Wireless Keyboard Mouse for HTPC


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2008
hello all

i was wondering if any expereinced users could spare me some advice on a wireless keyboard mouse combo which i can use for my HTPC

i have searched some forums and read reviews
they are mixed
most complints on wireless peripherals are about the range and battery life which are both important in the HTPC screnario

Many reviewers dont face many problems since their keyboards/mouse are generally close to the screen ,CPU and sensors

the problems arise in HTPC wherein an LCD tv is used as screen and operating is done from 8-10 feet
this is where many keyboard mouse fail

they are unable to handle more than 4-5 feet

i would like advice on a combo that would work at 10 feet

i was looing at the following but it seems they have mixed reviews on the range too

Logitech > Keyboards > Keyboard + Mice Combos > Cordless Desktop S520

Logitech > Keyboards > Keyboard + Mice Combos > Cordless Desktop LX 310 Laser


Microsoft Wireless Media Desktop 1000

plesae advice
budget about 2000-3k max

range 10 feet
good battery

NO other requirements
I tried many upto 2k, none of them worked, I was able to return because I had asked earlier about the range, and the seller said it will work and it didnt. still got stuck with store refund in some cases:mad:

My understanding is that the blutooth ones will work for this much range. dont know the cost though. supposedly many of the 100$ ones work fine but then who wants to spend that much for kbd/mouse for htpc. I use kbd/mouse only for actual playback and most of the other stuff on htpc I do using vnc from the desktop.

read reviews from actual users before you buy one because it seems many of them dont give their advertised range.
I use an iBall set, cost me about 1.4K, and I wire the receiver using USB extenders, so that it's about 8 feet away. Works fine, but gets iffy beyond about 10 feet. The distance to the PC is about 14 feet, the receiver simply doesn't work at that distance.

iBall was the first I tried and returned. range wasnt enough. there was another issue, when you start up the machine, you need to take the kbd within a few feet range of the comp for it to recognize it, once it did that, then you can work from a distance, but still not enough range. it was also documented in their teensy manual.
I also tried the logitech 100/110 or something like that. didnt work either. so I am also eagerly awaiting the outcome of this thread.:)
not prepared to spend 6k currently ( definetely not 11k)

your experience seems right on with the reviews ive read
no good budget combos:mad:

hmm your idea is nifty
with your idea i can bring the distance down to 8-8.5 feet feet i suppose
no less
which of the options above would you guys recommend?

doors ,cranky
which i ball are you guys talking about
their website boasts a range of 10metres!
ofcourse most revieers deny it in actaul usage

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not prepared to spend 6k currently ( definetely not 11k)

your experience seems right on with the reviews ive read
no good budget combos:mad:

hmm your idea is nifty
with your idea i can bring the distance down to 8-8.5 feet feet i suppose
no less
which of the options above would you guys recommend?

doors ,cranky
which i ball are you guys talking about
their website boasts a range of 10metres!
ofcourse most revieers deny it in actaul usage


i think most of these companies are ripping us off for the wireless keyboard and mouse. u can get one for 1.5k, and a 100 rs remote has more range than these items. what would justify a price of 10k for kbd/mouse, it has to be gold plated atleast:)

the iball had another stupidity. the receiver is smaller than a pen drive. if you fit this into a slot in the mouse, then only the mouse shuts off. otherwise its always on, hogging battery, atrocious design :lol:

WAF is low for the extender solution for me:sad:
Ok, I can personally vouch for the Logitech Mx 5500 Revolution KB/Mouse Combo. Its bluetooth which means that it works from anywhere in my home...I can type from the loo if I have the urge. Kind of liberating really. Jokes apart, this combo comes with the insane MX Revolution mouse, widely regarded as one of the best. What's more, I use my wireless combo for Call of Duty and get pinpoint accuracy!! I think, if you want the range, you've got to part with some dinero. The Logitech MX 5500 was around 8K on the grey market 6 months back...you can probably get it for 7 now.
If you are not prepared to spend above 5 K for a decent all round Keyboard mouse combo (you are damn right this is way too expensive:)), then you ought to go with Cranky's extender/receiver idea.

Personally though, I have tried a lot of things and really have not been floored by any of the possibilities of this sort.

The one item that seemed to beat all others in terms of PC remote control was a HTPC remote called 'Streamzap'. This will not work if you actually want to type documents remotely. But my need simply was to control the computer from a fair distance and nothing seemed better than this. Plus it costs a measly $30 I think. Lots of feedback on the net. There is a competitor, but I saw many Open source plugins available for Streamzap and went for this.

It is currently with my brother in the US - waiting to be shipped.
If you are not prepared to spend above 5 K for a decent all round Keyboard mouse combo (you are damn right this is way too expensive:)), then you ought to go with Cranky's extender/receiver idea.

Personally though, I have tried a lot of things and really have not been floored by any of the possibilities of this sort.

The one item that seemed to beat all others in terms of PC remote control was a HTPC remote called 'Streamzap'. This will not work if you actually want to type documents remotely. But my need simply was to control the computer from a fair distance and nothing seemed better than this. Plus it costs a measly $30 I think. Lots of feedback on the net. There is a competitor, but I saw many Open source plugins available for Streamzap and went for this.

It is currently with my brother in the US - waiting to be shipped.

