Washing Machine Woes...


New Member
Oct 28, 2008
We bought a new LG washing machine, fully automatic and costing about 15K. Much against my wishes it was my wife's choice and this time around like all husbands I had to toe the line. It's been 4 days now since it was delivered and we are still waiting for the LG personnel to come and fix it up and give us a demo. 4 days, really seems like heights.

Now the same day we got a Videocon, semi-automatic machine (yeah 2 washing machines for the same house) but this was my mother's choice. It cost about 6K and the very same day of delivery it was fixed and up and running.

No wonder I hate the Korean companies and I'm pretty much convinced to return the LG and get a Videocon fully automatic instead.

My wife however is convinced to wait for the LG guys. But one thing is sure, the LG guys are going to get a piece of my mind and will definitely not like what I will be saying to them.

Useless Korean companies. Wonder why everyone keeps raving about their service. Desi Videocon is so much better.

Please forgive me for my ranting...
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moserw you are making your house electronic warehouse ?.........:lol:

Ha ha. Wife does not want to change clothes like in semi-automatic and wants a fully automatic to start and forget. Mom is weak with electronics and wants to use what she is used to (our old one was semi-automatic). Thankfully my sister is in the U.S. or we might have had a third option too.
Moser,understand your irritation very well-when you've finally bought something, you don't want to keep waiting for an installation.
But LG is a good brand as is the other Korean, samsung.
I have been using a Samsung"Fuzzy Logic"(wonder what the hell that means;maybe just a term to impress us non techies)washing machine for the last 12 years,no probs, & its been used everyday.
So curb your anger, I'm sure it'll turn out to be a great buy.
Moser,understand your irritation very well-when you've finally bought something, you don't want to keep waiting for an installation.
But LG is a good brand as is the other Korean, samsung.
I have been using a Samsung"Fuzzy Logic"(wonder what the hell that means;maybe just a term to impress us non techies)washing machine for the last 12 years,no probs, & its been used everyday.
So curb your anger, I'm sure it'll turn out to be a great buy.

Hopefully. My wife was using an LG for 7 years at her mom's before marriage and is convinced about it. I've always had bad experiences with Korean products beginning with my Samsung mobile phones a good many years ago.
Ha ha. Wife does not want to change clothes like in semi-automatic and wants a fully automatic to start and forget. Mom is weak with electronics and wants to use what she is used to (our old one was semi-automatic). Thankfully my sister is in the U.S. or we might have had a third option too.

And your kids are too young to operate washing machine...:lol:
No wonder I hate the Koreans and I'm pretty much convinced to return the LG and get a Videocon fully automatic instead.

I guess it's OT - .
Hope you didn't really mean "Koreans" but the Korean companies :)
Just thinking, in case some Korean is going thro' this forum, how much insulted he would feel!
Hey, my experience is that these Korean companies are almost as good as the Japanese... in customer service dept, I guess you just count yourself lucky if you get good service from any of these mass consumer companies... be it Jap, Korean, Europian or whatever!
No kids yet. But if I have a daughter then I guess she will win always over my mother and wife. If a son, I'm sure he will keep quiet like my father and me...

Actually my sammy TV has held out well so far. The LG fully auto washing machine is also doing fine though my neighbour's has been serviced 2 times now.

They are mass merchandise brands. for premium I see the original Bosch or Philips to be the cream.

I would ask for a partial discount due to the lack of service. I am sure they will take care of htat esp. if you threaten to return it.
moserw, I am surprised that you let the ladies make choices for your electronic stuff. In my house it's totally my department...buying...setting...fixing etc...:cool:

Hey, you are a top ranking forum member here, who gives useful advices to many fellow members on gadgets & what is good to buy etc., and you have no say on these matters in your own house? :rolleyes: come on moserw, this is really disappointing! :p

About the installation, hey can't you get it running yourself? Unless it is front loading and needs some plumbing work done??

And Videocon? why not Godrej or Onida? :ohyeah:
No wonder I hate the Koreans and I'm pretty much convinced to return the LG and get a Videocon fully automatic instead.

I guess it's OT - .
Hope you didn't really mean "Koreans" but the Korean companies :)
Just thinking, in case some Korean is going thro' this forum, how much insulted he would feel!
Hey, my experience is that these Korean companies are almost as good as the Japanese... in customer service dept, I guess you just count yourself lucky if you get good service from any of these mass consumer companies... be it Jap, Korean, Europian or whatever!

My apologies. I meant Korean companies and I've edited my post too. Nothing personal against Koreans.

