New Speakers for Musical Fidelity A 3.2

hi guys

After a few auditions of Monitor Audio , Quad , Wharfedale , B&W , Yamaha:eek:hyeah: I have decided to hang in with the Quad22l2 , the quads sounded very good and the mids were best in the quads. The Monitor Audio Gold GS60 was also a good speakers but beyond my budget , Wharfedale was a good VFM product but when compared to the quads became ordinary speakers. RS6 are very good in the hi freq , but it did not match the quads in the mid and lows. I went to a friends place to audition the B&W 684 , Good speakers but priced too much. So is the quad22l2 a good choice to make. Did not have time to go to bangalore and audition the Pro ac. Planning to save the remaining amount and upgrade my amplifier later. What you guys say??

Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.