesn't mean people acquire it to show off. They can acquire it because they like the finer things in life.

And thirdly and most importantly, nobody should assume the right to pass comments on another's lifestyle, preferences or priorities, however different they may be. To denigrate somebody on an issue like their financial status is discourteous and in poor taste. And courtesy and good taste cannot be bought, because they aren't for sale, right;-)?
1. I meant 1 cr per month.

2. 1 cr per year isn't a very big income. It is at best upper middle class or best case scenario borderline mass affluent. It is far from affluent leave alone rich.

3. Because no matter what pen you use, it does the same god damn thing. Similarly no matter what watch you use, it doesn't change your lifestyle in any way except making you proud of being superior to people who can't afford it.

4. People collect watches. But not if they can't afford it. Only if you live in a society where having that watch makes you respectable. Not that you go around spending a year's salary to get a watch.

5. You can do that. But that is a waste of money. And it isn't subjective. It is objective. Just like so many people with Audi's wont drive their cars now because they can't afford to spend 20-30k per month in petrol bills. That is foolishness. Who are you trying to show off?

6. There is nothing wrong in trying to show off. Just that you will end up making a joke of yourself some day, when you try to portray yourself as somebody who you are not. You won't have enough to to leave enough for your children or give them expensive education or expensive weddings, or enough for them to live their life on it. So it makes no sense unless you can take care of the primary things in life first.

7. Of course you can buy it. Just that you must realize that the very definition of luxury is such that it is meant for people with abundance, not who are struggling to make ends meet to acquire that luxury which only gives egoistic pleasure.

8. Then again for some people ego is everything :) Sound is something where more money enhances experience. Same with computers. Same with good food. Same with good wine. A pen won't change your handwriting or what you do with it, it is just satisfying your ego that you have the chance to own a premium product which few others can, when in reality you are saving like crazy to do something which you don't care much about. Where a pen of half the price will do the same job for you. But a wine of half the cost won't give you the same tangible pleasure :)

Your wish, you like to burn your money. Burn it. Some people perhaps like burning money as well. It gives them pleasure. Just take a lighter and burn a Rs.100 note. If you have enough, why do you care? Can you tell me if that person is an idiot even if he gets enjoyment in showing his financial strength to himself? Again, it is subjective. I call him stupid. But many people would admire him :)
A. You won't have enough to to leave enough for your children or give them expensive education or expensive weddings, or enough for them to live their life on it.

B. Sound is something where more money enhances experience.
Same with good food. Same with good wine.
Where a pen of half the price will do the same job for you. But a wine of half the cost won't give you the same tangible pleasure :)

WOW.......REALLY WOW....

A. Why should anyone have to leave enough for his Children...I think it is for them to earn their living and not to live off Dear Daddy's millions (sorry billions as I just realized that millions isn't enough). Ones responsibility is, I think, to get them the best education, which by the way does not mean that it is necessarily expensive (I did not go to MIT and Harvard but to Engineering and Management Schools in India and I think I turned out OK; also the education was quite inexpensive and the amongst the very best in the world).

B. Who says more money enhances ones experience of sound. I have heard obnoxiously expensive systems which sounded pathetic (a friend has just bought a used EAR Acute CD Player in US for US$ 3K and he asked a staff member of our organization currently on assignment in US to buy it for him; I can only guess what that staff member might have told him wife "this guys is nuts, who in his right mind spends that kind of money on a CD Player....bloody showoff")

And as far as food it concerned I guess going by above logic there is no way that one would ever like home cooked food (plain rice and arhar dal) by ones mom as it is so inexpensive (can't bring myself to use the word cheap) compared to the fancy 5-star meal (greasy fat dripping Indian curries, dal makhni and tandoori prawn that may give you stomach cramps the next day not to mention one having to take cholesterol reducing tablets)
And as far a wine in concerned.... well, I am anyways a single malt man (who btw thinks that XXX Rum is a bloody good rum....hick)

By above logic no one should buy anything but (a) a Maruti 800 (it takes you from A to B; why did they stop making it and more importantly we stopped buying it...show offs are we) (b) Plain Vanilla Bata Shoes (shoes don't improve ones walk) (c) cheapest clothes (they do the job of covering one vital parts, don't they and well, why pay so much for that bikini which uses such little cloth) and (d) gold jewelery (won't brass do?)

My salary is not much and I like my fountain pens and if I can get them at a discount why not ...is that too hard for anyone to digest.

Just an after thought all these brands that have these sales from time to time should be prohibited by law to hold such sales as they are encouraging people to be showoffs and living beyond their means.....Interest Check on banning sales of luxury items a signature campaign here on HFV
Your points are idiotic.

The average $1000 speaker is better than the average $200 speaker. Of course there are exceptions, but by and large unless you spend huge amounts, you keep getting some return or something at least. What you spend is a function of your income and passion, not just one but both.

Similarly, five stars make good food. And the experience is excellent. You may or may not have good food at home, depends on your wife or mother. But sometimes you can go out for a change to enjoy a different cuisine or type of food. How many times you go out are determined by what you earn, within a reasonable range of course.