BTW I don't see anything wrong with expressing myself either. We Indians are way too passive and submissive. See how we are being treated in Australia. Imagine if an Australian was beaten in India? We would be called uncivilized, uncouth, backward and what not. But when it happens to an Indian nothing happens.
Actually my sammy TV has held out well so far. The LG fully auto washing machine is also doing fine though my neighbour's has been serviced 2 times now.

They are mass merchandise brands. for premium I see the original Bosch or Philips to be the cream.

I would ask for a partial discount due to the lack of service. I am sure they will take care of htat esp. if you threaten to return it.

Have my mind set on a front loading IFB. Could not consider it due to budget for now...
No wonder I hate the Koreans and I'm pretty much convinced to return the LG and get a Videocon fully automatic instead.

Useless Koreans. Wonder why everyone keeps raving about their service. Desi Videocon is so much better.

Koreans make quality products & offer great services too. It's our fellow Indian counterparts who are are messing it up for you.

But I guess you are simply unlucky.

And mark my words...your LG machine will last many more years than that Videocon....unless you are terribly unlucky again...hope not:ohyeah:
Ha ha that's a good one.

To tell you the truth we have used a semi-automatic till now and I don't know how even that runs. Yeah, I'm lazy in some departments. Wife does the clothes washing now and before it was mom. Even for microwave the ladies made the choice based on their requirement and the same goes for the fridge and dish washer too. For others like TV, DVDP, CDP, HT, PS3, etc. I make the choice.

BTW any suggestions for a new fridge anyone? The compressor on my Godrej conked out and it was actually while window shopping for a new fridge we finalized on the washing machines. The decision about the fridge is still pending in fact and I'm not even stepping out of home waiting for the LG guys to show up and fix the washing machine.

Coming to why not Godrej and Onida, well I was a huge Onida and all our TVs and A/Cs were from Onida a while back, but sadly these days they are lacking behind the other brands in terms of performance. Godrej, well the compressor on the fridge conked out so I though why not try another brand, that's all.

moserw, I am surprised that you let the ladies make choices for your electronic stuff. In my house it's totally my department...buying...setting...fixing etc...:cool:

Hey, you are a top ranking forum member here, who gives useful advices to many fellow members on gadgets & what is good to buy etc., and you have no say on these matters in your own house? :rolleyes: come on moserw, this is really disappointing! :p

About the installation, hey can't you get it running yourself? Unless it is front loading and needs some plumbing work done??

And Videocon? why not Godrej or Onida? :ohyeah:
Hey, you are a top ranking forum member here, who gives useful advices to many fellow members on gadgets & what is good to buy etc., and you have no say on these matters in your own house? come on moserw, this is really disappointing!


Haha:lol: thats interesting.... Moserw you should answer for that:ohyeah:
Hi Moser,
I have an electrolux for a few years now and its been good. Larger (440L) than our needs and good fit and finish and is very silent. They are totally imported and u get one thats either made in thailand or Brazil. (at the time i last checked)
For a washing machine i would recommend a SIEMENS fully automatic. The one i have has been brilliant. Much better than the National/IFB that it replaced a few years ago.

For most such appliances my wife is absolutely cool and leaves the decision to me:yahoo:
Unfortunately moser, bad service is the norm, and good service is a very rare exception, and so rather than blame LG, i would be lauding Videocon. I've had poor service from Airtel, Whirlpool, Sony (Ericsson), and so on, but that doesn't mean I blacklist Indian, American, Japanese (and even Swedish) companies on account of it. As a matter of fact it's the two Korean brands that I own that I've had no service problems with, Samsung and Hyundai, my Samsung fridge and TV have *touch wood* not required service, installation was prompt in both instances. My Hyundai car also I've had good service.

This doesn't mean I'd go around recommending Korean companies based on this. There are just too many variables to make such generalisations :)
Hi dinyaar,

It seems you've read my mind. We in fact saw an Electrolux that we liked very much. Like you say the finish was way better than anything else and in red metallic color which no one else had. We almost finalized on it but then the washing machines took over. One more option I had in mind was a Hitachi that a friend picked up recently and is very happy with. But not too sure about the after sales service of Hitachi though.

My wife is an electronics engineer (which I am not) so on that front I guess she knows what she is talking about. And WAF too is important ever since I got married. Cannot win them all...

Thanks for your valuable input.

Hi Moser,
I have an electrolux for a few years now and its been good. Larger (440L) than our needs and good fit and finish and is very silent. They are totally imported and u get one thats either made in thailand or Brazil. (at the time i last checked)
For a washing machine i would recommend a SIEMENS fully automatic. The one i have has been brilliant. Much better than the National/IFB that it replaced a few years ago.

For most such appliances my wife is absolutely cool and leaves the decision to me:yahoo:
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