No, I dont want to spend 5k+ on this. I look at it this way, a good keyboard/mouse wired can be had for about 7-8 hundred bucks, how expensive could it be to add wireless technology to it that operates from 15 feet. The same technology can be found in a stupid remote, which a good branded one will cost about 500 bucks. For 1100 bucks, you can buy a cell phone which can communicate over a few kms or the wireless adaptor for about 1000 bucks. So why does the wireless kbd/mouse should cost so much. I dont need mega features or looks or even precision. I just need a stupid working one. I will be using it for about 10 clicks in 3 hrs:). So I refuse to pay atrocious prices for this. currently I am using a usb keyboard/mouse with a long cable. will upgrade whenever I get a good one below 3k. Its just a question of principles, I refuse to be conned, that too knowingly.:)

I dont want to get a remote either as some day I will be getting an proper htpc cabinet, most of which come with remote and inbuilt receivers.
No, I dont want to spend 5k+ on this. I look at it this way, a good keyboard/mouse wired can be had for about 7-8 hundred bucks, how expensive could it be to add wireless technology to it that operates from 15 feet. The same technology can be found in a stupid remote, which a good branded one will cost about 500 bucks. For 1100 bucks, you can buy a cell phone which can communicate over a few kms or the wireless adaptor for about 1000 bucks. So why does the wireless kbd/mouse should cost so much. I dont need mega features or looks or even precision. I just need a stupid working one. I will be using it for about 10 clicks in 3 hrs:). So I refuse to pay atrocious prices for this. currently I am using a usb keyboard/mouse with a long cable. will upgrade whenever I get a good one below 3k. Its just a question of principles, I refuse to be conned, that too knowingly.:)

I dont want to get a remote either as some day I will be getting an proper htpc cabinet, most of which come with remote and inbuilt receivers.


but many things we buy are like this
we have to live with it all

nway so now im looking at ?
streamzap (no keyboard so its a bit iffy)
the MX5500
or this
iBall Your eyeball view. Our technology new.

or should i just try this

any other advice guys for something at 3k?
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No, I dont want to spend 5k+ on this. I look at it this way, a good keyboard/mouse wired can be had for about 7-8 hundred bucks, how expensive could it be to add wireless technology to it that operates from 15 feet. The same technology can be found in a stupid remote, which a good branded one will cost about 500 bucks. For 1100 bucks, you can buy a cell phone which can communicate over a few kms or the wireless adaptor for about 1000 bucks. So why does the wireless kbd/mouse should cost so much. I dont need mega features or looks or even precision. I just need a stupid working one. I will be using it for about 10 clicks in 3 hrs:). So I refuse to pay atrocious prices for this. currently I am using a usb keyboard/mouse with a long cable. will upgrade whenever I get a good one below 3k. Its just a question of principles, I refuse to be conned, that too knowingly.:)

I dont want to get a remote either as some day I will be getting an proper htpc cabinet, most of which come with remote and inbuilt receivers.

Yes indeed. All our life, if you think about it, is a series of compromises. The dedicated HTPC cabinet that you speak of for example is priced atrociously! If used as a dedicated HTPC, I dont think one would need anything other than a solution like Streamzap.

If at all we think of using the computer for regular typing and all that, then you would need a proper keyboard.

All this apart though, the comfort and plug and play experience offered by a remote is certainly a class apart from the keybard-mouse combo. I know we guys dont mind it. But the remote would be a nice solution for the entire family. (read - a nice compromise). :)

You can always have a USB Keyboard and Mouse combo that you can use for hardcore typing.
Yes indeed. All our life, if you think about it, is a series of compromises. The dedicated HTPC cabinet that you speak of for example is priced atrociously! If used as a dedicated HTPC, I dont think one would need anything other than a solution like Streamzap.

I fully agree..
The HTPC cabinets are really priced atrociously. The ones I've been looking like the Silverstone ones..The basic model do not even have PSU or a remote and costs 7500/=!!:mad: But, they look great... it like fancy items ...new in the market....I am sure their prices will come down too:ohyeah:

The remote keypad combo are also expensive... costs a bomb!! one good one is the Logitech Divino mini which costs around 9k.:sad: Expensive but look great.

Streamzap looks cool!!

One could also look at a media player like the D-Link DSM 320 or DSM 520.....(DSM 320 costs around US130) They have similar program and remote like the SteamZap and are wireless as well....:cool:
I believe you can use and iphone as a remote to control htpc using some software. so if u have one, you are all set.

it might be possible to use other mobiles for this purpose, with appropriate s/w

I am planning to get a remote from some friends in us. I will probably go with a blutooth wireless mouse also. I think these two should suffice. I also use my desktop (vnc or remote desktop) to connect to the htpc for maintenance work, and a usb wired kbd is connected to the htpc also. I think with a remote, wireless mouse and a wired kbd, I should be all set.

I find it surprising that none of the products use the wireless adaptor as the receiver, mostly its either ir or rf.
Its 10 meters
as it runs on bluetooth technology

hi ashish,

I see that 10m is the published number, have you tested it yourself. sorry, i've burnt my fingers before with the published numbers thats why I want to be doubly sure.

does it work thru obstructions or does it need a clear line of sight.

Most of the blutooth ones supposedly have better range, is that always true? IR and RF were hopeless for w/l kbd mouse at even 10-12ft.

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