And no, you don't need to buy a maruti 800. If you earn 30 lacs per year, you can afford a 5-10 lac car. But ya if you just earn 5 lacs pr year then ideally you should not spend more than what a maruti costs.

There is nothing wrong in buying expensive stuff if you can comfortably afford it without disrupting everything in your life.

And your arguments prove why education is important. And should be the focus of a parent's life :p

As far as sales are concerned, brands for the upper class usually don't have sales. Brands for the upper middle class like Tommy Hulfiger and Gant have sales. Brands where each shirt costs a few lacs won't ever have sales. Rich people only go for bespoke solutions or very high end ready made solutions.

Your points are of somebody who didn't get a word of what I said. You read everything but understood nothing.

As long as you can afford something comfortably, it is okay to spend 1 cr on a pen if you are Bill Gates. If you earn 10 cr pr year then a 1 cr pen is a stupid mistake unless you only have one insignificant hobby.
Analogies made by others till now have all been wrong.

The real analogies which you can correctly make are:

Collecting stamps

Collecting old coins which are not in circulation

Similarly collecting expensive pens

Now the problem with this is:

1 if it is in current production then it is of no value except to your grand kids who you just said you don't care about. Let us forget this for a minute, then

2. There are some people in this biz and they make good money. But there is no point in fooling yourself in believing that most people are in the game for that. Less than 5% hobbyists ever will make any money doing such stuff. Others will do it fr their passion.

3. No harm in having anything at all as a passion. Even if it just means buying a stone and keeping inside your cupboard as a collection. But you must be able to afford it comfortably. It shouldn't pinch you at all. It shouldn't come in the way of you or your children. And when you can't even afford to do all that as a middle class Indian person, then you are not being a good parent or good spouse,

4. Everybody isn't a good parent or good spouse. So my argument ends here.

It is more to do with shouk. A shoukeen person would go to any level in acquiring which HE thinks is appropriate for him .... nothing wrong in that. He would take pains to accumulate funds, if he does not possess the disposable funds at any given time, in case he is not suitably endowed. So, when an opportunity arises (discounts etc) he makes full use of it.

I had a pretty 'tight' childhood, but it did not stop my late father to somehow collect expensive pens and keeping them unused. I have inherited close to 30 such pens of yester-years (50s & 60s era) still lying packed ... still brand new carefully kept in a briefcase of the likes of Pilot, Parker, Waterman, Sheaffer (all ink) and close to 6 Cross pens! I don't use them, but love to look at them once a while.

On a lighter perspective, how come 2 'Delhiwallahs' have so divergent of views? :p
Guys, guys, guys, it is a group buy for MB pens as simple as that. Let us keep it at that.

Either you are in or out. Let us make the whole thing simple! :)

I am out, cannot afford it.
Do you even know whether OP earns 5 lacs p.a. & is entitled only for a M800 or earns a crore and hence can think of buying a Audi. You are passing a judgement without even knowing the facts.
And it is just a matter of perspective. Like "normal" people ridicule us for spending so much on an audio sytem just the way you are ridiculing him for planning to buy a Mont Blanc pen.
I would say, to each his own. We all have too much worries of our own, than worrying about other people's finances.
The real analogies which you can correctly make are:

Collecting stamps

Collecting old coins which are not in circulation

Similarly collecting expensive pens

BTW what made you believe I was going to buy a MB for the sake of it...Just to set things in perspective my list includes 3 limited edition pens...and yes I can afford buying 3 at one time...if on a discount even better.

And your point about education is indeed correct....I see that you are profoundly lacking in civility and civil discourse.....

Someone remarked about divergent views in Delhi...well its a melting pot and we all carry our regional baggage (ahhh, I get it now .... you though just because I am from Delhi, where showoffs abound, so am I? Talk about people judging others without having met them)
Because people who can genuinely afford something don't go around looking for sales. Those who care barely afford something may do it once in a while. But those who earn 1 cr per month never opt for sales.
Because people who can genuinely afford something don't go around looking for sales. Those who care barely afford something may do it once in a while. But those who earn 1 cr per month never opt for sales.

People who have grown up 'tight' would always look around for good deals, no matter how rich they have made it in life. They would always hold the 3 letters ie. VFM in high esteem!
And they will never be considered a part of the upper class or elite class for they don't have the etiquette to behave what is required from an upper class family. No matter how rich an illiterate farmer becomes for instance, he will never become classy or respectable as a regular upper class family.
And most people who genuinely become that rich by hard work don't have the time to waste on petty stuff. Their time is more important to them than a few lakhs here or there. And only such people are the ones who can buy anything and everything without having to save money or ask wife or their fate for permission.
And they will never be considered a part of the upper class or elite class for they don't have the etiquette to behave what is required from an upper class family. No matter how rich an illiterate farmer becomes for instance, he will never become classy or respectable as a regular upper class family.

You have hit the nail on the head ... at last! It is 'your' education which decides 'your' class not, how rich or by-birth background ....
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