My Pass F5 Build

One thing to be said, if digital is your poison, CD's,mp3's of old songs really sound bad on F5.

So any comparison has to be made with quality flacs.
One thing to be said, if digital is your poison, CD's,mp3's of old songs really sound bad on F5.

So any comparison has to be made with quality flacs.

when we did the comparison we only used FLAC and WAV on ASUS Xonar Essence STX.

Some of the tracks were:

kraftwerk (flac) - The Man Machine
01. Allan Taylor - Colour To The Moon.flac
01 - Enigma - Sadeness, Part 1.flac
01 - Bob Marley - Is This Love.flac
CD1 - 01 Eagles - Take It Easy.flac

And i assume that when somebody tells about auditioning he/she will be doing that with lossless audio format by default.
That's a very interesting observation, and I guess it suddenly opens up a new world of lower powered amps, including the Le Monstre, even to people who don't own 100 (or thereabout) dB efficiency horns or full range speakers. I had always held the view that 8- to 12-watt amplifiers would be too low powered to drive normal efficiency speakers (by which I mean 86-92 dB/W/m) to normal listening levels.

One interesting thing is that Hiraga - Le Monstre is damn good match with Pass B1!.

Pass B1 is a real value for money and it really does justice for the job it has assigned.

After all these experiment i have concluded that.

Hiraga - Le Monstre + Fostex FR or MarkAudio FR or
L Cao alnico Full Range on a TL design will do colossal audio nirvana. And that too within affordable budget.

And after listening Le Monstre i started to believe that even a super accurate 5W Class A amp on a efficient speaker is good enough for any domestic application.

Few Adv. are:

1. We can throw a hell lot of hi precision components on such design and it wont make a hole in our pocket.
2. PSU, a major cost factor in Class A amp can be completed even with double the caps. bank, higher VA transformer etc (Le Monstre uses 9-0-9VAC, 10A or 12A), still wont cost much.
3. Can run more duration it wont increase electricity bill much.
4. Heat sink and other h/w materials cost fall under affordable range.
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Thank you Sachu, I have also gone through that thread. I don't think it is a component mismatch. FM kroyin has also mentioned the same experience with F5. I am not saying it is too bad or there is now bass. It is there, but compared to Le Monstre the sound dynamics are bit low.


Hi Bibin,
Could you tell me about Power supply caps values used in your F5.It is very sensitive to Capacitance.I know Bijin has used 22000uf for Monstre.Power supply caps make real impact in Class A specially in low fq.


Each implementation and listening environment is different and so are tastes. There is no point in coming to conclusions on what is probably one of the most well regarded amp designs (pass F5), without giving yourself a chance to listen to another setup. I will invite you to come and listen to my setup in Bangalore for a second opinion. Here I am not getting into any comparisons with Le Monstre. It may be a better design after all, but I have not heard and I intend to soon.

Rightly said Anil, for my chain & taste F5 didn't meet my expectations, but that doesn't mean it will be universal.

Aleph J sounded good to me so I moved on :), didn't take a big financial hit as I could reuse a lot.
That is the beauty of DIY,you don't get stuck with what you get :)

Each implementation and listening environment is different and so are tastes. There is no point in coming to conclusions on what is probably one of the most well regarded amp designs (pass F5), without giving yourself a chance to listen to another setup. I will invite you to come and listen to my setup in Bangalore for a second opinion. Here I am not getting into any comparisons with Le Monstre. It may be a better design after all, but I have not heard and I intend to soon.


I completely agree with you Anil, and thank you for the invitation and you are always welcome to audition the Le Monstre.

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